CCS (CCA) Rules 1
General Introduction Disciplinary matters is governed by the provisions emanating from the following four sources. 1.Provisions in the Constitution of India 2.CCS (CCA) Rules Executive Orders issued by the Government 4.Principles of Natural Justice 2
Constitution of India 3
SAFEGUARDS OF ART 311 No dismissal or removal by authority subordinate to appointing authority No dismissal or removal or reduction in rank without inquiry in which:- –charge should be communicated to the Govt. Servant concerned. –should be given reasonable opportunity of being heard in respect of charges; and –penalty may be imposed only on the basis of evidence adduced during such inquiry 4
Exceptions in Art 311 Conviction on a criminal charge Not reasonably practicable to hold inquiry – Appointing authority to be satisfied – Reasons to be recorded in writing In the interest of the security of the state – President/ Governor to be satisfied 5
CCS (CCA) Rules 7
CCS (CCA) Rules 1965 Central Civil Services (CCA) Rules 1965 – C:Classification – C:Control – A:Appeal 8
Classification This rule applies to the following category of Central Civil Services. Central Civil Services, Group A Central Civil Services, Group B Central Civil Services, Group C Central Civil Services, Group D (Now Multi Skilled Employees) 9
Control Suspension Disciplinary Action – Minor (Rule 16) – Major (Rule 14) Imposing of punishment – Minor Punishment – Major Punishment 10
SUSPENSION- When Disciplinary proceeding is contemplated or is pending Official has engaged himself in activities prejudicial to the interest of the security of the State Criminal case is under investigation, inquiry or trial 11
DEEMED SUSPENSION Detained in custody, whether on criminal charge or otherwise, for a period exceeding 48 hours Conviction for an offence and imprisonment exceeding 48 hours 12
Who can suspend? The appointing authority Any other authority to which the A.A. is subordinate Disciplinary authority Any other authority empowered by the President 13
Minor penalties i. Censure ii.With-holding promotion iii.Recovery from pay iii(a)Reduction to lower stage in the time scale without cumulative effect iv. withholding of increments of pay 15
Major penalties (v) Reduction to a lower stage in the time- scale of pay for specified period – To earn increments or not during the period of reduction – Reduction will or will not effect future increments 16
Major penalties…. (vi) Reduction to a lower time scale of pay, grade, post or service – Bar to promotion to that from which he was reduced – With or without direction for restoration to that from which he was reduced – His seniority and pay on such restoration 17
Major penalties…. (vii) Compulsory retirement (viii) Removal from service which shall not be a disqualification for future employment under the Government (ix) Dismissal from service which shall ordinarily be a disqualification fro future employment under the Government 18
Essence of Conduct Rules (1)(i) Absolute integrity 3(1)(ii) Devotion to duty 3(1)(iii) Doing nothing unbecoming of a Government Servant 3(2)(i) supervisor to ensure integrity and devotion to duty of all Govt.servants 22 : Remaining in intoxicated state in public 19
Violation of Departmental rules Disciplinary action can be initiated for violation of Departmental rules also. 20
Appeal Petition Revision Review 22
Appeals Appeal lies against; - order of punishment - order of suspension/put off duty - order denying the benefits under service conditions 23
Petitions Petition lies against: - appellate order - adverse entry in APAR - orders under rule 5 CCS(TS)Rules -Orders under FR 17a, 56 j. 24
Appeals/Petitions Time limit; 25 No appeal/petition can be with held
Revision Is a stage after appeal Power of revision may be exercised by the revising authority suo motu or on application Authority decided appeal cannot revise his own order 26
Revision… ( Period of limitation) Except the appellate authority, no time limit for other authorities -Appellate authority can work as revising authority if no appeal was submitted -Can exercise the powers within six months 27
Review President can do it any time Reviewing his own order Only when new material or evidence brought to his notice 28
Executive Orders 30
Executive Orders An order issued by union Government in order to supplement and explain the CCA Rules. These are very essential to understand the true import of the various provisions. These orders cannot amend or supersede the statutory rule by adding something therein. 31
Principles of Natural Justice 32
Principles of Natural Justice These principles are fundamental in the governance of administration. Object is to prevent injustice “No one shall be a judge in his own case” – The person deciding the matter must not have anything like personal interest in the case. “Hear the other side” – The accused person must have an adequate opportunity to present his defence and prove his innocence. 33