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Allowed Device Types: Any device that is Wi-Fi Capable
We are not requiring any student to have a device.
If a child cannot provide a device they will not be left out. If a student doesn't have their own technology, they will be able to work in groups with one device.
Decreases cost of supplying technology Broadens learning beyond the classroom Takes advantage of teachable moments Increases interest Access information and tools Prepares students for higher education and tomorrow’s workplace
Access current references and information (Atlas, Almanac, Dictionary, Thesaurus, Weather, Current events, Translator, etc.) Take and share notes; access notes from web pages Access teacher & content websites Organization – calendar/ files/ assignments, etc. Student and teacher collaboration Document labs; take surveys Study aide Much more
Students are responsible to safeguard, supervise and secure their devices. Students are expected to RESPECT the property of others. Teachers will secure classrooms. The school will handle theft or damage as a discipline matter. Students will not be required to have other students use their device.
Students must be RESPONSIBLE – same expectation for computer use. Only School Wi-Fi can be used to access internet (NO cell phone – 3G/4G access allowed). Turn it off! Wi-Fi has district filter. Teacher may confiscate any device being used inappropriately. School discipline procedures will be enforced. Teachers will monitor use at all times.
Teachers have complete control over the use of devices in their classroom. “DEVICE UP” & “DEVICE DOWN” Teachers will let students know in advance when devices can be used in a lesson. Students NOT allowed to use their devices in common areas: before school, gym, cafeteria, bus room, etc.
Devices can only be used for educational purposes and under the direct supervision of school personnel. Students are not allowed to use their devices for recreational use. Ear buds/Headphones must be used at all times. Cell phones are not to be seen outside of the classroom. This also applies to headphones and ear buds.
Use of any device to bully, harass, or intimidate anyone. Taking photographs, videos, or audio recordings of another student or teacher without their permission. Using devices to cheat on assignments or tests. Recording, posting, or transmitting images or videos of ANYONE unless it is related to an academic assignment AND approved by the teacher. Social Media is not allowed in school. Use of mobile phones for voice, text, or communication.
Consequences: Detention In School Suspension Out of School Suspension Confiscated Device Loss of the Right to Use a Device at School Internet Privileges Revoked
Cyberbullying WILL NOT be tolerated! Cyberbullying is….. spreading rumors, lies, and gossip electronically. embarrassing someone with photos or video. sending threatening or intimidating messages. MAXIMUM PENALTY = Expulsion The administration may also report the incident to the police.
The use of any device in school is a privilege, NOT a right! Privileges can be revoked or lost!
What questions or concerns do you have?