Module 2: Concepts and Principles Supporting change through Capacity Development.


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Presentation transcript:

Module 2: Concepts and Principles Supporting change through Capacity Development

This Module Considers CD/Change Management in EU cooperation Provides an overview of Definitions and Concepts Discusses “What is Capacity Development?”

Capacity Development in EU Cooperation Aid and development effectiveness (Paris to Busan/Mexico) is a means – not an end. A central theme shaping the way the EU provides development assistance: Agenda for Change Main feature of most if not all projects and programmes – much more than TC A distinct area of work or a key cross-cutting theme? Primary or complementary action?

4 Definitions

Contextual factors beyond influence Contextual factors and actors within influence Wider impact OutcomesOutputs Capacity Recurrent inputs CD processes CD support Internal resources Conceptual Model for change

What is Capacity? Capacity Levels Capacity for What? Elements of Capacity

Capacity Levels Sectors, networks Enabling factors Coordination Leadership Service delivery Skills, performance Ambition, drive Levels Areas (examples)

Action fields CreationUtilisationRetention Individual Development of adequate skills, knowledge, competencies and attitudes Application of skills, knowledge, competencies in the workplace Reduction of staff turnover, facilitation of skills and knowledge transfer within institutions Organisa- tional Establishment of efficient structures, processes and procedures Integration of structure, processes and procedures in the daily workflows Regular adaptation of structures, processes and procedures Institutional and policy environment Establishment of adequate institutions, laws and regulations Enforcemen t of laws and regulations for good governance Regular adaptation of institutions, laws and regulations Source: Rwanda Public Sector Capacity Building Secretariat available at

Contextual factors beyond influence Contextual factors and actors within influence Wider impact Outcomes BLACK BOX Recurrent inputs CD processes CD support Internal resources Capacity for what? (output)


Elements of capacity The ECDPM Five Core Capabilities Model (the 5Cs)

12 Elements of capacity: tangible and intangible Technical, functional, tangible and visible Social, relational, intangible and invisible Technical: skills, knowledge and methodologies Assets: staff, equipment, money, technical systems, etc. Empowerment and organisational attributes: laws and regulations, structures, HRM systems, mandates Strategic elements such as policies and strategy, cooperation agreement Operational capacities such as: Culture and values Leadership, political relationships Implicit knowledge and experience Relational skills: negotiation, teamwork, conflict resolution Facilitation, problem solving skills Intercultural communication Adaptive capacities such as: Ability and willingness to self-reflect and learn from experience Ability to analyse and adapt Change readiness and change management

Contextual factors beyond influence Contextual factors and actors within influence Wider impact OutcomesOutputs Capacity Recurrent inputs CD processes CD support Internal resources What is Capacity Development?

What has been learned about capacity and its development Strong endogenous dimension, development partners can support, not lead Relies on knowledge sharing Influenced by incentives and opportunity A change process (+ change is political: winners and losers) Involves complexity and uncertainty

Capacity Development and Change Far From Agreement ComplexChaotic ▲▲▲ComplicatedComplex Close to Agreement SimpleComplicated Complex Close to Certainty ►►► Far From Certainty

Contextual factors beyond influence Contextual factors and actors within influence Wider impact OutcomesOutputs Capacity Recurrent inputs CD processes CD support Internal resources Support to Capacity Development Modest role Quality Criteria Ownership

17 To play this role requires: A thorough understanding of context, challenges and opportunities for change Consideration of range of alternative strategies and entry points Being open and explicit in discussing approaches/options Being flexible and ready to adapt and learn to changing needs, and opportunities

The changing donor role First listen, listen again ….. Are you relevant to your partner? Dialogue, facilitate, negotiate, influence Broker …… so watch your language

Examples of language This? “Shall we do a context analysis or base-line study to prepare our programme” “We believe that this programme will help you solve your problems” Or this? “What are you currently doing and where could we provide meaningful support” “Let’s look at the various options that may help you solve this problem”

The big picture challenges Make capacity development support to a country led process Make existing capacities the strategic starting point Be realistic (and innovative) about support options Define and measure capacity results Challenges

What are your main challenges to Capacity Development?