W HAT IS B ULLYING ? An intentional act of aggression or series of acts that occur in a school setting Persistent or pervasive Directed at another student or students
W HAT IS B ULLYING ? Creates an imbalance of power in the relationship May create fear May interfere with schooling May be threatening May disrupt the orderly operation of the school
W HAT TO DO IF YOUR C HILD IS B EING B ULLIED 1. First, focus on your child. Be supportive and gather factual information about the bullying. 2. Contact your child’s teacher, dean or principal and share the information. 3. Help your child become more resilient to bullying.
W HAT TO DO IF YOUR C HILD IS B EING B ULLIED 1. First, focus on your child. Be supportive and gather factual information about the bullying. 2. Contact your child’s teacher, dean or principal and share the information. 3. Help your child become more resilient to bullying.
W HAT TO DO IF YOUR C HILD IS B EING B ULLIED 1. First, focus on your child. Be supportive and gather factual information about the bullying. 2. Contact your child’s teacher, dean or principal and share the information. 3. Help your child become more resilient to bullying.
C YBER B ULLYING : P ARENTAL A WARENESS 40 % of teens report their parents do not impose rules about Internet use and are unaware of what their children do online. And 25 % of teens say their parents would be concerned if they were aware. Source: Corinne David-Ferdon and Marci Feldman Hertz (2007). “Electronic Media, Violence, and Adolescents: An Emerging Public Health Problem.” Journal of Adolescent Health 41:S1–S5.
T IPS FOR P ARENTS TO S TOP C YBER B ULLYING : Impose guidelines for Internet use Monitor your child’s internet use Teach children never to respond to offensive or threatening
T IPS FOR P ARENTS TO S TOP C YBER B ULLYING : Save messages and contact local law enforcement authorities, if appropriate Contact the service provider to report abusive online behavior Filter or block unwanted messages
T IPS FOR S TUDENTS TO S TOP C YBER B ULLIES : Refuse to forward cyber-bullying messages Block communication with cyber bullies Report cyber-bullying incidents to a trusted adult National Crime Prevention Council
A DDITIONAL R ESOURCES Teachers and parents can find a lot of information to help maintain an open dialogue with teens about cyber safety on Web sites like these:
A DDITIONAL R ESOURCES Loudoun County Public Schools Web Site Administration Pupil Services Bullying Prevention LCPS Bullying Prevention