Differences Between High School & Sheridan Semesters are 5-10 months long Semesters are 14 weeks long Classes are hours long and every day Classes are 2-3 hours and usually once per week SHERIDANHIGH SCHOOL
High School vs. Sheridan High School Much of your time is structured by others because you attend the same classes each day Sheridan You are responsible for managing your own time and doing a lot of independent or group work outside of class. If you are absent from class the teacher will often provide you with the class notes If you are absent from class, you are responsible for getting your own lecture notes from other students.
High School vs. Sheridan Teachers are notified of a student’s disability and receive information about a students needs. The student is responsible for contacting Disability Services and for providing up to date documentation about his/her disability The special education teacher and/or parent advocates for the student The student is encouraged to develop self-advocacy skills with the support of Disability Services HIGH SCHOOLSHERIDAN
High School vs. Sheridan You may go to the resource room for assistance with your school work There are a number of areas where you can go to study. Disability Services can discuss the “extra help” options available on campus Parents may speak to teachers on behalf of their sons/daughters Once a student is 18, we require signed permission to speak to parents HIGH SCHOOL SHERIDAN
Business Foundation Year (2370) TERM 1 CODETITLECREDITS ACCG2004 Accounting MKTG2006 Marketing HRMT2003 Human Resources Management COMP2021 Computer Applications MATH2005 Business Mathematics GNED General Ed Elective 3.0 TOTAL = 18.0 Sample Course Load September and January Intakes Davis and Trafalgar Road Campus
Sample Timetable Art Fundamentals MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:00 am HIST 4007 OAKB B125 8:00 am – 10:59 am DESN 4004 OAKAS AS12 8:00 am – 10:59 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am DRAW 4003 OAKA A108 11:00 am – 1:59 pm 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 2:00 pm DESN 4002 OAKA A143 2:00 pm – 4:59 pm PNTG 4003 OAKA A112 2:00 pm – 4:59 pm DRAW 4007 OAKA A117 2:00 pm – 4:59 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm 5:00 pm
When and How do I register with Disability Services? Offer of Acceptance Complete the Disability Services Intake Form available on Sheridan Website Collect Appropriate Documentation Forward Intake Form and Documentation to Disability Services Register for a Transition Session Individual Intake Appointment with an advisor or counsellor
Documentation - Why Have An Updated Assessment? LDAO Guidelines suggest a re-assessment when the individual is making significant transitions Documentation is considered outdated if more than 5 years old Inadequate assessment and/or IEP has no clear diagnostic statement To determine current impact of LD to accommodate appropriately A competent, comprehensive assessment after 18 is considered definitive
Accommodations Available LEVEL 1 – Based on IEP and old documentation Testing Accommodations – extra time Alternate Setting for tests/exams Use of a computer for tests Use of a spelling dictionary Peer Assistant drop in sessions
Accommodations Available LEVEL 2 – Based on up-to-date Psychoeducational Assessment Reader for Tests Scribe for Tests Clarification of tests Extensions on assignments Texts in alternate format
Enhanced Services – Who Can Apply? Students with documented Specific Learning Disabilities Students who have had a recent psycho- educational assessment, or those who have a plan for an updated assessment within a reasonable time frame.
Enhanced Services Learning Strategist: – Self Advocacy – Provides one on one and small group training in: Time management/organizational skills Textbook reading Essay planning/Writing Studying for tests/test taking techniques
Enhanced Services Assistive Technologist – Carries out equipment assessments based on student needs – Researches and recommends software for individual student needs – Provides individualized training and continued support in the use of Assistive Technology – Provides practical, transferable skills that will carry over into employment
Summer Transition Programs PREP – Post-Secondary Readiness Experience Program (PREP) – A free session designed to help students with disabilities successfully PREPare for college. – This fun and engaging one day session leaves students aware of what to expect in college life.
Summer Transition Programs STEPS 2010 – Sheridan Transition Experience for Post-Secondary Success (STEPS) – A FREE four day transition program for students who have documented specific learning disabilities – Stay on campus, meet other students, visit a “class in action,” learn technology and study skills that will help you prepare for Sheridan.