Summit #1 San Juan County Shoreline Master Program Update March 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd 2011 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Summit #1 San Juan County Shoreline Master Program Update March 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd

Agenda –SMP Process –Key Principles –SMP Development and Key Issues –Public Participation –Inventory Results –Next Steps 2

SMP Process 3

What is an SMP? A comprehensive shoreline land-use plan that includes policies and regulations for the use and development of the shoreline intended to: Protect shoreline processes Promote public access Accommodate all appropriate shoreline uses Balance public and private interests 4

What an SMP is not The SMP will apply to future development. It will not retroactively apply to past actions. It will not require modifications to existing land uses or developments. 5

Why Update the SMP Now? –Shoreline Management Act passed in 1971, adopted in 1972 –County’s last major update1998 –Cooperative program – state and local governments –New State SMP rules adopted in 2003 –All local governments must update Due in San Juan County by 2013 –State grant is funding the process 6


Where Does This Apply? –Shoreline Jurisdiction Marine shorelines Lakes ≥20 acres Upland areas 200 feet from OHWM Associated wetlands Aquatic areas waterward of OHWM –New Uses Existing shoreline uses and activities may continue 8


Preliminary Shoreline Jurisdiction Maps 10

Inventory & Analysis SMP - Environment Designations - Goals - Policies - Regulations Cumulative Impacts Analysis Local Adoption Restoration Plan Ecology Review and Adoption Required Steps Determine Jurisdiction Public Participation 11 WE ARE HERE

Inventory & Analysis SMP - Environment Designations - Goals - Policies - Regulations Cumulative Impacts Analysis Local Adoption Restoration Plan Ecology Review and Adoption New or Revised Elements Determine Jurisdiction Public Participation 12 WE ARE HERE No Net Loss Standard

Key SMP Principles 13

Key Principles of the SMP –Balance environmental protection public access water-oriented uses –Still required to protect Critical Areas –No Net Loss of Ecological Function –Preferred Uses 14

Ecological Function SMP Updates: Achieving No Net Loss of Ecological Function SMP Restoration Plan Voluntary restoration opportunities No Net Loss – Current Baseline On-going degradation from existing development Unavoidable impacts from new development Key: DegradedImprovedSMP elements Higher Lower SMP Update Framework to achieve NNL Inventory & Characterization Environment Designation Development Policies & Standards Recommended Actions outside SMA authority Compliance Strategy Cumulative Impacts Analysis Restoration Plan Shoreline violations Off-site mitigation opportunities Offsetting mitigation Avoid and Mitigate Impacts 15

Shorelines of State Preferred Uses: –Uses that control pollution & prevent environmental damage –Uses unique to or dependent upon use of the state's shoreline –Single family residences –Ports –Shoreline recreational uses –Water-dependent uses, e.g. parks, marinas, piers, industrial and commercial developments –Other uses providing an opportunity for substantial numbers of people to enjoy the shorelines Shorelines of Statewide Significance Preferred Uses: Uses that –Protect the statewide interest over local interest –Preserve the natural character of the shoreline –Result in long-term over short- term benefit –Protect the resources and ecology of the shoreline –Increase public access to publicly owned areas of the shorelines –Increase public recreational opportunities –Other element consistent with SMA deemed appropriate or necessary 16

SMP Development 17

Shoreline Master Program Includes  Goals  Policies  Environment designations  Regulations 18

Regulatory Content Public Access Shoreline Uses and Modifications Vegetation Conservation In-water Activities Upland Activities 19

Environment Designations Based On: Criteria in the Guidelines Ecological condition per Inventory/Analysis Existing and planned land use 20

Development of the SMP Builds upon: SMP Guidelines & Consistency Analysis Inventory/Analysis Report Technical Advisory Committee to provide input and product review Policies and Regulations developed by County staff in collaboration with Planning Commission with guidance and review by County Council Eventual recommendation to County Council 21

Non-conforming Uses/Structures Overwater Structures (piers/docks) Shoreline Armoring Residential Development Buffers and Setbacks Vegetation Conservation Note: many topics are being addressed during the CAO update – proposed regulations likely in Spring Key SMP Issues

Public Involvement 23

What have we heard so far: Stakeholder Interview Summary Conducted 20 interviews with 69 people representing 43 groups, organizations, and businesses All viewed shorelines as most valuable resource and greatest asset A majority say it is possible to find a balance – protecting property rights, protecting habitat, and providing public access 24

What have we heard so far: Stakeholder Interview Summary Other results: Most were concerned about regulation: too much and not effective Some said any new regulations are not needed unless there are proven problems Others said a precautionary or preventative approach is needed Many said the update has to be flexible: not a “one size fits all” approach 25

Public Involvement –Stakeholder Interviews –Summit Meetings #2 = Visioning in summer 2011 #3 = Review of Draft SMP mid 2012 –Technical Advisory Committee –Community Outreach – fliers, fairs, etc. –Information Sessions for Planning Commission –County meetings with planning commissions and elected officials 26


Draft Shoreline Inventory Maps 28

Current Land Use Land Ownership Marine Public Access Septic Systems Surface Water System Impervious Surfaces Geologic Units Marine Shoreforms Soils 29 CARA Geologic Hazards Floodplains and Wetlands Land Cover Habitats and Species Drift Cells Shoreline Modifications Water Quality Environmental Cleanup Sites

30 Current Land Use

31 Marine Public Access

32 Drift Cells

Shoreline Analysis –Develops current baseline condition from which future impacts will be measured –Analyzes existing shoreline ecological functions –Analyzes current land use and identifies likely future changes –Identifies potential restoration opportunities 33

Next Steps Shoreline Analysis - May 2011 Community Visioning (Summit #2) - Summer 2011 Begin Drafting of SMP - Fall 2011 Public roll-out - mid