Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 1 Negotiation and Mediation Unit 2.1
Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 2 To enable participants to: Use negotiation and mediation skills as necessary when employed in a UN peacekeeping operation Aim
Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 3 On completion of the module, participants will be able to: Describe the characteristics of a conflict Define communication, negotiation and mediation Identify the three principles of negotiation/mediation Identify the phases of a negotiation/mediation process and list some needed action within the phases Apply negotiation/mediation skills in an exercise Learning Outcome
Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 4 Structure of the Presentation Definition of Conflict Typical responses to conflict Definition of communication, mediation, negotiation Purpose of Negotiation/Mediation Phases of Negotiation/Mediation Learning Outcome Assessment
Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 5 Definition of Conflict Conflict is a state of human interaction where there is disharmony or a perceived divergence of interests, need or goals. There is a perception that interests, needs or goals cannot be achieved due to interference from the other person or people (ACCORD)
Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 6 Informal discussion NegotiationMediationArbitrationAdjudicationForce Decision by the partiesDecision by external party Decision by force Parties lose control of the process/content/solution Conflict Management Continuum
Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 7 Typical responses to conflict FORCING/ CONFRONTING I win, you lose Energy directed to make others change JOINT PROBLEM SOLVING I win; you win Energy offered for possibilities YIELDING I loose, you win Energy added to others COMPROMISING I win and loose some; you win and loose some WITHDRAWING I loose, you loose Energy directed towards avoiding confrontation and controversy
Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 8 Communication Negotiation Mediation Definitions
Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 9 5 minutesfor activity introduction and instructions 5 minutesfor work small groups discussions 5 minutesfor small group reports in plenary 15 minutestotal time Definitions Communication Negotiation Mediation
Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 10 Purpose of Negotiation/Mediation Identification and isolation of areas of conflict/disputes Prevention of escalation Reduce differences in areas of conflict/disputes Resolution of conflict/disputes Preventive action against recurrence of conflict/disputes
Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 11 Understand your mandate Understand the interests of the people/parties Understand the cultural context Principles of Negotiation/Mediation
Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 12 Techniques of Negotiation/Mediation Generate a variety of possibilities Separate the people from the problem Focus on interests not positions Result has to be based on objective criteria
Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 13 Phases of Negotiation/Mediation Preparation Conduct of negotiation/mediation Follow up
Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 14 Advanced preparations/considerations Internal preparations Final preparations Preparation of Negotiation
Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 15 The opening talks The main talks Summary Conduct of negotiation
Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 16 The follow up Post meeting analysis Prepare a short verbal briefing for your headquarters Prepare a detailed written follow-up on the negotiation Contribute to other general information systems
Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 17 Preparations of Mediation Meet the parties separately before the meeting Consider possible solutions to the main conflict/dispute Discuss the conflict/dispute internally, Select a meeting-place Establish the conditions for the meeting
Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 18 Conduct of mediation Start the meeting by reading the agreed agenda If there has been a previous meeting give the result and the status of what has been implemented Appear impartial, observe objectivity and remain respectful Try to balance the outcome Guide/mediate the parties through their negotiation If no agreement/result can be reached, agree to meet again
Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 19 The follow up (As mentioned under negotiation)
Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 20 Pay social compliments. Cordiality, dignity and respect Define the common ground Remain calm Avoid criticism Do not be arrogant Be fair Use terminology known by all Complaints are clear, complete and in writing Make no promises Do not reveal anything about any party If you make a statement that you will do something – do it Maintain eye contact with the speaker General Tips for the Negotiator/Mediator
Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 21 Characteristics of a conflict and conflict management continuum Communication, negotiation and mediation Be aware of the mandate, cultural context and interests of people/parties Summary of Key Points
Unit 2.1 Negotiation and Mediation UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Slide 22 QUESTIONS?