10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt Geography and Map Skills Key Terms 5 Themes Of Geography Latin America Natural Resources & Push - Pull 5 pt
This imaginary line splits the world into northern and southern hemispheres
What is the equator? Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere equator
Knowing Canada’s location to the Equator, its climate tends to be hot or cold
What is cold? Equator
This natural resource covers over 70% of the Earth’s surface
What is water?
True/False Farming on mountain tops is usually successful
What is false?
Three reasons it is difficult to grow crops on a mountain
What are the mountain’s steep grade, the rocky soil and cold climate?
Either the map scale or compass rose shows, the four cardinal directions of north, south, east and west, on the map. Bonus! Double the Point Value by explaining the purpose of the second map vocabulary.
What is a COMPASS ROSE?. Bonus answer: the scale shows relative size on a map.
This theory helps geographers explain migration
What is Push - Pull?
Average weather over many years
What is climate?
This is the term used to mean half the world
What is hemisphere ? E W
Meaning of R A S C, which is used to answer essay questions
What is Restate the question Answer the question S upport the question with facts Complete the answer with a concluding sentence?
This is what geographers learn when they study human-environment interaction
What is how people and the environment affect each other?
This theme of Geography means the physical or human features at a specific location.
What is Place ?
This theme of Geography groups places with a unifying theme.
What are regions ?
This theme of Geography explains how people, goods and ideas get from one place to another.
What is Movement?
This theme of Geography shows where something is according to directions or latitude and longitude.
What is Location?
Latin America is located in which East/West Hemisphere
What is the Western Hemisphere?
Latin America does not contain two countries of North America
What are Canada and the United States? X
Large number of people in Latin America leave the countryside for the city in order to do this
What is to give their children opportunities not available in their region?
3 factors which effect climate in Latin America
What are elevation, the Equator and wind patterns?
Name 3 examples of non-renewable resources
What are coal, oil, natural gas, gold and fossil fuels?
Fossil Fuels
What are resources created over millions of years from prehistoric plants and animals? Robinson map projection
Movement of people from region to another
What is migration?
In of The forced movement of people from one region to another
What is forced migration?
Three reasons to be pulled to a new region or location
What are better schools Better medical facilities Safe neighborhoods Better housing Peace in the country Religious freedom Find better jobs?
Three reasons for a family to be pushed from a region
What are poor housing, war, poor schools, inadequate medical facilities, no work or jobs, religious oppression and natural disaster?