Effective Guest Follow Up Chip Arn seminar, Getting People to Come Back April 2002
The Goal of All Follow Up –Getting people to return one more time! –The odds of a person connecting with a church increase exponentially with each additional visit
Percentage of Visitors Who Become Active Within a Year 1 st time visitors 2 nd time visitors Non Growing 9% 17% Growing Churches 21% 35% 3 rd time visitors31%57%
Assumptions about Visitors No one joins a church without first visiting Visitors won’t tell you what they really think about your church You don’t have a second chance for a good first impression.
Two reasons visitors return: 1.Based on “friendliness” of the church Basis: their perception, not ours, of friendliness Basis: did anyone talk to us? –Quantity, not quality 2.Before they leave the first time
When do Visitors determine the “friendliness” of the church? Based on the first ten minutes after the end of the service! –Application idea: After-service hosts
Visitor Phobias Being singled out Being asked to speak
What do you call them? “A person who resides temporarily” “one who goes or comes to inspect” “one who makes a short stay at a place for a particular purpose” Term: visitor
A better term … “A person welcomed into one’s house” “A person to whom hospitality is extended” A person who is due special courtesies” Term: Guest
What do you call yourself? “One who meets or extends welcome in a specified manner” “One who gives a formal salutation at a meeting” Term: Greeter
A better term … “One who receives or entertains socially” “One who opens the home for a special event” “One who takes particular care and concern that guests are well accommodated” Term: host
Where are your hosts? 1.After-service hosts “waving” hosts! 2.Parking hosts 1 st ten minutes are the 2 nd most important! 3.Lobby hosts
Where are your hosts? 4.Worship hosts 5.Class hosts i.e. Sunday School 6.Coffee hosts Before, after, or between services
What do Guests Look For? Bob Bast, Attracting New Members, Church Growth, Inc. Monrovia, CA 1.The friendliness and warmth of the church 2.The character of the worship service Clear and uplifting experience of Gods’ presence 3.A place for their children 4.The adult program 5.The church facilities Don’t cause church to grow but can prevent it Goal: for facilities to “feel like” where people live
A few random ideas … Celebration balloons Piped-out music Direction signs Guest info tape/packet Pastor’s welcome Church tour “3 Minute Rule” –(no talking to friends for first 3 minutes after service)
Two discussion questions 1.What are the first impressions guests have of our church? We can’t say 2.What are our intentional guest- welcome strategies?
Five Principles for Effective Guest Follow Up 1.The Time principle –Contact guests within 48 hours of their visit –Sunday-Tuesday is best return rate –If you wait till Wednesday, you’re too late!
Five Principles for Effective Guest Follow Up 2. The Purpose principle –The goal of the follow up contact is simply to see guests return, rather than a high-push evangelistic aim
Five Principles for Effective Guest Follow Up 3.The Personnel principle –Laity, not staff, should make the follow up contacts Phone call often better than visit Also easier to recruit church callers –Over twice the effectiveness in return rate when unpaid servants do the calling –Believability factor
Five Principles for Effective Guest Follow Up 4.The Entry Path principle –Create windows of opportunities for newcomers to get involved –The more side doors for newcomer involvement (beyond worship service), the better
Five Principles for Effective Guest Follow Up 5. The small group principle –The more small groups you provide, the more newcomers will get involved
Conclusions “You’ve got to catch ‘em before you clean ‘em!” Warm, quick, lay-led follow up is “catching” Churches who practice hospitality see a higher growth rate
Effective Guest Follow Up Dr. John P. Chandler Courageous Churches Virginia Baptist Mission Board Copy right John P. Chandler, 2002