Topic 2 Human Resources Human Resource Planning
Learning Objectives Describe reasons for and consequences of changing work patterns and practices HL – Analyse the impact on business of legal employment rights HL – Examine how recruitment, training and appraisal can help achieve workforce planning targets HL – Analyse the consequences of changing work patterns and practices on business HL – Apply Handy’s Shamrock organisation theory
Employment Rights Most developed countries have the following employment legislation: Antidiscrimination legislation provides equal opportunities – Avoid discrimination against individuals because of their gender, religion, disability, marital status, age or race Sex discrimination Racial discrimination Disability discrimination Positive discrimination (is allowed in certain circumstances)
Employment Rights Equal Pay Legislation – Illegal to pay people differently for the same work. Health and Safety at Work – Business must provide a safe working environment – Health and safety is a necessary hygiene factor (Herzberg) Statutory Benefits – Legally required benefits such as IMSS, aguinaldo National Minimum Wage NMW – Usually an hourly rate – The minimum that an employee can be paid Daily minimum wage in Mexico City = Mexican pesos
Case Study Global retailer Wal-Mart was charged with breaking local labour laws in late Wal-Mart had been found guilty of exploiting employees in Pennsylvania, USA by forcing them to work during their rest breaks without pay. The courts demanded Wal-Mart pay $78 million in damages. The following year, approximately 1.6 million female workers also filed for discrimination charges, claiming that Wal-Mart had denied them promotion due to their gender. They also claimed that Wal-Mart paid male counterparts higher wages. a.Outline the meaning of discrimination in the context of the case study. b.Justify why employers such as Wal-Mart need to be aware of employment legislation.
How can HR help achieve workforce planning targets Ensures the business is recruiting the right people Ensures the right skills are coming into the business
How do we measure our success? Labour turnover of how many people leave work each year (number of staff leavers total number of staff) x 100% Absenteeism of staff not coming to work (number of absent staff total number of staff) x 100% Productivity of output per staff Total output Number of workers Wastage of the products made (Waste Total output) x 100%
The Kellogs Factory: Do the maths! In 2010, out of 85 workers, there were 15 workers who quit their job. In 2010, a period of 365 days, out of 85 workers, there were a total of 40 absenteeisms. In 2010, the workers produced 1,300,000 boxes of cereal. Out of those boxes, there was a wastage of 2,000 boxes of cereal that were contaminated.