Activate Tourism Training Resources for Accessible Cities and Towns LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME Leonardo Learning Partnership “ATTRACT – Activate Tourism Training Resources for Accessible Cities and Towns” “BEST PRACTICES” This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Turisticko-ugostiteljska skola Antona Stifanica Porec BEST PRACTICES “ The healthy City of Poreč ” Activate Tourism Training Resources for Accessible Cities and Towns AN INITIATIVE by the City Council of Poreč
B Basic information Porec joined the Healthy Cities movement in 1993 following a decision made by the Porec City Council. Goals Famous slogans of WHO “THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY” and “HEALTH FOR ALL FOR THE 21ST CENTURY” were promoted by local doctors and psychologists who strongly believed in the ideas of the project. Due to their specific pro-European life style, residents of Porec have been voicing their needs to improve the psycho - social elements of personal health improving, in that way, the life quality of families. The promoter 3
Basic information The relationship between the promoter and Turisticko – ugostiteljska skola Antona Stifanica: The promoter and our school have a good collaboration in different projects such as: school preventive program, education for parents, pupils and teachers, workshops, round tables for pupils about different themes, collaboration with institutions for people with special needs. We work on a sensibilization of our pupils toward people with disabilities and special needs. 4
Relevance to the ATTRACT Project The experience and the collaboration path which has already been set with the Healthy City Project is very important and helpful for us in running the ATTRACT project because we are a non-profitable organization and our main goal is to sensitize pupils to accept people with disabilities which is also one of the main goals of the ATTRACT Project. The ATTRACT project offers an innovative vocational training by sharing best practices and developing new skills and knowledge which we will transfer to our students. 5
What is it? The importance of the project “Healthy City” is very significant as it is based on a long experience of continuous practice and basic tasks of the world movement of healthy cities: examination of the citizens’ needs, determination of the health priorities for the City of Porec permanent possibilities of redefining priorities development of the program system monitoring and evaluation in order to determine the program outcomes and effectiveness. project partners’ networking on the basis of the level of the local community in order to improve the citizens’ health and life quality. 6 Description of the initiative
Lines of action Psychological support for persons with disability - Supportive group therapy for adults with disability and parents whose children are people with disability - great encouragement and strength in problem solving - kind of quality companionship of people with similar problem - Individual and family counselling with people with heart attack, brain stroke, multiple sclerosis- how to live with disease? Senzibilization and education of the citizens The Association for persons with disability Poreč was founded in 1998 organization of lectures in the community to respect the rights of persons with disabilities publishing and promotion of poems – the author is a person with disability benches, booths at local events (Christmas, 8th March) – selling Christmas cards, flowers 7 Description of the initiative
Lines of action Senzibilization and education of the citizens- children The elementary school department for children with special needs was founded in 2001 Brochure-Etiquette mode children educate other children and adults how to behave toward people with disabilities- children of elementary school in Poreč (1st-4th grade). creative art workshops for children with disabilities and their friends (who are children without disability) Senzibilization and education of the citizens- young people Respect driving spots for people with disabilities- volunteers in a preventive action 8 Description of the initiative
EFFECTS OF THE INITIATIVE Porec has become a social sensitive community, a community which is in a permanent contact to citizens and which is open to encourage and develop specific programs which are available, efficient, expert and economical. permanent support to strenghten the human resources in the community as a basic economy power and it has established conditions for its prosperity. Improvement of the health of families in Porec some of these programs have become models of best practice in our community, presented in the Republic of Croatia and at the international conferences. 9
EFFECTS OF THE INITIATIVE during the past years the programs have been evaluated in order to estimate their impact on the life quality and citizens’ health. More than any other project in the city, The Healthy City of Poreč serves to all the different groups of the locals and genuinely focuses on people and their needs. 10