The Path to Spiritual Growth Meditation Prayer Fasting
Fasting Facts: Fasting always has a spiritual purpose Scripture refers to fasting as abstaining from food; not from water Fasting is mostly a private matter; public fast on the Day of Atonement Fasting is not exclusive to Christianity Fasting was often an abused practice by God’s people Who’s Who in Scripture: Moses David Elijah Daniel Jesus Christ
Acts 13:3 “Then, after they had fasted, prayed and laid hands on them, they sent them off.” Luke 18:12 “I fast twice a week; I give a tenth of everything I get.” Matthew 4:2 “After He had fasted 40 days and 40 nights, He was hungry.”
Purpose of Fasting: Matthew 6: “Whenever you fast, don’t be sad-faced like the hypocrites. For they make their faces unattractive so their fasting is obvious to people. I assure you: They’ve got their reward! 17 But when you fast, put oil on your head, and wash your face, 18 so that you don’t show your fasting to people but to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”
Purpose of Fasting: Centered on God God-initiated and God-ordained Understand the things that control us Old Testament – fasting was associated with self- humiliation before God and in connection with the confession of sins The temporary deprivation of the body for the purpose of prayer and vigilance can have a profound spiritual impact on both the person fasting and the objects of their prayer!!!
Types of Fast Partial Fast – there is a restriction of diet but not a total abstention Absolute Fast – total abstention from food and water Paul in Acts 9:9 “He was unable to see for three days, and did not eat or drink.” Desperate measure to meet a dire emergency Practical ways: Start with a 12 hour period, then work into a 24 hour period
Who should not fast? Those with a medical condition Those who are required to take food with their medicine Those who are not spiritually ready – God has not initiated it. Those who have the wrong motive – works based!
Other Ways to fast: T.V. Internet Cell Phones Hobbies Sports
Is Fasting Commanded by God? NO! Are there spiritual benefits to fasting? YES! Fasting is about having the right motive of heart!