Map of California Although California was sighted by Spanish navigator Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo in 1542, its first Spanish mission (at San Diego) was not established until California became a U.S. territory in 1847 when Mexico surrendered it to John C. Frémont. On Jan. 24, 1848, James W. Marshall discovered gold at Sutter's Mill, starting the California Gold Rush and bringing settlers to the state in large numbers. By 1964, California had surpassed New York to become the most populous state. One reason for this may be that more immigrants settle in California than any other state—more than one-third of the nation's total in Asians and Pacific Islanders led the influx.Juan Rodríguez CabrilloSan DiegoCalifornia Gold Rush Leading industries include agriculture, manufacturing (transportation equipment, machinery, and electronic equipment), biotechnology, aerospace-defense, and tourism. Principal natural resources include timber, petroleum, cement, and natural gas. Death ValleyDeath Valley, in the southeast, is 282 ft below sea level, the lowest point in the nation. Mt. Whitney (14,491 ft) is the highest point in the contiguous 48 states. Lassen Peak is one of two active U.S. volcanoes outside of Alaska and Hawaii; its last eruptions were recorded in 1917.Mt. WhitneyLassen Peak Other points of interest include Yosemite National Park, Disneyland, Hollywood, the Golden Gate Bridge, Sequoia National Park, San Simeon State Park, and Point Reyes National Seashore. Yosemite National ParkDisneyland HollywoodGolden Gate Bridge Sequoia National ParkPoint Reyes National Seashore Read more: California: History, Geography, Population, & State California: History, Geography, Population, & State The following is a list showing the 100 largest incorporated cities in the state of California ranked by population, based on California Department of Finance (CDF) estimates for January 1, 2010 [1] and United States Census Bureau (USC) estimates from July 1, [2] Census Bureau populations are predominantly lower and not accounted for by date difference, mostly due to discrepancies over immigrants, which the California government claims causes financial burden. incorporatedCalifornia [1]United States Census Bureau [2] Note: These estimates are for the actual incorporated areas of the listed cities, as opposed to metropolitan areas, urban areas, or counties, and will therefore differ from other available population listings. Also, the California State Department of Finance uses different methods for estimating population than the United States Census Bureau, and therefore estimates from the two organizations will differ as well.metropolitan areasurban areascountiesUnited States Census Bureau
Between California's explosive growth following the discovery of gold in 1848, the fields of golden poppies that appear each spring throughout the state, the golden gate bridge, and the clear, golden coastal sunsets over the Pacific - California truly is the golden state! Gold is also one of California's official state colors.goldgolden poppiesstate colors
Written by F. B. Silverwood Composed by A. F. Frankenstein I love you, California, you're the greatest state of all I love you in the winter, summer, spring, and in the fall. I love your fertile valleys; your dear mountains I adore, I love your grand old ocean and I love her rugged shore. chorus I love your redwood forests - love your fields of yellow grain, I love your summer breezes, and I love your winter rain, I love you, land of flowers; land of honey, fruit and wine, I love you, California; you have won this heart of mine. chorus I love your old gray Missions - love your vineyards streteching far, I love you, California, with your Golden Gate ajar, I love your purple sunsets, love your skies of azure blue, I love you, California; I just can't help loving you. chorus I love you, Catalina - you are very dear to me, I love you, Tamalpais, and I love Yosemite, I love you, Land of Sunshine, half your beauties are untold, I loved you in my childhood, and I'll love you when I'm old. chorus When the snow crowned Golden Sierras Keep their watch o'er the valleys bloom. It is there I would be in our land by the sea, Ev'ry breeze bearing rich perfume, It is here nature gives of her rarest, It is Home Sweet Home to me. And I know when I die I shall breathe my last sigh For my sunny California