CCWC Grant Orientation
Welcome Panel Introductions Packet Contents Beaverton Arts Foundation Willowbrook Center for the Development of Human Potential
Agenda Welcome Cultural Coalition of Washington County Oregon Cultural Trust Regional Arts & Culture Council Grant Cycle Guidelines CCWC Web Site & Application Grant Eligibility Requirements Grant Application Tips Grant Application Review Process Grant Compliance Grant Application Assistance Q&A
Cultural Coalition of Washington County (CCWC) Mission Statement The CCWC contributes to the cultural identity and quality of life in Washington County by advocating for and supporting arts, heritage, and humanities organizations. We do this by: re-granting Oregon Cultural Trust funds; identifying and prioritizing community needs; and advising county and local governments. Painted Sky, Inc
Oregon Cultural Trust (OCT) A public-private fundraising and grant making program (eg. cultural license plates & Oregon’s tax credit program) Relies on donations to create funds for its annual grant cycle Funds are distributed to 36 county and 6 tribal cultural coalitions within Oregon; funds are then funneled to over 1,300 community non-profits In 2012, OCT celebrated its 10 th anniversary Friends of the North Plains Public Library
Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC) Receives funding from a variety of public and private partners to serve artists, arts organizations, schools and residents throughout Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties Partners include, but are not limited to: – Oregon Cultural Trust – National Endowment for the Arts – Oregon Arts Commission – City of Portland – Metro – Clackamas, Multnomah & Washington Counties – Countless private donors Serves as the CCWC fiscal agent for grant funds Please note: a CCWC grant is not a RACC grant
Grant Application Review Process High-level grant application and review process: Sept 1, 2015 Grant Cycle Opens Sept 9, 2015 Orientation Session Oct 12, 2015 Application Due Date Dec 1-7, 2015 Grant award Notifications Jan 1, 2016 Grants Begin!
Grant Cycle Guidelines Grant applications should address at least one of these five goals: Public Awareness, Audience Building and Participation Support Existing Cultural Organizations Increase Public Art Opportunities Support Cultural and Heritage Learning Increase Youth Access to the Arts Broadway Rose Theatre Company
Grant Cycle Guidelines, cont’d Strong grants will address the CCWC’s priorities Grant applications should be geared to a specific event, activity or communication, and clearly demonstrate how the applicant will: 1)Build awareness of the role and value of arts, heritage or humanities and increase public participation; or 2) Support existing Washington County cultural organizations; or 3)Support art activities or temporary/ permanent installations with high public impact; or 4)Celebrate the diversity of cultures and increase community awareness of heritage and history; or 5)Promote youth access to the arts, heritage and humanities to enhance learning and healthy human development
CCWC Web Site & Application Online applications are found: – – Due: Monday, October 12 th, by 5:00pm Late or paper applications will not be accepted
Grant Eligibility Requirements An organization can apply for and receive only one of two levels of grants: – Up to $1,000 – Up to $2,000 Level 1 eligibility criteria Level 2 eligibility criteria – Same criteria as Level 1, except an organization must have IRS 501(c)(3) status or be a governmental agency or public school Ineligibility ISing Choir
Grant Application Tips Tips for preparing your application include: – Focus on the who, what, where, when, why & how – Read the Washington County Cultural Plan – How will you evaluate success of the project? – How many people do you expect to serve as a result of the grant? – Gear the requested amount to your need; for example, if you need $800, request only $800 instead of $1,000 (this allows us to distribute funds to as many organizations as possible) – Be clear and concise – be quick to the point of the question – Keep in mind you are writing to an audience that is unfamiliar with your project
Grant Application Tips, cont’d Additional tips or considerations are if your project: – Clearly supports or advances one or more of the grant goals – Demonstrates the positive impact of the activity on the constituency it was intended – Demonstrates your organization’s ability to meet this project’s objectives – Fulfills the goals of the Washington County Cultural Plan Music in Small Spaces
Grant Compliance If you become a grant recipient, the CCWC will: – Notify you via a letter from RACC – Announce your grant recipient status in a press release – Assign a CCWC “Buddy” liaison to enhance communication If you are not a recipient, the CCWC will: – Notify you via a letter from CCWC Theatre In The Grove
Grant Compliance, cont’d If you become a grant recipient, the CCWC asks that your organization do the following: – Acknowledge the support of the CCWC and OCT in all publicity related to the grant (logos available on website) – Mail copies of printed materials, press releases/coverage related to the project or activity to the CCWC for its files – Complete the grant project between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2016 – Submit a Final Report within 30 days of the end of the grant cycle, or after your project concludes (the sooner, the better!) – Notify CCWC and RACC, in writing and in advance, of any changes in the grant status – Invite the CCWC “Buddy” liaison to the grant project event
Grant Application Assistance Guideline Questions: – Elaine Worden, CCWC Chair, at Online Application Questions: – Ingrid Carlson; ; – Jack MacNichol; ; Walters Cultural Arts Center Leedy Grange #339
Questions & Answers