Welcome to IT133 Software Applications Unit 6 aka Prof Brooke
AGENDA This seminar we will cover: Announcements Reminders Excel Formulas / Functions Getting started with assignment Please ask questions at any time just raise your hand //
Announcements Congrats All is Graded-check your gradebook Stay in the Current Discussion
Questions Please ask any questions you have. If you would like to inquire about grades I will be able to do a private chat (PM) towards the end of seminar.
Contact Information The fastest way to contact me is by AIM Office Hours (ID: drskmbuddy) Mondays 8-10am, ET Make sure you identify name, course and seminar time Virtual Office
Excel Functions Add-in and Automation functions Cube functions Database functions Date and time functions Engineering functions Financial functions Information functions Logical functions Lookup and reference functions Math and trigonometry functions Statistical functions Text functions
Excel Functions The goal when using an Excel spreadsheet is to take large amounts of numbers and put them into a meaningful format to analyze the results…meaningful would be total revenue…total sales…total expenses…total debt…this meaningful format is used to make business decisions… If you highlight a column or row of numbers and then hit the AutoSum icon (or the Epsilon symbol), it will automatically put the formula into the cell for you (=SUM(B1:B5))…
Excel Functions To format numbers, dates, times, text, boarders or shading…it is important so anyone looking at your spreadsheets will know what the values in your spreadsheet represent and can clearly read the information as intended. I usually do the formatting of my spreadsheet after I have entered all of my data…just highlight the numbers…click on format in the main tool bar…then, click on cells…the format cells window will appear…just click on the numbers tab and pick the option that applies to your data…
Excel Functions I split my spreadsheets into two sections when I want to display the data and a chart within the same spreadsheet…or when I put a legend in the spreadsheet for my constant values… Most people can understand visually (in a meaningfully way) what the data is showing in a chart…this emphasizes your points for presentations or analyzing your data…
Excel Functions SUM Such as the sum for the months or all expenses Percentage % Take utilities over total Example 120/1000 equals 12 %
Unit 6 Assignment – Part 1 Step 1: Create and format a row to show the months for the year (Jan-Dec). Step 2: Create and format a row, beneath the month row, to show yearly income for each month (Jan-Dec), and properly label the row and value. Step 3: Add each expense in a separate row (as identified in step 4) and properly label each row and value. Step 4: For the expenses and income, create a year's history by month. Use different values for each month. For example, for electric, you would pick a number between $125 and $142 for January, a different number between $125 and $142 for February, and so on. Feel free to make up the amounts you use for each expense. Step 5: Select an appropriate style for your budget and apply it to your worksheet.
Unit 6 Assignment – Part 2 Step 6: Create formulas or use the AutoSum function to have Excel calculate total the expense for each month. Step 7: Create formulas or use the AutoSum function to have Excel compute the Total Annual Income. Step 8: Create a formula or use the AutoSum function to have Excel calculate the Total Annual Expenses and properly label it. Step 9: Create a formula to determine the percentage of income used for each expense. Be sure to format it as a percentage. Place that formula in the column next to the total of each monthly expense. Step 10: Rename your worksheet tab to Budget Detail.
Assignment Rubric 1. Create and format a row to show the months for the year (Jan-Dec) Create and format a row, beneath the month row, to show yearly income for each month (Jan-Dec), and properly label the row and value Add each expense in a separate row (as identified in step 4) and properly label each row and value For the expenses and income, create a year's history by month. Use different values for each month Select an appropriate style for your budget and apply it to your worksheet. 0-6
Assignment Rubric 6. Create formulas or use the AutoSum function to have Excel calculate month Create formulas or use the AutoSum function to have Excel compute the Total Annual Income Create a formula or use the AutoSum function to have Excel calculate the Total Annual Expenses and properly label it Create a formula to determine the percentage of income used for each expense. Be sure to format it as a percentage. Place that formula in the row next to the total of each monthly expense Rename your worksheet tab to Budget Detail. 0-2
To Do Seminar DONE Unit Assignment for Unit 6 Discussion Board at least 3 posts on 3 different days- --1 response to main prompt with at least 150 words—first post no LATER than Saturday
Well Done Questions? Thanks for a wonderful Seminar – have a fantastic week. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me via Kaplan or AIM.