Creating a Container for Learning April 30, 2012 Laurie Frank GOAL Consulting
Agenda Introduction - Protocols, Introductory Activities Transformative Approaches - Internal vs. External - Container Concept - Invitational Education Dealing with Behavior & Conflicts - PII: Prevention, Intervention, Invention Closing
Part 1 Introduction Protocols Introductory Activities Youth Today Framework
Protocols or Ground Rules Assume Good Intentions Ouch/Oops Make the experience work Right to Pass Others?
“The world is passing through troubled times. The young people of today think of nothing but themselves.” “Never has youth been exposed to such dangers of both perversion and arrest as in our own land and day.” G.S. Hall, Psychologist ( ) Peter the Hermit, French monk in the First Crusade ( )
“Today’s young people no longer respect their parents. They are rude and impatient. They have no self-control.” “Youth love luxury. They have bad manners. They are tyrants. They contradict their parents, talk too much nonsense, guzzle their food, and tyrannize their teachers.” Socrates, Greek philosopher ( BC) Hieroglyphic translated from Egyptian tomb (circa 4000 BC)
Part 2 Transformative Approaches Internal vs. External Reasons for Behavior Container Concept Invitational Education
Reacting Acting without thinking Reacting Acting without thinking Responding Thinking before we act Responding Thinking before we act
NPR Story: Working with the teenage brain: a parent’s perspective See also: Frontline (2002) Inside the Teenage Brain: A Work in Progress (2002). html?s=frol02nfa8q392 html?s=frol02nfa8q392
1. Ways to use the item in beneficial or helpful ways 2. Ways to use the item in harmful or hurtful ways Brainstorming
“People and environments are never neutral, they are either summoning or shunning the development of human potential.” Purkey & Novak, Inviting School Success
The Container Concept
Not all Containers are Alike
We Have Choices… We have Influence… What are the qualities of your container at school?
Part 3 PII: Prevention, Intervention, Invention
PII Prevention is anything we do to prevent conflict in our programs or to prepare for it before it happens. Intervention is responding when conflicts do happen. Invention is creating something new and constructive out of the situation.
PREVENTION Laying groundwork such as: Establishing procedures, routines, and norms for common activities; (Community agreements) Creating a feeling of community and caring; (Sequence) Building relationships and a sense of trust; (Being Trustworthy)
PREVENTION Strength based Using learning moments to teach/practice skills rather than fix a problem Engaging Curriculum Safe Environment Protocols/Agreements Ground rules (external), community agreements (internal) Teaching of skills Lifeskills, emotional literacy, social emotional skills, conflict resolution
INTERVENTION Dealing with the conflict in ways that: Solve problems; Help students to be more independent in their conflict resolution; (Response to bullying and harassment, Proactive response to conflict)
INTERVENTION Dealing with the conflict in ways that: Help students learn from their experiences; Improve relationships among students as well as between students and staff. SEE: Conflict Resolution in the High School By Miller Lieber
Defusing Anger Listen attentively while the other person vents his or her anger. Don’t get defensive: stay calm Keep your focus on the other person Encourage him or her to keep talking. Restate and reflect the other person’s feelings: “I can see that you’re upset because…” “I can tell you’re angry about…” “ You feel … because…” “ You sound…” “I hear you saying that…”
PROACTIVE INTERVENTION Staying Calm: Resist emotional flooding (using the prefrontal cortex) Defusing Anger De-escalating Conflict Resolving Conflict Rather than short-circuiting it
INVENTION Using conflict productively to: Help students learn; Mobilize support and structure for individual students Identify problems, weaknesses and areas of concern in the classroom; Identify skills individual students need to develop in conflict resolution. SEE: The Resilience Revolution: Discovering Strengths in Challenging Kids by Brendtro & Larson
Key Invention questions Is the conflict: A sign that something is wrong with the program; A sign students need more skills; A sign that the program is not well-planned; A sign that we need to look outside of the program to address the conflict?
Key Invention questions Are there new procedures we need to establish in the program? Do we need to revise our procedures or schedules? Is our program meeting students’ needs? Are we planning in a way that prevents conflict?
Part 4 Closing
People Talents/Gifts Ideas Insights Inspiration Life Experience Family Beliefs & Ideals Values Theories & Models People Talents/Gifts Ideas Insights Inspiration Life Experience Family Beliefs & Ideals Values Theories & Models What Guides You? What shows you the way?
How did I add to my cairn?
“I am because we are. We are because I am.” African Proverb
Laurie Frank GOAL Consulting 1337 Jenifer Street Madison, Wisconsin USA You are here