$20 $50 $100 $200 $10 $20 $50 $100 $200 $10 $20 $50 $100 $200 $10 $20 $50 $100 $200 $10 $20 $50 $100 $200 $10 Physical Features Maps Miscellaneous Geography Where are we Going? Who explored Our land?
What are the hilly areas at the base of a mountain?
What are Foothills?
What is lan d that has water on all sides called?
What is an Island?
Land that is almost completely surrounded by water is called what?
What is a Peninsula
What is a stream or river that empties into another river called?
What is a Tributary
A place where a river empties into another body of water is called _______
What is the Mouth of the River
This explains what the symbols on a map represent.
What is a Map Key
This tells the subject of a map.
What is a Map Title
The United States is located here.
What is the Northwestern Hemisphere?
All continents located west of the prime meridian are known as this.
What is the Western Hemisphere?
Human divisions of a particular area is shown in this.
What is a Political Map
This is the place where a river begins.
What is the Source of a River
This compares the distance on a map to distance in the real world.
What is a Map Scale?
These are the imaginary lines on a map formed by the lines of longitude and lines of latitude.
What is a Grid
This is a map that shows physical features such as land forms and bodies of water.
What is a Physical Map
This shows a small map or picture of a globe for you o locate the exact area.
What is a Locator
These are the main directions: north, south, east, and west
What are the Cardinal Directions
This is the marker that shows the cardinal directions
What is a Compass Rose
These are the east-west lines which the zero degrees line is the equator.
What Lines of Latitude?
These are the north- south lines which the zero degrees line is the prime meridian.
What are the Lines of Longitude?
This is where all continents north of the equator are located.
What is the Northern Hemisphere?
This man sailed the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria from Spain to discover America in 1942.
Who is Christopher Columbus?
These people found a route to the Pacific Ocean in America.
Who are Louis and Clark?
These were the first European people known to have visited the Americas.
Who are the Vikings?
This man discovered Jamestown Colony in Virginia.
Who is John Smith?
This was the Italian explorer who figured out that Columbus had not reached America.
Who is Amerigo Vespucci?