Merced Drought by Justin Hinojosa
●large, flat valley that dominates California ●one of the most productive agricultural regions ●agriculture is the primary industry in most of the Central Valley ●hot and dry summers ●cool and damp winter Central Valley
Today’s lakes
★ one of the most severe droughts on record ★ below average rainfall in 2015 ★ A study done by UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences states that the drought is expected to cost $2.2. billion with a job loss of 17,100. expected ★ The current drought continues to persist, affecting farm workers, crop, and water levels. Quick facts
Common Signs
Farmers and the drought ● Farmers heavily rely on water to nurture their crops ● haven't received any surface water due to the drought ● forced to drill underground for water
Potential Problems ● drying up of wells ● reduction of water in streams and lakes ● deterioration of water quality ● increased pumping costs ● land subsidence
How much water do we use? ➔ average family uses 400 gallons per day (EPA) ➔ 70% of the water is used indoors ➔ toilets are the largest consumer of water use
WaterSense Fixtures ●Approximately 5 to 10 percent of American homes have water leaks that drip away 90 gallons a day or more ●WaterSense labeled toilets use 20 percent less water per flush ●Can save $170 per year by installing water efficient fixtures and appliances
● Route water saved from the city to help farmers water their crops ● Water could be tremendously saved in the city by switching to water efficient fixtures Proposal/Solution
Proposal/Solution(cont.) ● Farmers need to regulate their underground water use ● Place a daily regulation ● A petition can be started and brought up to the county board ● Force farmers to be more efficient