Chinese Philosophies Dr. Teresa A. Helmick Johnson County Community College Intercultural Communication
My Department Four classes: Public Speaking Interpersonal Communication Personal Communication Intercultural Communication
Interest in East-West Center
It wasn’t because of this:
Or this:
Or even this…
Study of Asian Cultures Garden at East-West Center
Map of China and Southeast Asia
Why do we need to know about China? Why do we need to care? How many of you have been to China? How many of you have been to any other foreign country? Did you see the USA differently when you came back?
Why…. To be Smarter.
The United States How old is the US Government? Declaration of Independence 1776 Constitution 1788 225 years old
China How old is the Chinese Government? According to the US Department of State Web site China is the oldest continuous major world civilization with records dating back 3,500 years.
China Has Billion people. The United states has? 307 Million
China’s Growth United StatesUnited States JapanChina GermanyJapan FranceGermany UKFrance
Prediction (Dr. Chris McNully) China United States Japan India Brazil
Shanghai 1990
Shanghai China 2010
Three Chinese Philosophical Perspectives Confusion Philosophy Daoism Philosophy Buddhist Philosophy
Time Line Time line
Our View We come to our worldview based on our own assumptions, values, rituals, religion, perspectives.
1949 Mao Zedong declaring The People’s Republic of China
President Hu Jin Tao 胡锦涛 2003 Joined the CPC 1964 胡锦涛
We think we have it right. What other models do we have that we can compare? Questions to ponder…..
What about Korea? Honor’s Forum topic for Fall 2012
Sabbatical 2013