Educational Provision: making mainstream schools autism-friendly & inclusion Dr. Rita Jordan School of Education, University of Birmingham, 2003
Issues in Effective Integration )Size & flexibility )Few explicit but enforced rules )Bullying )Child -> increase understanding )Others -> seduce prime bully ) -> Gray’s 6th sense )‘Circle of friends’ & buddies )Support for unstructured times & toilets
Issues in Effective Integration 2 )Language )Processing time )Direct commands (using LSAs - no monitoring) )Indirect speech/ sarcasm/ idioms/ questions )Vocabulary - define concepts )Sensory disturbance )Proximal support - noise/ light/ smell/distraction )Warning for end of lesson etc. clear starts & finishes
Issues in Effective Integration 3 )Impulse control )Fire alarms - alternative sign )Running off - plan escape )Say what to do & train )Use visual supports )Parents )Watch stress build up )Daily aerobic physical activity )Monitor toileting - constipation )Homework & home-school books - need cues to memory
Issues in Effective Integration 4 )Managing time/ space/ class transition )5 min warning to pack up )Teach packing up to speed - no help )No directions after lesson end signal )Allow to leave early to avoid crowds in transition )Don’t sit where others go behind )Mark own space for shared tables etc. )Make homework clear )Why )Aspect of lesson )Cues to memory
Issues in Effective Integration 5 )Resource base and ‘escape’ plans )Plan for escape -> signal & permission )Safe resource area )Reverse integration at breaks )Curriculum access )Individual )No common assumptions )Make relevant
Curriculum: potential problems )History )Facts/ lists/ dates fine )No empathy - opportunity to teach )Evidence - helpful for all )English )Hyperlexia )Teach text comprehension
Curriculum: potential problems 2 )Maths )Arithmetic and rote calculation )Application? )Algebra a problem )PE )Lack of danger )Visual guide - circuit training )Team games - explicit rules (video), contact fear, get practice, )Strengths - trampoline/ balance/ swimming/ running