Developmental Education for the Early Years CHAPTER 11: The Social Self: Fostering Self-Discipline and Conflict Resolution Skills The Whole Child: Developmental Education for the Early Years Tenth Edition Patricia Weissman Joanne Hendrick
Discipline or Guidance Toward Self-Discipline? View Problems as Learning Opportunities Subtle Shift in Attitude Aggressive or Disruptive Behaviors are Prime Learning Opportunities for Children Children Make Mistakes While Learning Social Skills Just as They Make Mistakes While Learning Academic Skills- Not Cause for Punishment
Helping Children Establish Inner Controls Support Ego Strength, Moral Judgment, and Social Awareness Create classroom environment that fosters positive social interactions for each child Rich in warm, caring relationships, respect, cooperation, and peaceful resolution of conflicts. The child is given ample opportunity to practice and learn through interactions with other children.
Helping Children Establish Inner Controls Suggestions for Creating a Peaceable, Caring Classroom in Which Children Develop Self-Discipline and Conflict Resolution Skills Create a Sense of Trust and Safety Establish a Close Relationship with Each Child Establish a Caring Classroom Teach Conflict Resolution Skills Time-out is Not Conflict Resolution
Helping Children Establish Inner Controls Steps for Teaching Children to Develop Self-Discipline and Conflict Resolution Skills Recognize and discuss feelings and rules after a reasonable degree of calm has prevailed. Have children take the responsibility of deciding when they can control themselves and return. It is important to help children be successful when they do go back so that they have the experience of substituting acceptable for unacceptable behavior. Follow through with suspending privileges if children repeat unacceptable behavior.
Helping Children Establish Inner Controls Suggestions for Creating a Peaceable, Caring Classroom in Which Children Develop Self-Discipline and Conflict Resolution Skills (cont.) Use Guidance Talks to Promote Self-Control Use Class Meetings to Promote Social Awareness and Collaboration Involve the Families in Creating a Peaceable Classroom
Helping Children Establish Inner Controls Suggestions for Creating a Peaceable, Caring Classroom in Which Children Develop Self-Discipline and Conflict Resolution Skills (cont.) Increase Children’s Feelings of Mastery by Giving Them Many Opportunities for Making Decisions Increase the Child’s Feelings of Being a Competent, Worthwhile Person Foster a More Social, Less Egocentric Orientation
Helping Children Establish Inner Controls Suggestions for Creating a Peaceable, Caring Classroom in Which Children Develop Self-Discipline and Conflict Resolution Skills (cont.) Stop Conflict Situations Before They Start Mediate Conflict Resolution When Necessary Remember: No Teacher Handles Every Situation Perfectly! Learn from Your Own Difficulties and Mistakes
Reducing Aggression in the Classroom Undesirable Ways to Cope with Aggression The Authoritarian Teacher The Overpermissive Teacher The Inconsistent Teacher
Reducing Aggression in the Classroom Desirable Ways to Cope with Aggression Assess the Underlying Causes of Aggression, and Ameliorate Them When Possible Never Allow Bullying Teach Children Alternative Ways of Getting What They Want
Reducing Aggression in the Classroom Desirable Ways to Cope with Aggression Provide Substitute Opportunities for Socially Acceptable Expressions of Aggression Stopping Some Activities Before They Start Saves Aggression Later Finally, Plan, Plan, Plan!