Monday, Sep. 30 th Warm-up What is one resource we were hoping to gain from Alaska? What is one unexpected resource we found? What does “54°40° or fight” mean?
Your Notebook Complete Cover page Today should be your 6 th warm-up. You should have Green Vocab list In class Vocab activity Your green grid sheet from the map activity Green crossword puzzle
Effect on Native Americans Under Pres. Policy the N.A. had two options. – Assimilate by becoming farmers and joining white society. – Move west of Mississippi Many gave up long-held tribal land & moved west. G.B. tried to rebuild alliances with N.A. and use them against the U.S. Tecumseh and his brother “the prophet” tried unsuccessfully to unite Indian Tribes.
Causes of the War U.S. ships caught in the middle of conflict between G.B. and France, hurt U.S. economy. U.S. ships were fired on by G.B. when U.S. sailors resisted impressment. G.B. encouraged N.A. rebellion along frontier. U.S. wanted to show it was strong and not to be pushed around.
Effects of the War Britain and France gain respect for the United States. National pride grows, Monroe Doctrine. Native American resistance declines. No land change.
Monroe Doctrine U.S. would view any European attempts to further colonize the Americas as “dangerous to our peace and safety.” The U.S. would not interfere in European affairs. American Nationalism abroad.
October 1 st, 2013 Warm-up Name one cause and one result of the War of One cause of the War of 1812 was… One result of the War of 1812 was…
Thomas Jefferson Louisiana Purchase - Lewis & Clark explored it -bought it from France Native American policy - make them assimilate or move west of the Miss. River Embargo Act – Very Unpopular
Picture of Thomas Jefferson
War of 1812 – US vs GB Concern over freedom of the seas – Worry about Native Americans in the west – Some wanted Canada – NO LAND BOUNDARIES CHANGED! James Madison
Picture of James Madison
James Monroe Monroe Doctrine State that European nations needed to stay out of western hemisphere Nationalism is strong after the war of 1812 – pride in one’s country
Picture of James Monroe
-Did not enforce the Supreme Court decision, allowed the N.A. to be removed from the southeast, -Trail of Tears President for the “common man” -all free white men could vote, no property required -fought National Bank SPOILS SYSTEM -jobs for his supporters Nullification Crisis Andrew Jackson
Picture of Andrew Jackson
Wednesday, October 15 th Warm-up Write 20 words about which of the Presidents we talked about yesterday is your favorite and why? Count how many words and circle it when you’re finished.
Industrial Revolution Foldable Create foldable Label each flap: – Front – Industrial Revolution Spreads to the U.S. – How it started, 1789 – Factory System – Urbanization – Transportation Improvements – Inventions
Front Page Read Industrial Revolution Section on Pg. 251 in the textbook. Make at least 6 bullets of information, one for each paragraph from p. 252 Bullet the most important piece of information from each paragraph.
Thursday, October 16 th Warm-up What are two facts you wrote down for the “How it started” section?
Factory System Read the section titled “The North Industrializes” on Pg Don’t read “The Revolution Spread” yet. Define textiles – Lowell – Lowell Girls – Draw a picture of a factory or write a note home from a girl describing what you would imagine a day to be like.
Urbanization Read the section “The Revolution Spreads” on Pg. 253 Define Urbanization Write down the statistics from the section. Create two pie charts to illustrate the statistics you wrote down. Answer this question: “Do you prefer urban life or rural life? Why?”
Transportation Improvements Read the section “Transportation and Communication,” just through the railroad Sec. on Pgs Canal: Where, when, and why? Steamboats: Who, Where? Railroads: 1830, 1840, Why are railroads better? List some new methods of transportation we use today.
Friday 10/16 warm up Write down one statistic from yesterday’s notes.
Inventions Read the section “Advances in Communication” on Pg. 255 Telegraph: Who, how does it work, who used it? Pg Cotton Gin: Who, How does it work, effect on slavery? Interchangeable Parts: allowed for increased production on assembly lines. What do you think the best invention is today? Why?
Erie Canal
Steamboats – Robert Fulton – Used on major rivers, Great Lakes, – Cheaper than canal and wagon transportation Transportation
City life
Samuel Morse Invention of Morse Code Electric Currents sent from telegraph to telegraph.\ “What hath God Wrought” May 24 th 18 Famous use of Telegraph? Telegraph
Cotton Gin