background information about someone's past; information from the past; related information that may not be obvious at first; something that is not at the forefront; something less important than the main thing
conflict a problem between two or more people or groups
conflict resolution when the main problem in a story or situation is worked out
establish to build; to bring about; to cause to exist
external outside of; something beyond the immediate person, place, or system
generalization a broad statement about a situation; an overall, broad conclusion made from specifics
generalize to make a broad statement about a situation; to make a broad conclusion from specifics
inference a judgment that is made on the basis of specific facts
internal inside; something inside a person, place, or system
moral a lesson or teaching, often coming from a story
perspective a particular point of view
previous coming before; happening in the past
prior something coming before; something that happened earlier
recall to remember; to be brought back from the past
resolution the working out of a conflict; the end result of something; the reaching of an agreement about a dispute
theme the message of a story
theme a broad topic or idea that is carried through something
tone mood; the type of emotion or feeling of something