Small Animal Care and You! Picking a Companion Animal Liberty Agriculture 2012 Chuck Flowers
Survey: your real needs Do I want the animal just because it‘s a fad. Euthanasia-to induce the death of an animal quickly and painlessly. Millions of Pets are abandoned or sent to animal shelters yearly. Selecting a pet- a person should consider the following questions.
1. Where should I obtain a pet ? Pet shop Purebred breeder Humane Shelter Friends
2. How much space do I have for this pet. 1.Big Backyard 2.Apartment 3.Farm 4.What are the space requirements for this animal.
3.What about my Lifestyle Time Care Grooming Exercise Space
4.How Much Will the Animal Cost ? Initial Cost: –With this feed costs –Dog $25-40., Cat$ Vet Bills –Vaccinations –Unexpected Vet. costs Toys, bedding, etc.
5. What Will The Future Bring is it a GAMBLE Are you willing to take the risk……. Will that cute puppy still be wanted when it is grown?
6. Does Everyone In The Family Want A Pet ? Are there people with allergies Who will share responsibility for the animal
7. What kind of personality do I have Docile, easy going, laid back I like my space Active, like to exercise, be outdoors, hunt
8. Is this Animal a Fad or Status Symbol ? 1.Movies-dogs/cats 2.TV shows-guinea pigs 3.Babe or other animal movies
9.What Am I Going To Use The Animal For ? Companion animal / Pet Tricks / train it Working Hunting Combination of all the above
Life Lessons From Animals Responsibility Social Skills Respect and Compassion Grief and coping with a loss
Small Animal Facts Domestication- dates back 12,000 years Cats-3500 years Pet ownership-58.9% of all Americans have a pet.-58.2% of US households –Dogs 36.5% Cats-30.9% –11.7 million Birds, 4.6 mill. Rabbits –1.3 mill. Hamsters, 24 mill. Fish
Small Animal Facts cont Pet Food Manufacturers-$8 Billion in sales each year and growing. Vet. Expenses-$4.6 billion-dogs, 2.3 billion cats, 185 million birds Total cost for Pets in the US 13 Billion dollars. Guinea pigs 838,000 Snakes-735,000 Hamsters 1,316,000 Ferret-619,000
Disadvantages of Sm. Animals Costly – each year Americans spend $20 billion on companion animals Health costs - Americans spend $10 billion each year on health care for companion animals. Health concerns (animals sometimes carry germs / diseases that can spread to humans).