Parenting and Development
Parenting Diana Baumrind
Dimensions of Parenting 1. Punitiveness
Dimensions of Parenting 1. Punitiveness 2. Withdrawal of Love
Dimensions of Parenting 1. Punitiveness 2. Withdrawal of Love 3. Encourages give-and-take
Dimensions of Parenting 1. Punitiveness 2. Withdrawal of Love 3. Encourages give-and-take 4. Demandingness
Dimensions of Parenting 1. Punitiveness 2. Withdrawal of Love 3. Encourages give-and-take 4. Demandingness 5. Restricts Autonomy
Dimensions of Parenting 1. Punitiveness 2. Withdrawal of Love 3. Encourages give-and-take 4. Demandingness 5. Restricts Autonomy 6. High Power
Dimensions of Parenting 1. Punitiveness 2. Withdrawal of Love 3. Encourages give-and-take 4. Demandingness 5. Restricts Autonomy 6. High Power 7. Firm Control
Authoritarian Punitive varies Love w/drawal varies Give & take low Demands high Autonomy low Exerts power high Firm control high
What does the Authoritarian parent do? Attempts to shape, control, and evaluate the child’s behavior and attitudes based on the parent’s own set of standards, which are usually rigid and absolute Values obedience, believes in keeping the child in his/her place and in restricting the child's autonomy Does not encourage verbal give-and-take; believes child should take the parent's word for what’s right
Authoritarian Permissive Punitive varies low Love w/drawal varies varies Give & take low high Demands high low Autonomy low high Exerts power high low Firm control high low
What does the Permissive parent do? Consults with the child about all decisions Makes few demands regarding chores & responsibilities Does not view herself as a resource as an active agent responsible for shaping or changing the child's behaviors Allows child to regulate own activities Avoids exercising control
Authoritarian Permissive Authoritative Punitive varies low low Love w/drawal varies varies low Give & take low high high Demands high low moderate Autonomy low high moderate Exerts power high low moderate Firm control high low high
What does the Authoritative parent do? Encourages verbal give-and-take Shares with child the reasons behind expectations and rules Values both autonomy and disciplined conformity Exerts consistent and firm, but not excessive, control Affirms child's qualities but sets standards of behavior Does not base decisions solely on child's desires
outcomes of authoritarian parenting low social & cognitive competence low self-esteem little initiative anxious, withdrawn when frustrated, respond with hostility boys: anger and defiance girls: dependence and retreat from challenge if authoritarian and punitive: more severe problems
outcomes of permissive parenting immature low impulse control little responsibility little independence disobedient of demands that conflict with own desires demanding of adults aggression
outcomes of authoritative parenting high social and cognitive competence self-reliant, self-controlled moral maturity girls: high achievement orientation boys: high social cooperation
Neglecting/Uninvolved Parenting Low responsiveness Low demandingness/control May be neglectful Sometimes related to parental depression Outcomes: antisocial behavior, poor self-regulation, low academic and social competence
Effective versus ineffective discipline strategies Effective Remain Calm Pick battles Negotiate from a position of authority Be authoritative, but respect the child’s autonomy Be consistent Be contingent Ineffective Harsh language or behavior Personal attacks Threats (particularly idle threats) Lack of follow through Permissiveness Long winded explanations
Responding to negative emotions Anger, Fear, Hurt/Disappointment Reinforce the distinction between words and actions Do not negate or suppress the expression of negative emotions in pro-social ways Contain and withstand child’s emotions
Parent Child Child’s temperament influences parental behaviors.
Parent Child Child’s temperament influences parental behaviors. Child’s characteristics influence outcomes of discipline.
Parent Child Child’s temperament influences parental behaviors. Child’s characteristics influence outcomes of discipline. Parents tend to parent different children differently
Parent Child Child’s temperament influences parental behaviors. Child’s characteristics influence outcomes of discipline. Parents tend to parent different children differently Parents of hyperactive children change their parenting style when their children go on medication.
Not a unidirectional relation! Parent Child Child’s temperament influences parental behaviors. Child’s characteristics influence outcomes of discipline. Parents tend to parent different children differently Parents of hyperactive children change their parenting style when their children go on medication. Not a unidirectional relation!
The Transition to Parenthood: Preparing for a chronic emergency
Transition to Parenthood Cross-sectional Studies marital satisfaction declines over the first 15 years of marriage similar curves for parents and non-parents, but childless couples tend to be more satisfied U shaped curve (but least satisfied couples may have divorced…)
Transition to Parenthood Longitudinal Studies marital satisfaction declines after birth of baby lack of comparison group of childless couples continuity over time in new parents’ marital quality babies don’t appear to create severe stress where it was not present before initially, babies do not bring parents closer together
a normal consequence of the transition to parenthood is polarization
Changes in… identity and inner life
Changes in… identity and inner life the roles and relationships within the marriage
Changes in… identity and inner life the roles and relationships within the marriage the three-generational roles and relationships
Changes in… identity and inner life the roles and relationships within the marriage the three-generational roles and relationships roles and relationships outside of the family
Changes in… identity and inner life the roles and relationships within the marriage the three-generational roles and relationships roles and relationships outside of the family new parenting roles and expectations
Factors that affect the quality of the couple relationship during the transition Capacity to balance individuality and mutuality
Factors that affect the quality of the couple relationship during the transition Capacity to balance individuality and mutuality Communication skills of both parents
Factors that affect the quality of the couple relationship during the transition Capacity to balance individuality and mutuality Communication skills of both parents Realistic expectations about what the baby will bring
Factors that affect the quality of the couple relationship during the transition Capacity to balance individuality and mutuality Communication skills of both parents Realistic expectations about what the baby will bring Division of labor in ways that are consistent with both parents’ beliefs
Factors that affect the quality of the couple relationship during the transition Capacity to balance individuality and mutuality Communication skills of both parents Realistic expectations about what the baby will bring Division of labor in ways that are consistent with both parents’ beliefs Conflict management skills (regulation of affect)
Marriage is a developmental phenomenon rooted in the individual’s early family experience
Marital satisfaction affects parental competence