English Language Acquisition Consortium (ELAC) Meeting Multilingual Programs Curriculum & Instruction Department August 24, 2012 Xavier De La Torre, Ed.D., County Superintendent of Schools Facilitator Yee Wan, Ed.D. Coordinator, Multilingual Programs
Welcome to ELAC 2
District Networking Table Discussions 1. What are one or two major initiatives in your district that are related to ELs? 2. What are some areas or topics that ELAC should explore collectively in ? 3
District Networking Table Share Out 1. Summarize 2-3 key points from your group’s discussion. 2. Please observe a 3 minute time limit for your group’s report. 3. Please add topics of interest or resources needed or offered to the Parking Lot chart or todays meet. 4
Today’s Topics 1.Roles and Services of SCCOE and Multilingual Programs 2.EL Demographic 3.Title III Accountability 4.California English Language Development Test (CELDT) 5.ELD Standards 6.Partnership for Supporting EL Academic Achievement 7.Resources 5
Meeting Materials Online Posting Visit 6
Welcome Please share … –Your name –Your district –Your role as it relates to English learners –One fact/feature about your district’s EL demographic or EL program e.g., 56% of the ELs speak Spanish as the primary language 7
Santa Clara COE provides … Services for students Special education Early learning and Head Start Alternative schools Instructional support for educators Professional development in all subjects Learning Multimedia Center Online learning and tech training Essential fiscal and administrative services for districts Fiscal oversight for all districts Teacher credentials and fingerprinting Technology support Compliance support for mandates Oversight of school district reorganization Charter school application, appeals, oversight and monitoring Williams monitoring 8
5 Countywide Meetings 2012 CDE Accountability Leadership Institute 2013 NABE Conference Multilingual Programs Services 9 STARlight Consortium Research and Resources for ELs Statewide Work Title III Lead for Region 5 4 Counties English Language Acquisition Consortium (ELAC) Seal of Biliteracy Countywide Initiative Curriculum Leadership Council Planning and Participation Bilingual Teacher Training Program (BTTP) Center Academic Success Annual Conference California English Language Development Test (CELDT) Conference Presentations A Look At Learning Collaborative Educational Services Branch C & I Department Educational Services Branch C & I Department Multilingual Programs Services Multilingual Programs Services Post BCN meeting at the SCCOE webpage 26 LEAs not meeting AMAO targets in Region 5 10 CA counties and over 20 districts and county offices PTTP Grant Paraprofessional Teacher Training Program Professional Development EL Program Support
Santa Clara County Seal of Biliteracy Certificates Language Number of Students Spanish177 (2 Chinese) French15 Portuguese10 German1 Korean1 6 Languages205 10
CA EL Ranking by Number 11 DistrictELs 1Los Angeles163,058 2Orange126,226 3Riverside79,187 4San Diego73,702 5San Bernardino66,800 6Santa Clara60,657 7Fresno43,604 8Alameda40,226 9Sacramento39,807 10Kern32,038 11Ventura31,994 12Contra Costa29,149 13Monterey26,549 14Tulare24,865 15Stanislaus24,057 16San Joaquin21,588 17Santa Barbara21,252 18San Mateo18,135 19San Francisco16,338 20Sonoma13,797 DistrictELs 21Imperial13,087 22Santa Cruz11,126 23Merced9,497 24Solano8,599 25Madera7,958 26Kings6,631 27Yolo6,355 28San Luis Obispo5,153 29Placer4,599 30Marin3,904 31Napa3,750 32Sutter2,871 33Butte2,694 34San Benito2,597 35Yuba2,515 36Mendocino2,009 37El Dorado1,839 38Tehama1,538 39Colusa1,417 40Humboldt1,037 DistrictELs 41Glenn967 42Shasta745 43Lake646 44Mono517 45Del Norte389 46Nevada389 47Modoc296 48Inyo240 49Siskiyou164 50Lassen134 51Amador114 52Calaveras102 53Tuolumne86 54Mariposa48 55Sierra27 56Trinity6 57Alpine0 58Plumas0
CA EL Ranking by Percentage 12 DistrictELs 1 Monterey37.30% 2 Imperial35.90% 3 Santa Barbara32.20% 4 Colusa31.60% 5 Mono30.60% 6 San Francisco28.80% 7 Santa Cruz28.50% 8 Madera26.50% 9 Tulare25.40% 10 Orange25.10% 11 San Benito23.20% 12 Stanislaus23.00% 13 Kings22.90% 14 Santa Clara22.80% 15 Ventura22.60% 16 Fresno22.50% 17 Yolo21.60% 18 San Mateo19.70% 19 Sonoma19.50% 20 Modoc18.90% DistrictELs 21 Alameda18.60% 22 Riverside18.60% 23 Kern18.40% 24 Napa18.20% 25 Yuba18.10% 26 Contra Costa17.30% 27 Glenn17.10% 28 Merced17.10% 29 Sacramento16.80% 30 San Bernardino16.00% 31 San Joaquin15.80% 32 Mendocino15.50% 33 San Luis Obispo15.00% 34 San Diego14.80% 35 Tehama14.30% 36 Sutter13.90% 37 Solano13.30% 38 Marin12.80% 39 Los Angeles10.30% 40 Del Norte9.10% DistrictELs 41 Butte8.60% 42 Lake7.40% 43 Placer6.70% 44 Sierra6.30% 45 Inyo6.20% 46 El Dorado6.10% 47 Humboldt5.70% 48 Nevada3.00% 49 Lassen2.70% 50 Shasta2.70% 51 Siskiyou2.70% 52 Amador2.60% 53 Mariposa2.30% 54 Calaveras1.70% 55 Tuolumne1.40% 56 Trinity0.30% 57Alpine 0.00% 58 Plumas0.00%
Santa Clara County EL by Number 13 DistrictELs 1 San Jose Unified8,629 2 Alum Rock Union Elementary6,651 3 Santa Clara Unified4,859 4 East Side Union High School4,381 5 Evergreen Elementary3,613 6 Oak Grove School District3,600 7 Berryessa Union Elementary3,215 8 Gilroy Unified3,105 9 Campbell Union2, Milpitas Unified2, Sunnyvale2, Morgan Hill Unified2, Mountain View-Whisman School1, Cupertino Union1, Santa Clara County Office of Education1, Palo Alto Unified1, Mount Pleasant Elementary1,373 DistrictELs 18Moreland School1,241 19Fremont Union High School1,020 20Union Elementary415 21Cambrian School District399 22Los Altos Elementary360 23Orchard Elementary316 24Mountain View-Los Altos Union High School295 25Luther Burbank School282 26Franklin-McKinley Elementary178 27Saratoga Union Elementary160 28Los Gatos Union Elementary66 29Los Gatos-Saratoga Joint Union33 30Loma Prieta Joint Union10 31Lakeside Joint Union7 32Campbell Union High School0 33Montebello Elementary0
Santa Clara County EL by Number 14
Santa Clara EL by Percentage 15 DistrictELs 1 Mount Pleasant Elementary53.00% 2 Alum Rock Union Elementary50.90% 3 Luther Burbank School50.10% 4 Mountain View-Whisman School40.10% 5 Berryessa Union Elementary39.10% 6 Sunnyvale38.40% 7 Campbell Union35.90% 8 Orchard Elementary35.90% 9 Santa Clara Unified31.60% 10 Santa Clara County Office of Education31.30% 11 Oak Grove School District31.20% 12 Moreland School29.30% 13 Gilroy Unified28.00% 14 Milpitas Unified27.20% 15 Evergreen Elementary27.00% 16 San Jose Unified26.10% 17 Morgan Hill Unified22.60% DistrictELs 18East Side Union High School17.10% 19Cambrian School District12.00% 20Palo Alto Unified11.50% 21Fremont Union High School9.80% 22Cupertino Union8.80% 23Union Elementary8.70% 24Los Altos Elementary8.20% 25Lakeside Joint Union8.20% 26Mountain View-Los Altos Union High School8.10% 27Saratoga Union Elementary7.40% 28Loma Prieta Joint Union2.40% 29Los Gatos Union Elementary2.20% 30Franklin-McKinley Elementary1.70% 31Los Gatos-Saratoga Joint Union1.00% 32Campbell Union High School0.00% 33Montebello Elementary0.00%
Languages Spoken in Santa Clara County 16
Enrollment Data PopulationCalifornia Santa Clara County SCCOE Alternative Education SCCOE Special Education Total Students6,214,204269, ,090 Hispanic or Latino of Any Race52%39%77%43% White, Not Hispanic26%23%10%19% Asian, Not Hispanic9%27%5%24% African American, Not Hispanic7%2%4%5% Other Race(s), Not Hispanic6%9%4%9% English Learners23%25%28% b 21% b Free or Reduced Price Meals57%38%87%45% a is the most recent year for which EL and Free/Reduced Meals data is reported in DataQuest. Thus, the California and SCC percentages illustrated above are for b EL counts reported in DataQuest are sourced solely from CALPADS. For , the SCCOE’s Alt Ed and Special Ed schools did not submit their student-level EL data through CALPADS. As a result, DataQuest reports EL counts of zero in all four SCCOE schools for The percentages illustrated above are for
Title III Accountability Title III Accountability Reports are scheduled to be released in mid-October Title III Accountability Information Guide 12.pdf#search= %20Title%20III%20Accountability%20Report%20inform ation%20guide&view=FitH&pagemode=none Public release of the API reports is scheduled on October 3 rict&subject=T3A&submit1=Submit rict&subject=T3A&submit1=Submit 20
Title III Year 2 & 4 LEAs Year 2 LEAs: 7 Year 4 LEAs: 7 Monitoring: 4/15, 7/15, 10/15, /15, 4/15, 7/15, 2014 Monitoring of the Year 2 and Cohort: 12 10/15, 2012; 1/15, 4/14, 7/15,
Title III Year 4 Plan Describes modification(s) to the curriculum, program and method of instruction for ELs. Revision to curriculum means: Full implementation of the SBE-adopted and/or standards aligned ELD, ELA and math materials. 22
Title III Accountability Mark your calendar for the Title III Year 2 and Year 4 Forum – Nov. 7 or 8 in Sacramento Begin to form your district team and schedule dates for writing the Title III Plan English Learner Subgroup Self Assessment (ELSSA) is available s/t3y4/home.htm Title III Orientation Meeting at the SCCOE on October 18, 1-4 p.m. 23
CELDT CELDT Information Guide An error was discovered in the Domain Raw Score Conversation Table in the Edition Examiner’s Manuals CELDT Local Scoring Tool will be revised K-1 Separation Educator’s Meeting is scheduled for October 11 in Sacramento The administration of separate K-1 tests is scheduled for ; alignment to the CCSS
CELDT Contact Lists 25 District/School CELDT Score Request Contact List ( )District/School CELDT Score Request Contact List ( ) District CELDT Coordinators/Administrators Contact List ( )District CELDT Coordinators/Administrators Contact List ( )
New ELD Standards Resources July 23 ELD Standards archived webinar and handouts htdocs/cacc/eldstandards.htm CDE ELD Standards Webpage Draft ELD Standards, by grade level 26
New English Language Development Standards 1. What are your thoughts on these new ELD Standards? 2. What additional information would you like to receive? 3. What are some possible next steps? 27
ELA/ELD CFCC English Language Arts/English Language Development Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (ELA/ELD CFCC) Assist in the revision of the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework Submit to Instructional Quality Commission in Sept Is scheduled for posting in
Instructional Video SDAIE Mathematics 1 st Grade Focus on understanding academic content and developing academic language through interaction 29
Partnership for Supporting EL Academic Achievement A Look at Learning collaborative started in Partnerships in : Over 20 districts/COEs across 10 counties Center to Support Excellence in Teaching at Stanford University: focus on coaching teachers to help students develop academic language (USDE NPD Grant) San Jose State University (USDE NPD Grant) 31
Partnership for Supporting EL Academic Achievement Sobrato Family Education Foundation Partnership Grant funding up to 3 years: $245,000 per year Purposes: Building organizational capacity Expanding service to districts Participation Requirements: MOU with the SCCOE Benefit: County support for PD or facilitating professional learning at school/district sites 32
Partnership for Supporting EL Academic Achievement For more information about the A.L.L. Collaborative, visit or contact Yee Wan at You are all invited to attend the FREE A.L.L. Showcase on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 from 2-6 p.m. 33
Legislative Update AB 1719 (Fuentes) Supplemental ELD Materials - will require the state to create a list of supplemental ELD materials aligned to the new ELD standards. AB 2193 (Lara) Long Term English Learners - to create a statewide definition for Long Term English Learners (LTELs) and Students at Risk of Becoming Long Term English Learners. The State will report the numbers of LTELs and Student at Risk of Becoming LTELs by district and school and parent will be informed of their child‘s status. Both bills approved by Senate Appropriations Committee Will be heard by the Senate floor and then to the governor 34
Resources CCSS Resources for Working with ELs Learning From Research: Common Core State Standards and Support for ELs – Understanding Language website 35
CCSS Resources North Carolina Common Core Instructional Support Tools tools/ Unpacking StandardsUnpacking Standards Math | English/Language Arts MathEnglish/Language Arts Council of Great City Schools Parent Roadmaps Shifts for Students and Parents parents/ EngageNY has created a practical guide that provides steps that parents can take to improve their child’s learning of the CCSS. 36
CCSS Resources Nine Ways the Common Core Will Change Classroom PracticeNine Ways the Common Core Will Change Classroom Practice Harvard Education Letter, Jul/Aug New brief highlights importance of professional learning to Common Core implementation brief-%28pdf%29.pdf?sfvrsn=0 This brief is released as part of Learning Forward's initiative Transforming Professional Learning to Prepare College- and Career-Ready Students: Implementing the Common Core, which is supported in part by the Sandler Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and MetLife Foundation. 37
Resources for Working with ELs Colorín Colorado: A Guide for Engaging ELL Families: Twenty Strategies for School LeadersA Guide for Engaging ELL Families: Twenty Strategies for School Leaders Engaging-ELL-Families.pdf © Santa Clara County Office of Education 38
Resources for English Learners with Disabilities English Learners with Disabilities: When Is It Appropriate to Exit Students from ELD Programs? IDEA and English Language Learners with Disabilities Title VI, Section 504, Title II – Special Education and Limited English Proficient Students in Public Schools 39
Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities CELDT 2012 Prep-Administration Workshop: September 12, Dr. Kate Kinsella Secondary: October 2-3, Elementary: October 9-10,
Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities A Look at Learning Training of Trainers Refresher: August 30 & 31, 2012 September 12 & 13, A Look at Learning Training of Trainers September 5, 6, & 7,
Save the Dates! 13 th Annual Accountability Leadership Institute, December 3-4, 2012 Santa Clara Marriott Hotel 11 th Annual Academic Success Institute Saturday, March 9, 2013 Santa Clara County Office of Education Keynote speaker: Dr. Laurie Olsen Featured speakers: Dr. Yvonne Freeman, Dr. David Freeman, Dr. Susan O’Hare, Dr. Jeff Zwiers, Dr. Ivannia Soto, Dr. Lisa Gonzales, Greg Pitzer, Holly Ahmadi, Steve Klein, Jenay Kiddoo, and Chernell Page 42
Save the Date! CELDT 2013 Scoring Training of Trainers (STOT) Workshop May 7, 2013 Santa Clara County Office of Education 43
Future ELAC Meeting Dates October 5, 2012 January 11, 2013 March 29, 2013 May 24, 2013 Time: 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. Location: Santa Clara County Office of Education 44