Department of Social Development South African Integrated Programme of Action for Early Childhood Development- Moving Ahead (2013-2016) SELECT COMMITTEE 28 OCTOBER 2014 Top Management - 15 October 2010
OUTLINE OF THE PRESENTATION Purpose Introduction Background SA Integrated POA for ECD- Moving Ahead (2013 -2016) Conclusion
PURPOSE To provide progress on the South African Integrated Programme of Action for Early Childhood Development-Moving Ahead (2013-2016).
INTRODUCTION ECD is a national priority programme under Outcome 1 – Quality Education as government has supported the principle of investment in Children. The National Planning commission in the national development plan indicated that action was needed to improve ECD Services. Core of the NDP is the focus on capabilities of the people and of the country. ECD is critical to ensure better performance in formal schooling which will later result in improved levels of employment
BACKGROUND Department of Social Development and key partners launched an awareness campaign to promote ECD in local communities in 2010. There were three National activities which impacted on ECD services in South Africa from 2011/2012: Review of the National Integrated Plan for Early Childhood Development ECD Diagnostic Review and the ECD Conference Action Plan. The above processes were merged into a draft “An Integrated Programme of Action for Early Childhood Development- Moving Ahead 2013-2016 ”.
BACKGROUND The South African Integrated Programme of Action for Early Childhood Development- Moving Ahead (2013 to 2016) was approved by Cabinet on the 18 September 2013 and had the following time frames for implementation: Short Term: April 2013 – March 2014 Medium Term: April 2014 – March 2015 Long Term: April 2016 – March 2017 Costing process on the Integrated Programme of Action which also addresses issues in the Policy is in progress with National Treasury.
South African Integrated Programme of Action for Early Childhood Development- Moving Ahead (2013 to 2016). Legislation and Policy Institutional arrangements/Coordination and integration Human resources, training and capacity building Comprehensive ECD Programme ECD Infrastructure Funding and partnerships Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Communication and awareness
1. LEGISLATION AND POLICY FRAMEWORK OUTPUT TIMEFRAME CURRENT SITUATION Develop the ECD policy. Develop an integrated ECD Policy. Cost and implement an integrated ECD Policy 31 March 2014 Draft ECD Policy developed National consultations were conducted. Extended Steering Committee consultation held on 27-28 May 2014 Provincial consultations on the draft ECD Policy took place in June 2014 and were completed in August 2014. Consultations were also done with the ECD Disability Sector on during September and October 2014. Currently consolidating inputs from the consultations and preparing for the gazetting. Costing process on the Integrated Programme of Action which also addresses issues in the Policy is in progress with National Treasury. Meetings were held in February, April and July to discuss funding models for ECD provisioning.
1. LEGISLATION AND POLICY FRAMEWORK OUTPUT TIMEFRAME CURRENT SITUATION All legislation, Regulations, Policy and municipal by-laws pertaining to Early Childhood Development reviewed. Norms and standards for differentiated ECD services, provisioning and funding for ECD reviewed and new norms and standards developed. 31 March 2015 To ensure that the time frame is met the following action are taking place from March 2014. All participating departments review norms and standards on ECD reporting quarterly . Submission of collated information to DSD. Harmonisation of all identified Norms and Standards according to new policy UNICEF will provide technical support for harmonisation of all identified Norms and Standards.
1. LEGISLATION AND POLICY FRAMEWORK OUTPUT TIMEFRAME CURRENT SITUATION Amendment of the Children's Act on ECD. 31 March 2015 Consulting processes underway. The second amendment is to be presented at parliament for approval. DSD legislative amendments to be made once policy is approved. An Integrated Strategy for the implementation of universal access for children birth to school going age developed. The concept of universal access for public good is articulated in the new policy Rollout plan to be developed once policy is approved
2. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS, COORDINATION AND INTEGRATION OUTPUT TIMEFRAME CURRENT SITUATION Feasibility study conducted on options for inter-sectoral management and coordination. 31 March 2014 The options for inter-sectoral management and coordination are reflected on the draft ECD Policy. The draft ECD Policy recommends the establishment of non- sectoral ECD Agency and a number of alternative coordination mechanisms in different departments. Draft ECD Policy propose the establishment of a branch in DSD as government should not loose control and strengthen DBE and DOH.
3. HUMAN RESOURCES, TRAINING AND CAPACITY BUILDING OUTPUT PRESENT TIMEFRAME AS PER ACTION PLAN CURRENT SITUATION Human Resource Development plan for the ECD Sector. 31 March 2015 Each participating department to do a comprehensive HR plan. Submission of collated information received from Departments. DSD received HR Plans from the provinces. In the process of developing DSD HR Plan. DBE has developed an ECD curriculum for children birth to school going age and stimulation material. Implementation of Curriculum according to DBE Minister’s speech commences in January 2015.
3. HUMAN RESOURCES, TRAINING AND CAPACITY BUILDING OUTPUT PRESENT TIMEFRAME AS PER ACTION PLAN CURRENT SITUATION 31 March 2015 The Department of Higher Education and Training developed a draft policy on Community Colleges. The draft National Policy on Community Colleges provides a framework for the process of establishing community colleges, governance and management of these institutional types, employment of staff, funding framework, programmes and qualification offerings, quality assurance, examination and assessment, regulation of private provision as well as monitoring and evaluation.
4. COMPREHENSIVE ECD PROGRAMME/SERVICES OUTPUT TIMEFRAME CURRENT SITUATION A comprehensive ECD programme for children birth to four years with roles and responsibilities of government departments and other stakeholders. 31 March 2014 Draft Comprehensive ECD Programme developed National consultations were conducted. Extended Steering Committee consultation held on 27-28 May 2014 Provincial consultations on the draft ECD Comprehensive Programme took place in June 2014 and were completed in August 2014. Consultations were also done with the ECD Disability Sector on during September and October 2014. Currently consolidating inputs from the consultations and preparing for the gazetting. Costing process on the Integrated Programme of Action which also addresses issues in the Comprehensive ECD Programme is in progress with National Treasury. Meetings were held in February, April and July to discuss funding models for ECD provisioning.
5. ECD INFRASTRUCTURE OUTPUT TIMEFRAME CURRENT SITUATION Audit of existing ECD infrastructure provisioning. 31 March 2014 Audit conducted in all the provinces in the 2013/14 financial . Audit finalised by the end of March 2014. The final report received end of May 2014. Provincial ECD reports were send out for comments and inputs. Feedback on the ECD Audit reports to be presented to different provinces. Provinces to develop a plan on how the database will be managed after handover. Audit report be used to develop their integrated ECD improvement (including infrastructure) plans with all stakeholders.
6. FUNDING AND PARTNERSHIPS OUTPUT TIME FRAME CURRENT SITUATION Identify and conduct research on all existing funding models. 31 March 2015 DSD to develop a concept paper on new funding and payment models for ECD services. This will include movement from payment according to attendance to monthly payment. The ECD policy suggests that the subsidy be increased to R20. The other suggestion regarding funding is that there be a movement towards programme funding
6. FUNDING AND PARTNERSHIPS OUTPUT TIME FRAME CURRENT SITUATION Funding norms and standards developed for ECD. 31 March 2015 Harmonisation of all identified Norms and Standards according to new policy UNICEF will provide technical support for harmonisation of all identified Norms and Standards Identify government and private donors to leverage resources for ECD services including children with disabilities. 31 March 2014 A workshop with government (National Interdepartmental Committee for ECD) and private donors was held on the 20 March 2014. Roles and Responsibilities were spelt out. A follow-up meeting has been scheduled for 28 October 2014 with the donor forum. Strengthening of the existing ECD donor forum for ECD services. A workshop with government (National Interdepartmental Committee for ECD) and private donors was held on the 20 March 2014.
7. RESEARCH, MONITORING AND EVALUATION OUTPUT TIME FRAME CURRENT SITUATION Develop an Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation framework for ECD March 2016 Review the existing Monitoring and Evaluation frameworks and align them to the new ECD Policy by DPME.
8. COMMUNICATION AND AWARENESS OUTPUT TIME FRAME CURRENT SITUATION Develop an integrated inter-sectoral awareness raising and communication strategy. 31 March 2014 Process is still underway and it will be completed after the finalisation of the ECD policy. Communication materials developed 31 March 2015 The department conducted interviews on various SABC radio stations communicating key messages on the importance of ECD. Roll out of the ICT strategy for children. The national steering committee agreed that the ICT strategy be presented to the donor forum for further support with IT equipment for ECD centres. The meeting with Department of Communication was held on 5 August 2014 to discuss the ICT Strategy and other issues relating to advocacy and awareness raising strategy.
8. COMMUNICATION AND AWARENESS OUTPUT TIME FRAME CURRENT SITUATION Advocacy, Communications and Social Mobilisation Campaign implemented. 31 March 2015 Process is still to commence. Dedicated ECD Week held. National Steering Committee is meeting monthly and processes are underway planning for the ECD week in March 2015.
8. COMMUNICATION AND AWARENESS OUTPUT TIME FRAME CURRENT SITUATION ECD Annual Awards held. 31 March 2014 An action plan was developed at the close out meeting held on 26 and 27 March 2014.
PROPOSED REGISTRATION PROCESS FOR ECD CENTRES AND PROGRAMMES To facilitate the registration process the following proposal for ECD centres and programmes were introduced: ECD Re-Registration has to be completed in terms of the Children’s Act i.e. 5 years after the promulgation of the Act. This process will commence from July 2014 and be completed by March 2015. Proposed gold, silver and bronze categories to ensure that all ECD’s are registered.
CAPACITY BUILDING The Department of Social Development has conducted capacity building sessions in relation to the South African Programme of Action for ECD (Moving Ahead 2013 – 2016), registration and re - registration process of ECD centres and ECD programmes and Partial Care strategy. All Provinces were capacitated from June 2014 to August 2014.
REGISTERED ECD CENTRES 2014/15 PROVINCE NO OF REGISTERED ECD CENTRES BY 1ST QUARTER 2014/15 Gauteng 3697 Mpumalanga 1684 Kwazulu-Natal 3898 Free State 1443 Limpopo 2975 North West 1349 Eastern Cape 3056 Northern Cape 590 Western Cape 1 750 Total 20 442
Number of children receiving subsidy 2014/15 PROVINCE RATE PER CHILD PER DAY PER MONTH PER YEAR NUMBER OF CHILDREN Mpumalanga R15 R731, 085.00 R193, 066,440.00 48. 739 Gauteng R1,058,895.00 R279,548.28000 70.993 Kwazulu Natal R16 R1,380,944.00 R364,569,216.00 86.309 Limpopo R1,088,165.00 R274,075,560.00 69.211 North West R364,395.00 R91,448,280.00 23.093 Free State R686,265.00 R181,173,960.00 45.751 Western Cape R885,000.00 R233,640.000.00 59.000 Eastern Cape R860,475.00 R227,165,400.00 57.365 Northern Cape R74,220.00 R19,994,080.00 4.948 Total R136.00 R7,061,444.00 R1,864,221,216.00 465,009.00
Number of Children receiving ECD services PROVINCE 2014/15 Mpumalanga 127,685 Gauteng 168,822 Kwazulu Natal 145,169 Limpopo 147,818 North West 73,587 Free State 110,275 Western Cape 103,200 Northern Cape 31,924 Eastern Cape 83, 613 Total 992, 093
RECOMMENDATION Select Committee to take note of the SA Integrated ECD Programme of Action for Early Childhood Development - Moving Ahead (2013-2016) and support its implementation.