HEALTH PROMOTING SCHOOL IN CONTEXT. HMIe Self Evaluation Series The Health Promoting School - Nov 2004 The characteristics of the Being Well-Doing Well.


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Presentation transcript:


HMIe Self Evaluation Series The Health Promoting School - Nov 2004 The characteristics of the Being Well-Doing Well Feb 2004 document are the same as in the self evaluation HGIOS document This document is part of the self evaluation series with a specific focus on the Health Promoting School..

Current Publications to Support the Health Promoting School Being Well Doing Well – Feb 2004 Sets out the national framework for the HPS identifying the 6 key characteristics: Leadership and Management Ethos Curriculum Learning and Teaching Environment Facilities and Resources Partnership Working Personal Social and Health Education Programme

Coordinated Health Programmes are a Solution Health through the Health Promoting Schools concept is an opportunity for schools to engage in a process of continuous improvement where achievement and attainment will be directly influenced.

Good Health and a Healthy Environment are necessary for Achievement/Attainment It is difficult for children and young people in school to be successful if they are: Depressed Excluded Poor Attendance Tired Being bullied Stressed Using alcohol or other drugs Hungry Abused Restricted, disorganised or confused

HMIe HGIOS Series The quality Indicators that link directly to Health Promoting Schools are: Curriculum Attainment Learning and Teaching Support for Pupils Ethos Resources Management Leadership and Quality Assurance

Linked Agendas Inclusion Staff Welfare Citizenship Enterprise Food in Schools Physical Activity Drugs/ Tobacco Issues Sexual Health Care and Welfare Links with Parents Eco Friendly Schools Anti-bullying School Estate Strategy Integrated Community Schools Nursing in Schools School, Travel Plans Health and Safety Community Development

Expected Outcomes of Co-ordinated School Health Programmes Engage parents, teachers, students, families and communities Help keep children and young people healthy Support learning and success Reinforce positive behaviour Help students develop knowledge and skills to make positive life choices

Health Promoting Schools must be a Whole School Approach… “Learning and Health of children and young people is a prerequisite for educational achievement. Good health of teachers is important to the development of effective schools. Health promoting schools aim at empowering students, staff and parents to actively influence their lives and their living conditions” Education and Health in Partnership European Conference 2002

“A health promoting school is one in which all members of the school community work together to provide pupils with integrated, positive experiences and structures which promote and protect health. This includes both the formal and informal curriculum in health, the creation of a safe and healthy school environment, the provision of appropriate health services and the involvement of the family and the wider community in efforts to promote health” (WHO, 1995)

Making the Connections Health is at the centre of student achievement. “ Children who face violence, hunger, substance abuse, and despair cannot possibly focus on academic excellence. There is no curriculum brilliant enough to compensate for a hungry stomach or distracted mind ” National Action Plan for Comprehensive School Health Education. 1992

The Fife Health Promoting School Development Fife’s approach to accreditation: 3 year plan Phase 1 Core Criteria Phase 2 The Card Game

Core Criteria Registration Named Coordinator Awareness Raising Self Evaluation Consultation with the school nurse School Development Plan Mission Statement

Card Game Priorities set out on playing cards (clear links to the QI’s) Cards selected by school –Evaluation of existing good practice –Focus to improve on identified areas These aspects put forward for accreditation Process on the school development plan Assessment –Paper evidence assessed Certificates dated to be renewed in a 3 year cycle

Some of the benefits Approachable…fun Whole school approach More than a management tool Quality indicators referenced in card game Non prescriptive…each individual school is unique Linking existing work not creating more work Multi-agency development linking to sustainable support for implementing scheme

Benefits to your School Community “Health and success in school are interrelated. Schools cannot achieve their primary mission of education if students and staff are not healthy and fit physically, mentally and socially” Fit, Healthy, and Ready to Learn: Part 1 – Physical Activity, Healthy Eating, and Tobacco Use Prevention, 2000

The Child at the Centre The question to ask as educators is, are our learning environments conducive for learning?

Health promotion in schools is a journey…. not a destination! Health Promoting Schools Team