CONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES WITH HOLLOMAN AFB ANTHONY D. OVERBAY Director of Business Operations/Small Business Specialist 49th CONTRACTING SQUADRON Holloman AFB, NM 1 November, 2011 1 1
WHAT ARE OUR REQUIREMENTS? Services Grounds Maintenance Dining Facility Services (AbilityOne) Custodial Services Refuse Supplies (Commodities) IT/Furniture/Equipment/Supplies Blanket Purchase Agreements Medical Supplies Construction New construction Facility Repair/Renovation Demolition Over 60 Services type contracts. These are what we refer to as the Big 4. BPAs – Pre-priced agreements for commodities, high use items such as asphalt, concrete, lumber Construction – Generally repair and renovation. Milcon projects are generally large dollar administered by the ACOE These would be new facility requirements or major repairs such as runways. 1 1
Contract Obligations by Region Local Otero Co State Excludes Otero Co FY11 (Oct 10-Sep 11) Obligation: $53.5M U.S. 57.6% $30.85M State 38.4% $20.54M El Paso .90% $483K Local 3% $1.6M
Dollars by Contract Type Services Commodities Construction FY11 (Oct10-Sep 11) Obligation: $53.5M $16.6M 26.2% $25.3M 47.3% $18.6M 29.2%
Small Business Results FY 11 COMPARISON OF ACTUAL TO TARGET ACTUAL TARGET SDB 48.78% 48.00% WOB 26.6% 8.7% HUB 11.45% 15.00% SDVOSB 10.60% 3.00% SB 76.70% 85.00% SDB - Small Disadvantaged Business WOB - Woman Owned Business HUB - Historically Underutilized Business SB - Small Business “Program” SDVOSB - Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business
INTERACTION with HAFB Most likely in one of two ways: Government Purchase Card Program Contract Prime Contractor Subcontractor 1 1
GOVERNMENT PURCHASE CARD (GPC) PROGRAM Use card like any Visa Card Other Government Agencies have a similar program Vendor does not have to be registered in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) Have direct involvement with customer 1 1
CONTRACT vs. GPC Complexity of requirement Risk associated with requirement Reoccurring need for goods or services Dollar Value 1 1
THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT CONTRACTING Micro-Purchase Threshold $3K ($25K GSA/BPA) - Simplified Acquisition Threshold $150K ($5M Commercial) -- Risk (Cost, Schedule, Performance) -- Complexity Federal Statutes -- Competition / Sole Source -- Small Business Program Electronic Age Wide Area Work Flow (WAWF) Central Contractor Registration (CCR) On-line Representations/Certifications (ORCA) Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) Federal Labor Laws Service Contract Act - $2.5K Davis Bacon Act - $2K (Construction) 1 1
DOING BUSINESS WITH THE GOVERNMENT Federal Business Opportunities Commonly referred to as FedBizOps Can establish preferences and notifications Web Site: To reach Holloman AFB acquisitions, click on FedBizOpps VENDORS Agencies (scroll down and click on): Air Combat Command Locations Holloman AFB, NM 1 1
Actions You Can Take Keep your Central Contract Register data current Market research tool for contracting officers Provides information about a firms size and socio economic status Subscribe to FEDBIZOPS and stay current on posted opportunities Respond to Sources Sought Synopses and Request for Information Participate in Industry Days and small business outreach events Consider leveraging your capabilities by “teaming” with other small businesses to pursue larger procurement opportunities ? There are many resources available to help you! -- Local Air Force Small Business Specialist -- -- Small Business Administration (SBA) -- Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) -- Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) -- Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTACs) 1 1
POINTS OF CONTACT Anthony Overbay– (575) 572-3040 Director of Business Operations / Small Business Specialist , Chief, Plans and Programs Flight Jodie Odom/Julie Miller – (575) 572-7503/7785 GPC Program Coordinator Sandy East – (575) 572-3575 Chief, Commodities/Services Flight John Seamon – (575) 572-3993 Chief, Construction Flight 1 1
ACCESS TO HOLLOMAN AFB Contract employees are required to complete and submit Visitor Access Requests (VARs) Background checks will be conducted on all persons requesting access to Holloman AFB Results of background check will determine access/denial of access and escorted/unescorted access privileges Severity and date of offenses/incidents revealed during background checks determine access limitations