Transportation Reauthorization Presented by: Erich W. Zimmermann, Director Transportation Programs National Association of Regional Councils.


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Presentation transcript:

Transportation Reauthorization Presented by: Erich W. Zimmermann, Director Transportation Programs National Association of Regional Councils

Overview About NARC MAP-21: Quick Overview MAP-21: The Sequel Answers? NARC and Reauthorization

About NARC National non-profit trade organization Represents multi-jurisdictional regional planning organizations – large and small, urban and rural Thank you for extremely strong AZ membership Formed by NACo and NLC Governed by local elected officials President Hon. Penny Gross, Supervisor, Fairfax County, VA Advised by Executive Directors Four core areas of concentration –Transportation –Economic & Community Development –Homeland Security/Public Safety –Environment Membership covers 97% of counties; 99% of population

MAP-21 Reauthorization – The Basics Signed July 6, 2012 First reauthorization since 2005 Required 11 extensions of previous law 27-month authorization (expires 10/1/2014) Current funding levels maintained plus inflation o $105 billion for FY13 & FY14 (~$53 billion/yr) o ~$41 b/yr for federal highways o Transfers $18.8 billion to HTF from GF Congressional reauthorization hearings have started

MAP-21 Reauthorization – Challenges Funding, funding, funding Not sustainable Trust fund facing insolvency CBO Drops a bomb at TRB

MAP-21 Reauthorization – Challenges Funding, funding, funding Not sustainable Trust fund facing insolvency CBO Drops a bomb at TRB Heavy reliance on general funds $41 billion to date, plus $12.6b for ’14 Another $15b would be need for ‘15 (CBO) Makes extending the bill potentially challenging

MAP-21 Reauthorization – Challenges Funding, funding, funding Not sustainable Trust fund facing insolvency CBO Drops a bomb at TRB Heavy reliance on general funds $41 billion to date, plus $12.6b for ’14 Another $15b would be need for ‘15 (CBO) Makes extending the bill potentially challenging House leadership wants to discuss policy, minority may be reluctant to be out front on this

MAP-21 Reauthorization – Challenges Funding, funding, funding Not sustainable Trust fund facing insolvency CBO Drops a bomb at TRB Heavy reliance on general funds $41 billion to date, plus $12.6b for ’14 Another $15b would be need for ‘15 (CBO) Makes extending the bill potentially challenging House leadership wants to discuss policy, minority may be reluctant to be out front on this Prospects for broad-based tax reform unclear at best Thought to be best avenue for gas tax increase Sen. Baucus’ retirement

MAP-21 Reauthorization – Answers? No lack of ideas, but severe lack of political will to make them happen Gas tax increase

MAP-21 Reauthorization – Answers? No lack of ideas, but severe lack of political will to make them happen Gas tax increase Wholesale tax to replace per gallon tax

MAP-21 Reauthorization – Answers? No lack of ideas, but severe lack of political will to make them happen Gas tax increase Wholesale tax to replace per gallon tax VMT Tax?

MAP-21 Reauthorization – Answers? No lack of ideas, but severe lack of political will to make them happen Gas tax increase Wholesale tax to replace per gallon tax VMT Tax? Tolling

MAP-21 Reauthorization – Answers? No lack of ideas, but severe lack of political will to make them happen Gas tax increase Wholesale tax to replace per gallon tax VMT Tax? Tolling Everybody wants the next TIFIA Financing ≠ Funding

MAP-21 Reauthorization – Answers? Secretary Foxx (TRB conference, 1/15/14) Funding Efficiency National Vision Safety Focus on “other” modes (biking, walking)

MAP-21 Reauthorization – Answers? Committee Chairman Shuster (Kick off reauthorization hearing, 1/14/14) “Fiscally responsible” Build on reforms of MAP-21 Reduce regulatory burdens Ensure federal partners have flexibility in how they spend and approve projects Also: performance measures, freight

MAP-21 Reauthorization – Answers? Not all about funding In fact, some areas of potential policy agreement on the Hill Freight Streamlining Performance Measures

MAP-21 Reauthorization

Roundtable Goals: Provide an opportunity for Regions to connect with colleagues, review major parts of MAP-21, provide comment and feedback, and share experiences. AND Develop recommendations for reauthorization

MAP-21 Reauthorization Non/Metropolitan Planning Distribution of Federal Funding Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Surface Transportation Program Transportation AlternativesFreight Policy NHPPSafety MAP-21 Topics Covered

MAP-21 Reauthorization – NARC’s Perspective Thresthold Funding Avoid additional burdens w/o additional funding Flexibility Sub-allocation STP/TAP/CMAQ Freight Dedicated funding Strong regional role Intermodal Safety

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