Tweety Tuesday The changes of the Neolithic Revolution Topic: #babysitter -one person creates 3 hashtags, then passes it to a partner. -The partner writes 3 complete sentences on ONE hashtag
Thematic Essay Workshop
The Global Regents: -50 Multiple Choice questions -1 Thematic Essay -1 DBQ essay (document based questions) -12-13 Documents questions. The regents is graded with a conversion chart. This chart adds the correct multiple choice and DBQ questions to your essay grades. You must get at least one THREE to pass.
Why does it matter? The regents has 50 MC, 1 thematic, 13 DBQ questions and a DBQ essay to write. Then the regents is graded on a conversion chart. Most students get a 25/50 MC right, which means they HAVE to do well on the essays!
That means you have to get to 3s on your essays to pass!! Avg. score: 25MC + 12 DBQ=37 That means you have to get to 3s on your essays to pass!!
What is a Thematic Essay? Thematic Essays prove a point and your job is to provide evidence for it. You will need to pick an argument and persuade the audience of your opinion. This is much easier than you think, just present the information you know on the topic! This is just like English! You make a thematic statement then defend it!
Descriptive: To tell about and illustrate in words What makes a 3? Look at the rubric for a 3: Descriptive: To tell about and illustrate in words Analysis: break an idea into parts to determine relationships and associations
What makes a 2? 2 3 -no intro/ conclusion -faulty information -mostly correct
Hints to write a 3 -jot down ideas BEFORE you read the suggestions -organize into intro, body, body, conclusion -Do not list but include as much information as possible (remember some can be wrong!!) -After writing check that you FINISHED the whole task.
Persuasion Map Organize your thoughts before you write. For this workshop you will write about the economic, social and political impact of the Neolithic Revolution. You need an intro and a conclusion.
Intro What is my thematic sentence? What is my thematic sentence? Must include you thematic sentence, or what you are writing about. You can reword the theme just do NOT copy it: Revolutions have occurred throughout history and have changed the development of the world. Revolutions are changes to basic things, events or ideas. One Revolution that had lasting impacts on the political, social and economic spheres of life was the Neolithic Revolution. The changes during the Neolithic period have affected the entire world to present day. What is my thematic sentence? What is my thematic sentence? The changes during the Neolithic period have effected the entire world to present day.
Group up Count by 3s and work together to brainstorm what to write about. I will be coming around to help you work on intros and body paragraphs. You are NOT writing today, just completing the Persuasion Map