Seite 1 Sharing information and toolkits for advancing sustainable development An International Workshop on Strengthening Planning and Implementation Capacities for Sustainable Development in Post Rio Context November 14-16, 2012 Anja Wucke, GIZ Project Manager, Rioplus- Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development Environment and Climate Division November 15, 2012
Seite 2 Sharing information and toolkits for advancing sustainable developmentNovember 15, 2012 I.GIZ Profile II.GIZ‘s understanding of Capacity and Capacity Development III.Trainings for Capacity Development Overview
Seite 3 Sharing information and toolkits for advancing sustainable developmentNovember 15, 2012 I.GIZ Profile Vision Facts and figures Portfolio
Seite 4 Sharing information and toolkits for advancing sustainable developmentNovember 15, 2012 GIZ Mission Statement
Seite 5 Sharing information and toolkits for advancing sustainable developmentNovember 15, 2012 Our actions are guided by Sustainability Social responsibility Ecological balance Economic performance Political participation GIZ is a German federal enterprise Owned by the Federal Republic of Germany Organised as a private-sector entity Supports the objectives of the German Government
Seite 6 Vision Our actions are guided by the principles of sustainability. We believe that only by combining social responsibility, ecological balance, political participation and economic capability will current and future generations be able to lead secure and dignified lives. Conflicting goals and interests have to be resolved fairly among all stakeholders. Negotiation processes of this kind must be professionally designed if development is to be sustainable. In particular, we: advocate respect for human rights, equal opportunities and integrity; support the rule of law and civic participation and are committed to ensuring fair negotiation processes, both within and outside the company; promote a market-oriented, ecological and social economic order and observe the principles of corporate responsibility in our work.
Seite 7 Sharing information and toolkits for advancing sustainable developmentNovember 15, 2012 Facts and figures Operations in Germany and in over 130 countries around the world Around 17,000 employees 70 per cent of whom are employed locally as national personnel Business volume of some 2 billion Euros in 2011 Commissioned by public and private-sector bodies inside and outside Germany Main commissioning party: the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Seite 8 Sharing information and toolkits for advancing sustainable developmentNovember 15, 2012 GIZ’s Portfolio to contribute to sustainable development Good Governance Rural development Sustainable infrastructure Security and reconstruction Social development Environment and climate change Economic development and employment Cross-sectoral themes e.g. Gender, food and nutrition security
Seite 9 II.GIZ‘s understanding of Capacity and Capacity Development Sharing information and toolkits for advancing sustainable developmentNovember 15, 2012
Seite 10 Sharing information and toolkits for advancing sustainable developmentNovember 15, 2012 GIZ’s understanding of capacity Capacity is the ability of people, organisations and societies to manage their own sustainable development processes. recognising development problems, designing strategies to solve them, and successfully implementing these. proactive management capacity Ability of stakeholders to effectively combine political will, interests, knowledge, values and financial resources in order to achieve their own development goals and satisfy their development needs
Seite 11 GIZ‘s understanding of capacity development Sharing information and toolkits for advancing sustainable developmentNovember 15, 2012 Capacity development is process through which individuals, organisations and societies mobilise, retain, adapt and extend their ability to make development sustainable. support delivered by external partners is a key instrument of development cooperation that enables people, organisations and societies to develop and expand their proactive management capacities. Capacity development is fundamentally a process which must be driven by stakeholders themselves External partners can support the development of ownership and can temporarily assume a share of the responsibility during these processes.
Seite 12 Modes of deliverery Sharing information and toolkits for advancing sustainable development November 15, 2012 Mobilising of resources (Financing and Personnel) and services (Training, networks, partnerships) for Capacity Development Systematic Advisory services, in which expert service, organisational, political and process consulting are being linked Governance and Management of complex processes of change (Capacity WORKS)
Seite 13 III.Trainings for Capacity Development Sharing information and toolkits for advancing sustainable developmentNovember 15, 2012
Seite 14 Key competences in sustainable development Sharing information and toolkits for advancing sustainable developmentNovember 15, day Trainings for national and international professionals and executives in specific fields: Shaping the future: System thinking – Communication – team work– leadership Constructive Negotiation: HARVARD-Method for sustainable development Management of Multi-Stakeholder-Dialogues for sustainable development: process architecture and facilitation
Seite 15 Trainings for awareness raising for tools on „Green Economy“-transformation Sharing information and toolkits for advancing sustainable developmentNovember 15, Strategic environmental assessment 2.Ecological fiscal reform 3.Governance of natural resources 4.Payments for environmental services 5.Integration of Ecosystem Services into Development Planning 6.Resource efficiency (under development)
Seite 16 Profitable Environmental Management in Small and Medium Entreprises Sharing information and toolkits for advancing sustainable developmentNovember 15, 2012 Training modules on profitable environmental management for private institutions as well as companies from various sectors have been successfully implemented in 14 countries The accumulated benefits of the total achieved savings in all pilot projects amount to about 4 Million Euros, which will be fully payed off within 12 months. There are about 120 licensed trainers by now working in 30 countries who are training in the methodological application of those modules and who are satisfying the increased demand of workshops
Seite 17 Mitigation of ozone depleting substances-Proklima Sharing information and toolkits for advancing sustainable developmentNovember 15, 2012 Proklima cooperates with 40 countries in the field of cooling, foam, extinguishing agents and agriculture. Activities range from solar powered refrigerators for rural vaccination stations for cattle in southern Africa to climate friendly coolants in air conditions in China. Over Tonnes “ozone-depleting substances” (ODS) have been substituted and about 46 Mio t CO2 eq. within 15 years. Proklima offers political consulting, Capacity Development for governmental officials, trainings, qualifications and pilot projects for industrial partners, that promote technology transfer people have participated in trainings in Brazil alone, 80 vocational schools
Seite 18 Recycling Partnerships Sharing information and toolkits for advancing sustainable developmentNovember 15, 2012 Informal waste collectors sort and recycle but do not earn enough to live off the money they make and have to face harsh working conditions. There are “catadores” in Brazil alone Consultations concerning poverty oriented waste and recycling concepts aiming at a integrated waste management. This leads to employment promotion and decent jobs and an increase of income for the poor population Close cooperation with the national and international private sector in education and training measures, know- how transfer, networking and development of marketing strategies of recyclables GIZ’s role: knowledge management, mediator, consultant
Seite 19 Sharing information and toolkits for advancing sustainable developmentNovember 15, 2012 Further Information Or send an to