CFI Global Consultation – Meeting 1 Wellcome Trust, London, April 2015 Carel IJsselmuiden
Core team TWG COHRED Board Jack Watters Pfizer, Sanofi, Celgene, Wellcome Trust You The team
Our mission Achieving and sustaining global health is crucially dependent on the capacity of low and middle income countries to use science and innovation to solve their own priority health and development problems – both on their own and in partnership with high income countries and their researchers, innovators and institutions FRC – Fair Research Contracting ISEAL Alliance – How did we arrive at the CFI ?
/ accessed 15 April 2015
Olalekan A Uthman et al. BMJ Open 2015;5:e Trends in the WHO/AFRO health research article outputs indexed in PubMed (2000–2014; AAPC, average annual percentage change). *AAPC is significantly different from zero (0), p=
Main recommendations from the Dakar Forum: (2) 5) Promote the strong and effective support of policymakers and various stakeholders, to develop the capacities of African scientists to conduct research and design interventions addressing the challenges related to the outbreak of Ebola as well as similar health threats; and 6) Strengthen the capacity of health, research, and governance bodies in the subregion.
Research & Innovation for Health Health Social & Political Development Economic Development Health System Health Research
CFI – Research & Innovation for Health Research = knowledge generation Innovation = transforming knowledge into practical and scalable solutions – Link between R & I is ‘automatic’ in private sector, not so in public sector – but is essential for impact – so has to be part of the CFI e.g. ‘translation research’ ‘implementation science’
Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology 13 Insecticide-treated nets made in Tanzania exported to other African countries. 30,000,000 olyset nets (50% of the worlds production) made by A - Z company Tanzania Tanzania ’ s worth of export of nets have increased from Tsh 65bn in 2008 to 105bn in people employed in the industry Health:
Research & Innovation Partnerships Partnerships are key to growth of research and innovation
COHRED Fairness Index - CFI an actively managed certification system to optimize the ability to engage in and sustain fair research and innovation partnerships
Creating the CFI - rationale Raising Awareness – e.g. Costello & Zumla (2000) Establishing principles of best practice – e.g. KFPE : 11 principles, 7 questions Creating practical tools – e.g. Fair Research Contracting (FRC) Actively managed certification system – e.g. the COHRED Fairness Index Generating legal obligation – e.g. the Nagoya Protocol
CFI – what can it measure ? 1)Assess conditions essential to fairness in research and innovation – rather than partnerships themselves 2)Assess partnerships directly – given the complexity of doing so means this is not for the early phase of the CFI
CFI – what is the ‘unit of application’ ? 1)Project / Program 2)Institution 3)Country 4)Partnerships Measuring conditions essential to fairness in partnerships Measuring partnerships directly
CFI – what does it measure (2) ? DOMAINS / Objectives – are likely to be the same across the 4 levels INDICATORS – are likely to vary for each level
COHRED Fairness Index
CFI – example of Indicators at 4 Levels If the DOMAIN is ‘proper financial management’ – then Projects/Program: – Co-PI’s have full transparency and decision power, from the beginning Institution: – There is a competent research administrator or accredited outsourced auditor Country: – Enforceable Policy requiring that research is contracted institutionally, and that institution use accredited auditors Partnership: – Joint financial audit, conflict resolution mechanism that is ‘neutral’, reasonable F&A sharing; IP sharing
CFI – who would benefit ? In the DOMAIN of ‘proper financial management’ Research institutions : Research sponsors : Business : Researchers : National development : Global health research :
CFI – boundaries What should NOT be included in the CFI – what should be its boundaries ?
CFI – the concept 1)Widely agreed upon, measurable set of best practices
CFI – membership of TWG
CFI – participation in today’s meeting
CFI – the concept 1)Widely agreed upon, measurable set of best practices 2)Enabling users to (gradually) improve their own practices 3)Independent verification 4)Certification
CFI – Governance & Management
CFI – what standards ? The CFI – Technical Advisory Group will: 1.Examine existing, related standards, guidelines, best practices and take what aspects are relevant to the CFI 2.Design new standards where there are none, particularly around ‘fairness’
CFI – some reasons to use it 1.Early Adopters – it matters who these are 2.Pressure – from one of the partners in the partnership 3.Collaborating PI’s – want fairness 4.Institutional / National Policy – efficiency, grow system capacities 5.Reduce Reputational Risk – all parties 6.…
CFI – Business Model & Financing Sustainable funding – ‘user pays’ Development of Financing – Phase 1 : to 31 October 2015 : COHRED internal resources plus support from Pfizer, Celgene, Sanofi, Wellcome Trust – Phase 2 : up to end 2018 : needs 3 years of external support – Phase 3 : 2019 onwards : user-base should be able to sustain costs
CFI – Business Model & Financing
CFI – possible evolution - 1 TIME we are busy with a process not just a product Global Reporting Index … Forest Stewardship Council …
CFI – possible evolution - 2 1)From High – Low & Middle Income partnerships >> all partnerships 1)From “Research and Innovation for Health” >> all science & innovation
CFI – This meeting - process Create more opportunity to contribute: Panels, discussions, networking Notes to send us afterwards Help to arrange a CFI workshop where you are Najia, contact other COHRED staff, board Tweet it …
September - November 2014: Technical Working Group I 22 January - 27 March 2015: Global Consultation I II April 2015: CFI Stakeholder Meeting III 18 May - 31 July: Global Consultation II IV October 2015: Launch of the CFI V
Today – AM : Need for CFI / Domains Lunch : networking – PM : CFI – moving towards practice: going global Cocktail : Forum 2015 – Dinner : Sustainability & Endorsements Tomorrow – AM : Implementation, Endorsement, Early Adopters CFI – Meeting Programme
CFI – Outcomes of this meeting 1)Confirm need for a “CFI” 2)Outline ‘Domains’/Objectives that need to be included 3)Indicators 4)Financing & Sustainability 5)Endorsement, early adoption, operationalisation 6)Any other help you can offer