Sutton Public Schools Anti-Bullying Law Overview
Preparing for the Bullying Prevention Law The following information comes directly from the Office of the Attorney General and The Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC).
Components of the Anti- Bullying Law Legislation Definition of Bullying Tools to enforce Anti-bullying Current Laws and Implications Required Elements of a Bully Prevention and Intervention Plan Your role as a staff member What you can and cannot discuss with parents What we are already doing here in Sutton Questions
Legislation Defines bullying and cyber bullying Reaches off-campus conduct Requires curricula and policies Reporting to principals Procedures for investigating reports Reporting to law enforcement if criminal Does not create any new crimes
Bullying Defined Repeated conduct Physical or emotional harm or Damage to victim’s property Hostile environment at school for victim; Infringes on the rights Materially and substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school
Off-Campus Conduct Extends beyond school grounds if it: Creates a hostile environment at school for victim or Materially and substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school
Tools School Disciplinary Code and Policy Criminal Statutes MOA (Memorandum of Agreement) SRO (School Resource Officer) Local Law Enforcement
Criminal Harassment G.L. c. 265, s. 43A Willfully and maliciously Pattern of conduct or series directed at a specific person Seriously alarms that person and would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress Includes acts committed by mail, telephone, telephonic device, and internet
Threats G.L. c. 275, s. 2 Threats to commit a crime Against the person or property of another Need expression of intention and an ability to do so in circumstances that justify apprehension on the part of the recipient
Stalking Willfully and maliciously Engages in a knowing pattern of conduct or series of acts over a period of time directed at a specific person Seriously alarms or annoys that person and would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress Makes a threat with intent to place a person in imminent fear of death or bodily injury
Assault G.L. c. 265, s. 13A Act of placing another in reasonable fear that force may be used
Assault and Battery Basics By means of a Dangerous Weapon For the purpose of Intimidation
Additional Laws and Implications Hazing Annoying Telephone Calls Identity Fraud Disturbance of School or Assembly
Destruction of School or Educational Facility Willfully and intentionally destroys, defaces, mars or injures a school, educational facility or community center
Required Elements of the Bully Prevention and Intervention Plan Include: Descriptions of and statements prohibiting bullying, cyber-bullying and retaliation Clear procedures for students, staff, parents, guardians and others to report bullying or retaliation Provision for anonymous reporting Clear procedures for responding to and investigating reports of bullying or retaliation The range of disciplinary actions that may be taken Balance accountability and the need to teach appropriate behavior
Required Elements of the Bully Prevention and Intervention Plan Include: Clear procedures for restoring a sense of safety for the victim Strategies for protecting from bullying or retaliation Procedures consistent with state and federal law for notifying parents or guardians of a victim or perpetrator A provision that a student that makes a false accusation shall be subject to disciplinary action A strategy for providing counseling or referral to appropriate services for victims and perpetrators and for family members of students
In the Event of a Bullying or Retaliation Situation Report it to your building principal, they will determine the next steps. If you are not certain the situation is bullying or retaliation report it anyway.
What You Can Tell Parents In A Bullying or Retaliation Situation Specific disciplinary procedures that are defined in school policy or administrative procedures, and whether or not you intend to follow that policy in this case Any actions the school is taking that affect their child (e.g., moving the child to another classroom) The fact that they have been in communication with the parents or guardians of other children Any actions the school is taking which affect the children generally but which may impact the incident(s) in question (e.g., placing an adult monitor in a spot which has been identified as one where bullying occurs)
What You Can Tell Parents In A Bullying or Retaliation Situation (continued) Previous incident(s) in which their child had some involvement, without naming other children Measures you might use to help parents help their child (e.g.,practicing your child’s response to a bully;“checking in” daily with your child’s teacher; getting important information from your child) Any reports or referrals made to law enforcement regarding the incident(s)in question
What You CANNOT Tell A Parent in A Bullying or Retaliation Situation Specific disciplinary procedures instituted against any child except their own Any actions the school is taking that specifically affect a child other than their own(e.g., moving another child to a different The content of any communications with another child’s parents or guardians Any contract or agreement with a child who is not their own, or with the parents of that child
What You CANNOT Tell A Parent in A Bullying or Retaliation Situation (continued) The names or identification of other children involved in previous incident(s)in which their child had some involvement, for which there is a record Measures other parents are taking to help their child(e.g., parents putting another child in therapy) Previous or past behaviors or behavior problems of any child other than their own child
Anti-Bullying In Sutton Safety, Respect, Responsibility Second Step Steps to Respect RADD Kids Kaleidoscope Theater Bully Reporting School Website Parent Coffees
For More Information… Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education