ePSIplus An overview Peter DRUGA PD Consulting for APEL/ITAS Associations S l o v a k i a European Associations Meeting, Copenhagen, funded by eContentPlus
APEL / ITAS Associations (Slovakia) Information about the Association members APEL is civic association of individuals focusing also to public administration, ITAS is association of legal entities operating in IT sector Membership fee: APEL – none, ITAS – x thous. Euro per year APEL - none, ITAS – approx.80 private sector companies ITAS – 15% of the members above re-use Public Sector Information Does the Associations run an award scheme that identifies PSI Re- users? Not yet Does the Associations have case studies available about PSI Re-use? Not yet
APEL / ITAS Associations (Slovakia) Information about the Associations policy on PSI re-use No written policy with respect to PSI Re-use
APEL / ITAS Associations (Slovakia) Information about the Associations actions on PSI re-use Since 1st July what actions have the Associations taken with respect to the re-use of PSI? APEL – support of SK ePSInet Seminar (2005), ITAPA 2005 (specific session on PSI re-use) ITAS - none Have the Association held any meetings of its members dedicated to the re-use of PSI? None Have the Associations lobbied politicians on PSI re-use? minimal Have the Associations lobbied government Ministries on PSI Re-use? no Have the Association lobbied other people or bodies other than the above? no In the view of the Association has the lobbying been successful? No activities
APEL / ITAS Associations (Slovakia) Information about the concerns of the Associations members on PSI re-use What are the issues/concerns of the Associations members with respect to PSI re-use? potential PPP – ad-hoc discussions with PAs about the topic – “wake up“ of the PAs What do the members expect the Association to do about the above mentioned issues? Creation of bridge between PAs and private sector Has the Association taken action to address these issues? no Is the Association aware of any complaints/court cases on PSI re-use that involve the Associations Members or their Members? Not yet
APEL / ITAS Associations (Slovakia) Information about the concerns of the Associations members on PSI re-use In the view of the Association - who within the membership or the Members membership is considered to be a PSI Re-use champion? None
APEL: or ITAS: pages that contains a link to ePSIplus: APEL: (SK version) or (EN version) ITAS: none contact addresses: APEL: or ITAS: or PD Consulting: Thank you for your attention