Bleu Jackson, Sam Brooks, Tiara Hughes, Micheal Hanna The Kurdish Conflict Bleu Jackson, Sam Brooks, Tiara Hughes, Micheal Hanna
Kurdish Timeline 7th century- The Kurds conquered by the Arabs, centuries of living under the rule of others. 1923- Turkey no longer obligated to grant Kurdish autonomy. The Treaty of Lausanne divides the Kurdish region among Turkey, Iraq, and Syria. 1925- A Kurdish uprising against the new Turkish Republic is suppressed.
Timeline (cont.) 1946- The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) founded by Iraqi Kurd Mustafa Barzani, dedicated to the creation of independent Kurdistan. 1961- Kurds of northern Iraq revolt against the government of Abdul Karim Kassim, continue fighting for decades. 1970- Peace agreement signed between the Iraqi government and Kurds of northern Iraq, allowing the Kurds some control.
Timeline (cont.) 1974- KDP attacks Iraqi troops after government refuses to give control of oil-rich province of Kirkuk, traditional Kurdish territory. 1978- In Turkey, Abdullah Ocalan helps create Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK to seek Kurdish independence. 1979- Iran’s Islamic revolution sparks Kurdish revolt in Iran that is quickly abolished by Iran.
Timeline (cont.) 1984- Thousands of Kurds in southeast Turkey join revolt, nationalism and dissatisfaction with living conditions. 1988- Iraq retaliates against Kurds for supporting Iran during Iran-Iraq war and through “al-Anfal” (“spoils of war”) campaign, slaughters thousands of civilians, takes 1.5 million from their homes. Thousands flee to Turkey.
Timeline (cont.) 1991- Iraq’s Kurds rise up against Saddam Hussein, encouraged by the United States. Iraqi Kurds now control a 15,000-square-mile autonomous region in northern Iraq populated by 3 million Kurds. 1991- Kurdish remains illegal in schools, political setting and broadcasts.
Timeline (cont.) 1993- Turkish government grants limited autonomy to Kurds, Kurdish political parties continue to be banned. 1998- PUK’s Talabani and the KDP’s Barzani sign peace agreement, ending four-year war between rival Iraqi-Kurd factions. 1999- Abdulla Ocalan captured, convicted of treason and separatism, and sentenced to death. Immediately spurs rash of bombings, other terrorist attacks both in Turkey and abroad.
Timeline (cont.) 2002- Iraqi Kurdish regional parliament meets for first time in six years, real sign of unity between Iraqi-Kurdish factions since four-year (1994-1998) war. 2003- Kurds join U.S. and British forces in defeating Saddam Hussein’s regime.
Location The Kurd’s struggle for a homeland has been in the recent news. Originally were pastoralists, nomads living in the mountains of modern-day Kurdistan. Kurds at one point were Karduchi, an ancient mountainous people.
The Kurdish Rebellions Led by Mullah Mustafa al-Barzani, the Kurds revolt against parts of Iraq, Iran, and Turkey. This causes years of attempting to create an autonomous Kurdish state. Leads to the creation of a Kurdish nation in northern Iraq and the destruction of the Iraqi regime of Premier Abdul Karim Kassim.
Mustafa Barzani
Kurdish Flag There are over 25 million Kurds in the world, all without a state to call their own.
A Kurdish Cartoon
Mythological Lions, like this one in northern Kurdistan, have been thought of as a central piece in the Kurdish mythology.
Map of Kurdistan