Streamlining Project July 7, 2005 Susan Elo, EDGE -- Consultant to the Project Update to the Kootenay Spatial Data Partnership: Summary of recommendations
2 Kootenay Spatial Data Partnership Presentation Presentation Overview The Streamlining project Principles Focus on an integrated forest information cycle Multiple recommendations in four major areas: Information Access Cutblocks Road administration Business processes Related projects Conclusion
3 Kootenay Spatial Data Partnership Presentation Working Principles Information will be shared within government where possible The focus is on the business - not the systems Solutions will be sought to meet licensee and district operational needs for all licensees - big and small Clarity and integration of the business will enable future systems improvements (transition to full e-business) Major business processes will be provincially consistent The comparison of planned, permitted, and actual activity will be possible (C&E, Revenue, Monitoring)
4 Kootenay Spatial Data Partnership Presentation Streamlining Project Scope Integrated Forest Information Cycle Harvest completion reporting FSP Operational planning Harvest authority process Cruise, Appraisal, CP application Harvest completion Plan Report Notify Silviculture reporting Harvest notification Silviculture activity R/ FG Milestone Notification of commencement Inventory update
5 Kootenay Spatial Data Partnership Presentation Information Access Proposals Develop a "Forest Information Mall" to provide operational staff with one-stop shopping for the information and systems they need to do their jobs. Provide district, regional, and licensee staff with consolidated access to spatial information that is currently in many silos. Core spatial information that is the foundation to many different business areas should be consolidated, shared, and updated accordingly.
6 Kootenay Spatial Data Partnership Presentation Information Access Proposals (Cont’d) Consolidate user access protocols for both systems and information. Prioritize data clean-up and ensure there is an integrated MoF/MSRM data custodianship structure for forest information to support data quality improvements. Develop a provincially-consistent electronic process to support notification of harvest and road construction activity.
7 Kootenay Spatial Data Partnership Presentation Information Access Proposals: Focus on Core Information There is a set of core spatial information that is the foundation to many different business areas and should be consolidated, shared and updated accordingly Different and duplicative versions of core information exist. This must be minimized to ensure there is only one “working copy” Core information includes: Biophysical base Contours Water Roads Users should be able to customize viewing of core information Common features Land status and ownership Vegetation resource inventory Imagery
8 Kootenay Spatial Data Partnership Presentation Information Access Proposals: Focus on Core Information (cont’d) Viewing and other analytical tools should allow users to add to the core information with task-relevant information
9 Kootenay Spatial Data Partnership Presentation Information Access Related Projects: Forest Information Mall Greg Goss, Project Manager Jim Snetsinger, FPB, Sponsor One-stop shopping, task-focused, “portal”
10 Kootenay Spatial Data Partnership Presentation Information Access Related Projects: Activity Notification Sponsored by C&E Branch Web-based, direct linkage to internal systems (CIMS, FTA, RESULTS)
11 Kootenay Spatial Data Partnership Presentation Information Access Related Projects: RTEB “Prioritize Data Cleanup”: data cleanup initiative - sponsored by Jim Langridge “Integrate custodianship structure”: Custodianship Management/ Systems Implementation Process Review - sponsored by Jim Langridge
12 Kootenay Spatial Data Partnership Presentation Cutblock Proposals Submit FSPs in an electronic format to expedite approval, enable status tracking, and provide C&E and Stewardship with access to FSP information. Bundle the cruise, appraisal, and cutting permit in an electronic submission. Bundle RESULTS reporting for more efficient electronic submission. Integrated mapping standards are being developed for all business areas.
13 Kootenay Spatial Data Partnership Presentation Cutblock Related Projects: FSP Tracking Jim Langridge, sponsor; Graham Hawkins, project manager Currently gathering business requirements Emphasis on mutual benefit to all participants Spatial element in the submission requirements (FDUs)
14 Kootenay Spatial Data Partnership Presentation FSP Tracking Related Projects FSP Information Support Project (Greg Lawrance, Kevin Netherton): “Simplifying licensee access to information critical in the preparation of Forest Stewardship Plans (FSPs) in an administratively efficient manner.” FRPA Objectives Matrix (PFIT and Bill Quinn): “Access databases that describe, by district, the various legal objectives that are applicable to the land base.”
15 Kootenay Spatial Data Partnership Presentation Road Administration Proposals Develop a corporately-consistent road administration process Standardize road-naming protocols Bundle the road permit application and road-related appraisal information Separate the road tenure from the timber mark Allow the tenure for a road permit to cross boundaries of overarching licences for a single licensee ("a road is a road is a road").
16 Kootenay Spatial Data Partnership Presentation Business Process Proposals Incorporated within the other recommendations Provincial process mapping begun Driver for the Information Mall and the BIC
17 Kootenay Spatial Data Partnership Presentation Business Process Related Projects: Business Information Centre (BIC) Sponsored by IMG (Jeremey Janzen) First cut toward a task-focused, client-oriented approach to sharing information Incorporates process view of systems
18 Kootenay Spatial Data Partnership Presentation Other Related Projects FREP (Peter Bradford) and the Resource Stewardship Monitoring Program Spatial requirements currently being explored
19 Kootenay Spatial Data Partnership Presentation Conclusions FRPA driver: make the forest management process less complicated Streamlining goals for spatial data accuracy and accessibility align with the Partnership’s Lots of activity toward the same end Let’s keep each other informed.
20 Kootenay Spatial Data Partnership Presentation Streamlining Mantra “We will either find a way, or we’ll make one.” Hannibal