Rigor and Acceleration in World Languages Through Literacy HCPSS World Languages November 24,
Today’s Outcomes HCPSS World Languages November 24, 2014 Participants will Reflect on steps we have taken as a program to provide rigor to our students Reinforce their knowledge about the communication standard, specifically the interpretive mode Reflect on how authentic texts can provide rigor in world languages Explore sources for authentic text Set goals for incorporating authentic text into instruction. 2
HCPSS Beliefs and Values Around Language Learning Language is best learned in an immersion setting. Language function takes precedent over language form. Language learning should begin as early as possible. Language learning should be available to all students. Language learners are diverse and grow at varying rates in their language learning. Language learning aligns with 21 st century skills and contributes to college and career readiness. Language skills are best measured by proficiency level.
Pathways to Proficiency System Goal for World Languages In addition to English Language Arts, every student will graduate with intermediate level proficiency in at least one other world language.
Rigor in World Languages HCPSS World Languages November 24, Target language use by teachers and students Common rubrics focused on proficiency Integrated performance assessments AP vertical articulation using Communicative Skill Builders
HCPSS WL Target Language Goals Minimize the amount of translation (exception: Latin) Maximize the minutes we have for comprehensible input Give students supports and scaffolds for maintaining target language use. Provide ways students can extend their skill building beyond the classroom. Teach circumlocution skills Use communicative skill builders 8
Rigor and Acceleration in World Languages Through Literacy HCPSS World Languages November 24,
The Communication Standard 10
Interpretive Communication Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics Source: heard, read, or viewed One-way communication: no opportunity to: Interact with the initiator of the communication Interaction is only with the text Purpose: discover new information or ideas Build on prior knowledge or thoughts Affirm or change ideas Imagine, enjoy, experience 11
What Interpretive Communication Is and Isn’t 12
Analyze the Can Do statements for Interpretive Communication 13
Interpretive Performance 14
Integrated Performance Assessments 15
What are Authentic Texts? 16
What are Authentic Texts? 17 Authentic texts are those prepared by and for the target language users and not for language learners. They are written solely for the use of target language speakers for pleasure or information.
Let’s brainstorm types of authentic text With a partner, brainstorm types of authentic text by writing them on the stickie notes. On the chart, organize the text types by the proficiency level to which they are most appropriate. When time is called, share your pair’s ideas with the group. 18
What do readers bring to the interpretation task? Their knowledge of the target language Their background knowledge and world experiences Their knowledge of how discourse is organized Their ability to hold information in short-term memory Their ability to use a variety of strategies to help them arrive at meaning (adapted from Shrum & Glisan, 2010, p. 183) 19
Interpretive Strategies Ask overarching questions: What does the author (speaker, producer) want you to understand? Don’t have students read out loud as a comprehension strategy (it is only pronunciation practice and only for the person reading) Have students work in pairs to collaboratively make meaning Ask for simple responses to signal comprehension 20
Sample Interpretive Assessments 21
Developing Interpretive Skills 1. Integrate authentic texts into instruction on a regular basis. 2. Provide opportunities for students to explore an authentic text in order to glean either the main idea or specific details, but without having to demonstrate an understanding of the entire text. 3. Prepare students for the task by activating their background knowledge and engaging them in anticipating the main idea of what they will read. 22
Developing Interpretive Skills 4. Provide students with strategies for comprehending authentic texts such as: Using contextual clues Using word families as clues to figuring out the meaning of new words Identifying key words that provide meaning clues Using titles and visuals that appear with the text as clues to meaning 23
Developing Interpretive Skills 5. Use interpretive tasks as the basis for interpersonal and presentational communication 6. Design interpretive activities that include pair and group collaboration 7. Assist students in moving from literal comprehension (key word, main idea, and supporting detail detection) to interpretive comprehension (word and concept inferences, author/cultural perspectives, organizational principles of the text). 24
Sources for authentic text What are some of your favorite sources for authentic text? 25
What are infographics? According to Wikipedia, infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly; also called “data visualization.” 26
A sample infographic 27
Infographics: Authentic text that crosses proficiency levels Explore the examples of infographics provided on the wiki page: OR, if you would like to search other infographics for your language, use the image search feature on your browser, search the target language word for “infographic.” For example, Spanish: infografias French: infographiques German: infografik Italian: infografica Choose one infographic that aligns to an upcoming unit. Reflect on how you will use it with your students as authentic text. When time is called, share your ideas. 28
Set some goals Reflect on your learning today around the interpretive communication standard, authentic text, and infographics. Turn to a partner and talk about some goals you are setting for yourself as a result of today’s professional learning. 29
Your feedback is important! 30
Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities HCPSS World Languages November 24, Questioning and Discussion Techniques Support Session: Tuesday, December 2, 2014, 3:30-5:30 pm, MVMS Teachers of Less Commonly Taught Languages: Tuesday, January 6, 2015, 8:00am-3:00pm, Ascend One-Patuxent Questioning and Discussion Techniques Online Session #3: Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 4:30-6:00 pm World Language Learning Community: Thursday, January 29, 2015, 3:00-6:00 pm, WLHS
Rigor and Acceleration in World Languages Through Literacy HCPSS World Languages November 24,