Strategic Planning and Organizational Development for Health Care (HS 450) Arturo E. Rodriguez, PhD (c), MPH Unit 7-Stress Management & Conflict Resolution
Unit 6 discussion board review Would transformational or transactional leadership be more effective in a healthcare setting? Why? Would transformational or transactional leadership be more effective in a healthcare setting? Why? Obviously, Borkowski favors transformational leadership, and for good cause. There is room for both types depending on the situation. Obviously, Borkowski favors transformational leadership, and for good cause. There is room for both types depending on the situation. At the same time, given the current status of the healthcare system, there is more need for transformational leadership at this point. At the same time, given the current status of the healthcare system, there is more need for transformational leadership at this point.
Unit 6 discussion board review Do you believe that charisma is a leadership trait that can be learned? Why or why not? Do you believe that charisma is a leadership trait that can be learned? Why or why not? Remember a couple of weeks back where we discussed human behavior and the fact that it is mostly learned Remember a couple of weeks back where we discussed human behavior and the fact that it is mostly learned Charisma can be learned, but it takes time to master as there is lots of hit and misses with charisma Charisma can be learned, but it takes time to master as there is lots of hit and misses with charisma What some find charismatic, others find obnoxious What some find charismatic, others find obnoxious The trick is to know your audience. The trick is to know your audience.
Unit 6 discussion board review Why do you think that leadership is such a complicated and controversial subject? How will effective leadership change modern healthcare in the United States? Why do you think that leadership is such a complicated and controversial subject? How will effective leadership change modern healthcare in the United States? Part of the reason is that there are many views on what constitutes ‘leadership’, let alone ‘effective leadership’ Part of the reason is that there are many views on what constitutes ‘leadership’, let alone ‘effective leadership’ With so many different opinions, there is always room for disagreement, hence the controversy. With so many different opinions, there is always room for disagreement, hence the controversy.
Stress in the Workplace and Stress Management Chapter 12
© 2009 Jones and Bartlett Publishers What is Stress? Cognitive-transactional theory defines stress as “ a particular relationship between the person and the environment that is appraised by the person as taxing or exceeding his or her resources and endangering his or her well being ” (Schwarzer, 2004). Cognitive-transactional theory defines stress as “ a particular relationship between the person and the environment that is appraised by the person as taxing or exceeding his or her resources and endangering his or her well being ” (Schwarzer, 2004).
© 2009 Jones and Bartlett Publishers Individual Distress Consequences Behavioral/Psychological Behavioral/Psychological Physiological Physiological
© 2009 Jones and Bartlett Publishers Work Related Stress According to the American Institute of Stress (2004), job stress costs U.S. industry approximately $300 billion annually in terms of accidents, absenteeism, employee turnover, loss of productivity, direct medical, legal, and insurance costs, workers' compensation awards, as well as tort and Federal Employers' Liability Act (FELA) judgments. According to the American Institute of Stress (2004), job stress costs U.S. industry approximately $300 billion annually in terms of accidents, absenteeism, employee turnover, loss of productivity, direct medical, legal, and insurance costs, workers' compensation awards, as well as tort and Federal Employers' Liability Act (FELA) judgments.
© 2009 Jones and Bartlett Publishers Distress - Eustress
© 2009 Jones and Bartlett Publishers Stressors Positive or negative Positive or negative External or internal External or internal Short-term (acute) or long-term (chronic) Short-term (acute) or long-term (chronic)
© 2009 Jones and Bartlett Publishers Individuals and Stress Personalities Personalities Minorities Minorities Gender Gender
© 2009 Jones and Bartlett Publishers Burnout Three dimensions associated with burnout: 1. Emotional exhaustion 1. Seen as “lack of interest” 2. Depersonalization 1. Viewing others as obstacles or objects 3. Diminished personal accomplishment 1. Undervaluation of one’s own performance
© 2009 Jones and Bartlett Publishers Causes of Workplace Stress Individual task demands Individual task demands Individual role demands Individual role demands Group demands Group demands Organizational demands Organizational demands
© 2009 Jones and Bartlett Publishers Individual Coping Strategies Relaxation Relaxation Learned Optimism Learned Optimism Hardiness Training Hardiness Training Stress Management Programs Stress Management Programs
Conflict Management, Decision Making and Negotiation Skills Chapter 13
© 2009 Jones and Bartlett Publishers Conflict Conflict occurs when an individual or group feels negatively affected by another individual or group. Three components: 1. Perceived incompatibility of interests, 2. Some interdependence of the parties, and 3. Some form of interaction.
© 2009 Jones and Bartlett Publishers Types of Conflict Goal Goal Cognitive Cognitive Affective Affective Procedural Procedural
© 2009 Jones and Bartlett Publishers Levels of Conflict Intrapersonal Intrapersonal Interpersonal Interpersonal Intragroup Intragroup Intergroup Intergroup Interorganizational Interorganizational
© 2009 Jones and Bartlett Publishers Conflict-Handling Modes
© 2009 Jones and Bartlett Publishers Decision-Making Models Rational Approach – a systemic analysis of the problem followed by the choice and implementation of a solution in a logical, step- by-step sequence (Daft, 2004). Rational Approach – a systemic analysis of the problem followed by the choice and implementation of a solution in a logical, step- by-step sequence (Daft, 2004). Bounded Rationality Approach – Due to cognitive limitations, an individual will limit his or her search for information prior to decision- making. Bounded Rationality Approach – Due to cognitive limitations, an individual will limit his or her search for information prior to decision- making.
© 2009 Jones and Bartlett Publishers Decision-Making Models (cont.) Intuition – decision-making using one ’ s professional judgment based on past experiences rather than sequential logic or explicit reasoning (Daft, 2004). Intuition – decision-making using one ’ s professional judgment based on past experiences rather than sequential logic or explicit reasoning (Daft, 2004). Heuristics or Biases Approach – Individuals use judgmental heuristics or “ rules of thumb ” to simplify their decision-making. Commonly used: availability bias, representativeness bias and anchoring/adjustment bias. Heuristics or Biases Approach – Individuals use judgmental heuristics or “ rules of thumb ” to simplify their decision-making. Commonly used: availability bias, representativeness bias and anchoring/adjustment bias.
© 2009 Jones and Bartlett Publishers Escalation of Commitment When an individual continues to allocate more resources to a losing proposition due (1) inability to admit to a mistake, or (2) framing heuristic.
© 2009 Jones and Bartlett Publishers Avoid Escalation of Commitment 1. Recognize that you may be biased toward escalation, 2. See escalation for what it is (i.e., an overcommitment to a strategy by defining failure ambiguously, or by ignoring others ’ concerns), and 3. Avoid overcommitment by looking at the strategy from an outsider ’ s perspective.
© 2009 Jones and Bartlett Publishers Decision Style Model
© 2009 Jones and Bartlett Publishers Conflict Negotiation Models Negotiation is the process by which two or more parties decide what each will give and take in an exchange. Three major negotiation models: 1. Distributive (win-loss approach), 2. Integrative (win/win approach), and 3. Interactive (joint problem-solving approach)
Reminder!! Initial post due by Saturday, July 21 Initial post due by Saturday, July 21 Responses by Tuesday, July 24. Responses by Tuesday, July 24. Assignment due by Tuesday, July 24. Please submit as ONE file Assignment due by Tuesday, July 24. Please submit as ONE file End of chapter questions (Chapter 12) on pages Please be sure to be thorough with your answers. Case study 13-8, SCENARIO 1 ONLY on page 285. Again, please be thorough with your answer.
Next week Groups, Teams, and Team Building Groups, Teams, and Team Building Get familiar with the term ‘sandbagging’ Get familiar with the term ‘sandbagging’
Final Exam Must be completed by Tuesday August 14 Must be completed by Tuesday August 14 I will a comprehensive study guide by next week I will a comprehensive study guide by next week 16 questions, 320 points total 16 questions, 320 points total Most questions are 20 points. There will be one 30-point question and two 10-point questions Most questions are 20 points. There will be one 30-point question and two 10-point questions I will be looking for detailed and thorough answers to the questions. No page limit, so please be comprehensive. I will be looking for detailed and thorough answers to the questions. No page limit, so please be comprehensive.