The Valencian Government Certification Authority – ‘Autoritat de Certificació de la Comunitat Valenciana’ (ACCV) - is a clear case of success in Digital Signature. Today, the ACCV is considered the most utilized regional Certification Services Provider in Spain and has earned the trust of citizens, companies and Spanish and Valencian public administrations. The ACCV evolved from strategic plans implemented by valencian government in 1996, with the aim of gradually introducing digital certification technologies into valencian society. In 2005, the ACCV was formally constituted as the Certification Service Provider of the Valencian Community.
The digital certificates issued by the ACCV are not only used and valid for National PA – tax returns, postal services, current labour situation, cadastral information – but also in regional, provincial and local administrations. Furthermore, many professional colleges and associations have included the use of ACCV digital certificates in a wide range of applications and telematics procedures. The key strategies and best practices that the ACCV has been carried out to reach this remarkable level of success will be fully explained by showing its certification service catalogue, the widespread network of User Register Points (URP), the current number of issued certificates and the most important examples of applications now available to all citizens.