DS Centers: Spaces, Programs and Competencies Vivian Lewis University Librarian McMaster University.


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Presentation transcript:

DS Centers: Spaces, Programs and Competencies Vivian Lewis University Librarian McMaster University


AFTER the ribbon is cut..

Sherman Centre Objectives library/researcher resource sharing customized and scalable IT infrastructure technical support and consulting services physical meeting and work spaces archival and access initiatives

Expertise Our Team Dr. Sandra LaPointe (Academic Director), John Fink (Digital Scholarship Librarian), Dale Askey (Admin Director), Matt McCollow (Programmer), Gabriela Mircea (Digital Repository Librarian), Jay Brodeur (Post Doctoral Fellow)


8 Active Projects – including 3 New Grad Fellowships Hayley Goodchild, “For Every Farm a Factory: Digitizing Ontario’s Industrial Dairy Past” Kellen Kurschinski, “Surviving Armageddon: Digital Histories of Canadian Great War Veterans in War and Peace” Daniel Schmidtke, “Noun Countability in World Englishes”

Work Space Makerspace Photos by Matt McCollow

New Approaches & Technologies Digital Repository (early 2014) The Escarpment Press (supporting McMaster online journals) Cloud Storage Docker (data visualization)

Photo by Ron Scheffler,2012 Art

Collaboration Photo by Matt McCollow




Graduate Students




Research Team Vivian Lewis, University Librarian, McMaster Xuemao Wang, Dean and University Librarian, University of Cincinnati Lisa Spiro, Executive Director, Digital Scholarship Services, Rice University Jon Cawthorne, Associate University Librarian, Florida State

Objectives Identify “best in class” DS programs Determine, through site visits and interviews, the key workforce related factors associated with these centers’ success Identify where more research is needed Test the research design, instruments Anticipated completion: March 2015

Definitions Skill: Learned capacity to carry out a specific task. Often gained through repetition or training (learning Excel) Competency: A more abstract ability or fitness for success in a specific area.

Scope Both physical centers and distributed services Often but not always located in a university library Multiple disciplines (not just humanities) Multiple professions (not just library staff) Multiple countries (4 U.S., 1 Canada, 2 Europe, 3 BRICS)

Site Selection Criteria Strong record of successful projects National / international recognitions Clearly articulated vision Expressed willingness to share experiences and learn from others

Confirmed Sites Scholars Lab, SHANTI, VizLab, etc. (University of Virginia) DONE Roy Rosenzweig Center (George Mason) MITH (University of Maryland) ETCL, DHSI, INKE, etc. (University of Victoria)

First Visit: U. of Virginia

Follow us University of Virginia MITH, University of Maryland (December) University of Victoria (January)

Thank you