PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING JUNE 26, 2013 City of Corona Housing Element
Meeting Objectives Introduction to the Housing Element Purpose and Requirements Process Community Input Housing issues and concerns Suggestions for programs and services
What is the Housing Element? Integral component of City’s General Plan – a vision and blueprint for the future Contents: Provides an assessment of both current and future housing needs Identifies constraints and opportunities for meeting those needs Provides a comprehensive strategy that establishes goals, policies, and programs Must be reviewed by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for compliance with State laws
Housing Element Contents Needs Assessment Demographics, Housing Trends and Special Needs Groups Constraints Governmental, Market and Environmental Resources Financial and Administrative Adequate Sites Housing Plan Previous accomplishments Policies and Programs Housing Plan Needs Assessment ConstraintsResources
Regional Housing Needs Allocation A critical component of HCD review RHNA for fifth cycle update: 1/1/2014 – 10/31/ units Goal for accommodating housing need through land use policies and planning (zoning) NOT a construction obligation
Regional Housing Needs Allocation RHNACities Regional Planning Agencies State HCDSCAG Chino Hills 862 units Corona 770 units Moreno Valley 6,169 units Norco 818 units Riverside City 8,283 units Corona’s RHNA allocation makes up less than one percent of SCAG’s RHNA allocation
Regional Housing Needs Allocation Very LowLowModerate Above Moderate Total Fourth Cycle (1/1/2006 – 12/31/2013) ,3173,307 Fifth Cycle (1/1/2014 – 10/31/2021) Percent Reduction -76.6%-77.1%-76.8%-76.6%-76.7% Average Reduction for SCAG -39.2%-42.9%-43.1%-40.6%-41.1%
Regional Housing Needs Assessment Very Low Income Lower Income Moderate Above Moderate Total RHNA Residential Sites Inventory North Main St. Specific Plan ,433 Dos Lagos Specific Plan09500 Downtown Corona Revitalization Specific Plan 0065 Sites outside of Specific Plan areas Total1, ,760 Surplus ,990
Residential Sites Inventory ( )
Population Growth Race/Ethnicity Corona Today
Occupancy Type Housing Problems by Household Income Corona Today Housing problems include affordability, overcrowding, and substandard conditions
Corona Today
Next Steps Potential adoption October 2013 Revise Housing Element to Address HCD comments ___, day HCD review ___ to ___, 2013 Submit Housing Element to HCD for Review ___, 2013