Energy and Environment Agency Lower Austria Hubert Fragner, Head of Department Communities and Regions Energie- und Umweltagentur Niederösterreich
eNu - Facts Founded in July 2011, in full operation still January 1 st 2012 Merger of several existing organisations, e.g. “die umweltberatung” NÖ, an NPO with 25 years experience in ecological education & training awareness raising consulting for citizens, schools, enterprises and municipalities 95 Employees, plus 80 energy consultants
Basic idea of eNu? The Energy and Environment Agency is the first-stop-shop for energy and environment in Lower Austria A centre of competence that unites (among others) the know-how of the following expert-organisations and initiatives:
ENu - 3 x 3 x 3 Formula 3 Activities: Dissemination of information & consulting; Research; support of administration and government 3 Topics: Energy & Climate, Environment & lifestyle, Nature & resources 3 Target Groups: Citizens, Municipalities, Business
Areas of work Energy & Climate Implementation of energy programmes; training for profes- sionals; energy consulting; public awareness campaigns Environment & Lifestyle Providing information for sustainable living, incl. mobility, public procurement Nature & Resources Conservation of nature, water and soil; use of local resources
Main Activities Dissemination of know-how & Consulting awareness activities (e.g. events); technical support for the target groups for environmental and energy issues (with a focus on energy), providing information via training, internet and publications Research management of research and dissemination projects; national, European and multi-national projects Support for administration and government implementation of regional policies; designing regional programmes and policies; technical advice;
Target groups Citizens awareness campaigns, providing information for the public (several websites, brochures etc.) workshops, energy consulting (esp. renovation of buildings) etc. Municipalities and public facilities (e.g. schools) supporting infrastructure for municipalities (technical and funding); events for exchange of experiences; training and networking of energy-managers (obligatory for every community); enterprises supporting local producers of food; consulting private companies
Offices – close to clients Energy and Environment Agency Lower Austria Grenzgasse 10, 3100 St. Pölten Tel. +43-(0) ,
Energy Efficiency Act of Lower Austria (EEG-NOE) Legal effects on communities: Establishing of energy managers for every community Obligatory introduction of Energy Monitoring & Controlling System Definition of energy efficient criteria for equipment acquisition Energy efficienct reconstruction of pulic buildings until 2020 Information of the Public about measures Government-fundet energy advisory for private households, communities and companies
Energy Efficiency Act of Lower Austria Tasks for eNu eNu is „first-stop-shop“ for energy managers Database management Coordination and task-sharing (partner organisations and regional actors) Networking Education and advanced education for E-M Dissemination of relevant information Service answering of questions advisory service concerning subsidies providing of papers for relevant topics Newsletter and website 10
1 Year Energy Efficiency Act of Lower Austria ≥ 1 EM educated or in education ≥ 1 EM not yet educated Communal Energy Managers in Lower Austria
1 Year Energy Efficiency Act of Lower Austria 350 of 573 Communities appointed Energy-Managers > 290 of them are just educated or in education > 300 Comm. started introduction of Energy Monitoring & Controlling System > 1000 buildings with 5000 electric meters 5 training cources finished, 5 running (> 200 participants) 535 counselling interviews 56 presentations, > participants
Thank you very much for your attention Contact: Hubert Fragner, Head of Department Communities and Regions Energy and Environment Agency Lower Austria Grenzgasse 10, 3100 St. Pölten +43(0)27 42 /