ME 142 Engineering Computation I Excel Functions
Basic Math Operations Basic Math Operators +Addition -Subtraction /Division *Multiplication ^Exponent ( )Parenthesis, as need, follows algebraic precedence
Finding Functions Formula Ribbon
Finding Functions Insert Function button
Sum and AutoSum Sum =SUM(range) AutoSum Note auto-selection of row/column
Selecting Ranges Use mouse to drag from top to bottom, or side to side Select rectangular area by dragging to diagonal corners or using [shift] key Select disconnected columns/rows by using [ctrl] key Select a long row/column by using [ctrl][shift][end] key sequence
Basic Math Functions SQRT(x) -returns the square root of a number ABS(x) -returns the absolute value of a number MAX(range) - returns the largest number in a set of values MIN(range) -returns the smallest number in a set of values COUNT(range) -counts the number of cells in a range that contain numbers COUNTA(range) -counts the number of cells in a range that are not empty STDEV(range) -estimates the standard deviation based on a sample
Trigonometry Functions Excel uses Radians by default in all trig functions Use RADIANS and DEGREES functions to convert RADIANS(x) -converts degrees to radians where x is given in degrees DEGREES(x) -converts radians to degrees where x is given in radians
Trigonometry Functions SIN(x)- returns the sine of an angle where x is in given in radians COS(x)- returns the cosine of an angle where x is given in radians TAN(x)- returns the tangent of an angle where x is given in radians ASIN(x)- returns the arcsine of a number in radians, in the range –pi/2 to pi/2 ACOS(x)- returns the arccosine of a number in radians, in the range 0 to pi ATAN(x)-returns the arctangent of a number in radians, in the range –pi/2 to pi/2
Logical Operators IF(logical test, value if true, value if false) -checks if a condition is met, returns one value if True, another value if False AND(logical1,logical2,…) -returns True if all arguments are true, otherwise returns False OR(logical1,logical2,…) -returns True if any argument is true, returns False only if all arguments are False NOT(logical) -returns True if argument is False, returns False if argument is True
Logical Operators
Time & Date Functions TODAY()-returns the current date NOW()-returns the current date and time Format of the date/time can be modified