Timber Supply Review and Species Management By: Paul Barolet, R.P.F., Stewardship Officer Stewardship Officer
GREAT CSC THEME ! *Speciesism = prejudice or discrimination based on species, and does it matter to the AAC? Let’s examine some situations in less than 1 minute per slide. Is speciesism already a reality in current TSR ‘s?
This 2006 report cited a number concerns and made recommendations related to monitoring practices for timber supply
Under-story Prejudice in the KINGCOME TSA Forest Cover Inventory is now Hw7Cw2BA1
Over-Story Tree Species Discrimination in a TFL
Over-story Tree Species Discrimination Google Image RESULTS Spatial Data Submitted Field Photo
More Kingcome TSA Forest Cover Discrimination
Author Gordon Baskerville, PhD “Why Forecast Fail”
Forest Influence on Even Aged Stands?
Inventory Discrimination in the Mid-Coast TSA
Forest Cover Data Integrity and Timber Supply Regarding forest cover attributes applied in TSR forecasts, please remember that; DATA in = AAC Forecast out or GARBAGE IN = GARBAGE OUT Think about Baskerville’s comments and that TSR forecasts should mimic the on ground reality in the forest both in terms of yield curves and harvest flows.
Forest Cover Reporting Coast Regional Implementation Team Consensus FPPR section 86 RESULTS RISS Manual RESULTS Treed Retention Manual Silviculture Survey Procedures Manual Forest Management Leadership Team ALL FIVE DOCUMENTS HAVE ONE ELEMENT IN COMMON, SURVEY AND REPORT BASAL AREA WHEN >5 M2/HA IS RETAINED
This includes standing waste!
Previously Harvested Stands Mid-Coast TSR 3 or Speciesisms? inventory attributes a net area of 7120 hectares. Most of these stands were apparently excluded because of low net value and inventory attributes....About 87 percent of the stands were hemlock or balsam leading,.... I estimate that about 50 percent of previously harvested stands that were excluded as inoperable will contribute to future timber supply in the TSA. This resulted in a loss of 3560 ha or 2.2% of THLB.
Inventory and THLB does it matter?
Understory and Over-Story Speciesisms = THLB Loss?
Total Chance Planning?
Or Isolation of Future Timber?
Middle of Nowhere BC
Middle of Nowhere BC BC?
Speciesisms does it matter to the AAC? Timber supply requires unbiased forest cover reporting regardless of the source. Timber supply areas increasingly reveal both economic and logistical challenges associated with less diverse/low net value stands and high logging costs which is considered in timber supply. When weighing your economic decision to rely on natural ingress outcomes consider how this affects the THLB based on previous TSR’s. THLB reductions could be offset with inventory attributes of residual basal area to contribute to future timber supply.
Speciesisms does it matter to the AAC? Timber supply analysts should revisit yield curve assumptions (base case) for EBM areas relative to growing conditions and,….. Has the scale of resolution for analysis units become they too generalized? Silviculture surveyors as professionals are responsible for; – surveying and accurately reporting forest cover of stand conditions when >5m2/ha is retained – meeting all legal policies and professional expectations Yes, speciesisms matters to the AAC!