Honour your Mother and Father Commandment #4 Honour your Mother and Father
1. How does obedience cultivates self-discipline? What is obedience? Obedience is to comply with the commands of those in authority What is self-discipline? Self- discipline involves thinking before acting. It means self-control, the ability to avoid unhealthy excess of anything that could lead to negative consequences. Obedience teaches self- discipline by stopping us from behaving as if we were the center of the universe
2. What does the church teaches about the Family? family is the ‘original cell of social life’ what goes on in family shapes what goes on in society as a whole the family is the first teacher of the virtues of faith, hope, and love
3. What does ‘obey’ mean? ‘Obey’ - comes from the Greek word for ‘listening’ and for ‘answering the door’
4. When is it good to disobey your parents? person should obey his/her parents, when the person still lives at home and when the parents are asking is good for the good of the family However, we are not expected to obey our parents, when we are convinced in our conscience that what they are asking is wrong, Eg. if a parent commands a child to steal, it would be right for that child to disobey his or her parent. In this case, this is not a direct disobedience to God.
5. Was Jesus always obedient to his parents? Jesus obeyed his parents except when they wanted him to turn from those who needed him, turn away from this earthly mission
6. What reasons does the Bible give for obeying those in authority? The authority, that exist in our society (eg. parents, teachers, doctors, etc.) have been appointed by God. Therefore, whoever disobeys authority disobeys God
Therefore they served God. 7. Why should we respect people just because they hold certain positions? Reason is: people in authority serve common good, they work toward preservation of human rights. Therefore they served God.
8. What makes an authority legitimate? Legitimate authority is committed to serve the common good of society Illegitimate authority does not respect community members or that does not work to promote good relationships among all its subjects
9. Give an example of an illegitimate use of authority. A judge taking a bribe A teacher being sexually involved with a student A nurse or a doctor illegally assisting in a death of an terminally ill patient A police man applying unnecessary force to unconscious victim.
10. What is the common good? the Common Good - "good" (eg. clean air, safety, etc.) that is shared and is beneficial for all members of a given community. It allows individuals to reach their full potential The Common Good means that which is in the interest or well-being of the whole community. Everyone enjoys some good that is common to all of the citizens, eg. safety It will provide a better quality of life for everyone rather than just a few. For example, everyone in the community benefits from having safe street, good schools and a clean environment.
10. What conditions does the common good require? Common good is built upon respect of individuals, i.e. the basic human right of all individuals must be acknowledges and respected
No drinking and driving No cellphones while driving 11. Give and example of one policy in our society (or in the school) that prompted the common good. Explain why it serves the common good. Speed limits No weapon policy No smoking No drinking and driving No cellphones while driving Wearing uniform at school
12. What is the magisterium? What is its job? Magisterium refers to the teaching office of the Church. It consists of the Pope and Bishops. Its role is to safeguard the truth about God and his plan for our lives which came to full expression in the teaching and saving work of Jesus Christ.