THEME 3 ‘Say No to Bullying’ Suggested – November or anytime
Theme Overview The theme is structured differently to other themes. It is suggested the work takes place over a week of activities to correspond with Anti-bullying Week in November. The theme focuses on: What is bullying? How does bullying feel? Why people bully? How can we prevent and respond to bullying? How can children use their social and emotional skills to tackle bullying?
Theme Overview How can we create a school where it’s not OK for people to use bullying behaviour? It is important to use the language ‘bullying behaviour’ as bullying doesn’t arise from a fixed personality trait. The use of the word ‘bully’ implies the bullying behaviour cannot be changed. It is important that staff work together to agree a consistent approach. Developing the SEBS of everyone will promote empathy, problem solving and enlist the support of witnesses through a group approach.
The Theme Consists of the Following Materials: Red Set: Focus on belonging/celebrating similarities and differences I Statement example: I like the ways we are all different and can tell you something special about me Blue Set: Focus on those who are being bullied – ‘Getting It’ I Statement example: I can tell you how someone who is bullied feels Yellow Set: Focus on the witnesses – ‘Watching It’ I Statement example: I can tell you why witnesses sometimes join in with bullying or don’t tell
The Theme Consists of the Following Materials CONTINUED: Green Set: Focus on bullying behaviour I Statement example: I can understand how rumour spreading and name calling can be bullying behaviours Purple Set: Activities and information for staff Gold Set: Activities and information for parents
Sensitive Issues and Confidentiality A focus on bullying may potentially give rise to a number of sensitive issues – the SEAL resource contains guidance on this in Appendix 3. All work on bullying needs to be within the context of PSHE and other teaching on keeping safe. Staff should follow the school’s child protection procedures if there are any disclosures from the children. This is a proactive approach towards anti-bullying and does not address the issue of dealing with bullying behaviour when it occurs.
Assembly Overview The week will start with an introductory assembly and culminate in a celebration assembly Children could be nominated for a variety of awards throughout the week – such as being a good friend or being kind to someone who was feeling left out. Before the assembly the children are encouraged to think about: What different sorts of bullying are there? Why do some people who witness bullying often not do anything about it? Who decides how serious the bullying is? What can we do about bullying? These questions will be explored through the story, which explores how Laura is being bullied in the playground.
Celebration Assembly Parents and carers to be invited to see what all the children and adults have been doing to make the school a safe and happy place. Revisit Laura’s story – emphasising the importance of telling someone about bullying behaviour. Children from each year group show some of the work they have been doing during the week. Conclude by asking the children and adults to think quietly about what they have learned about bullying. Ask them then to think what they can do to make sure that no-one in school feels bullied or lonely or sad, concentrating on what difference their own behaviour could make.
Activity 1 What is bullying? What different sorts of bullying are there? First in pairs and then in your groups, discuss the sorts of bullying that occur in your school. Record these on a flipchart. Compare your sheet with the ‘Bullying can be…’ worksheet. Are there any differences?
Activity 2 Is it Bullying? In pairs complete the ‘Is It Bullying’ quiz. Compare your responses in your group – record any issues on flipchart paper.
Activity 3 What would a safe school look, sound and feel like? Thought shower in groups – and record on a mind map. How does the development of an Emotionally Intelligent young person relate to preventing bullying. What would we all have to do to create this ‘safe school’? Action plan some ideas you could use to make your school a safe place for everyone. How could you ensure the children had some ownership of this process? Record on flipchart paper.