European Explorers and Settlements Pages 92-100 Standard 8-1: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the settlement of South Carolina and the United States by Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans. 8-1.3 Summarize the history of European settlement in Carolina from the first attempts to settle at San Miguel de Gualdape, Charlesfort, San Felipe, and Albemarle Point to the time of South Carolina’s establishment as an economically important British colony, including the diverse origins of the settlers, the early government, the importance of the plantation system and slavery, and the impact of the natural environment on the development of the colony. (H, G, P, E) European Explorers and Settlements Pages 92-100 Why did European explorers come to America? Most came looking for the 3 G’s: ____, _____, or ___. The Renaissance had inspired Europeans to start to explore. Because there was no such thing as refrigeration, Europeans needed ways to improve the flavor of their food. Food tasted usually one or more of the three S’s: _____, ______, or ______. What do you think Europeans wanted to change this? Clothing was either made out of wool or flax (plant fibers) making it scratchy. What do you think Europeans wanted to change this? The first European explorers were trying to find an all water route to Europe. By the time they arrived in South Carolina they were looking to establish colonies for mercantilism.
Find: Great Britain, France, Spain, and Portugal
Early Explorers Page 95 Most educated people believed that the Earth was ______. So Columbus’s idea about sailing across the Atlantic to get to India was not a new idea, he was just the first to attempt it. When he returned to Europe and reported his findings he inspired other explorers to try it. An Italian sailing for England, John Cabot (a.k.a. Giovanni Caboto), gave England a claim to new land when he claimed ______________. While the Spanish sent the most explorers to the New World, Spain focused on Mexico, South America, and the Caribbean because of the gold and silver they were finding there. English, French, and Dutch came to North America for other reasons, such as, trading in furs, or setting up religious colonies, and plantation colonies.
John Cabot a.k.a Giovanni Caboto Christopher Columbus
Early Explorers of South Carolina Page 95-96 The first explorer from Spain to explore South Carolina was _______ _________in 1521. They sailed north from Florida and landed about mid-state giving Spain a claim of _____ _______. In 1524, an Italian sailor, sailing for France, _______ __ ________ sighted land just north of _____ _____ while looking for a water route to ____. This gave ______ a claim to South Carolina. The most famous explorer to visit South Carolina was the Spaniard ________ ______. He stayed in South Carolina for about two weeks, perhaps making him the first __________ to visit SC.
The Early Settlements Pages 96-98 In 1526, the Spanish had already tried to settle in South Carolina. The Spaniard De Ayllon established a settlement called ___________________. It is not known where the exact location was, it may have been in present-day ___________ or near ____________, SC. Six hundred settlers (some African slaves) lasted a few weeks until the food ran out. Local Indians refused to help, probably because about 150 Indians had been taken as slaves. De Ayllon died leaving no leader to control the people. A ______ revolt (the first in North America) was the next problem to hurt the settlement. A very cold winter and diseases then further doomed the settlement. By the time it was over only 150 settlers were left in San Miguel de Gualdape; they soon left. It would be 40 years before another European settlement was attempted in North America.
Hernando de Soto Lucas De Ayllon Giovanni da Verrazano
Find: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica
French Settlements Pages 98 Thirty-five years after the Spanish settlement of __________________ failed a group of ___________ established a settlement. The first French settlement was located at what is today _______ _______, near _________. ______ ________ was the leader of a group of French Protestants, or ____________. Ribault had not planned on building a settlement, but his men enthusiastically supported the idea. They named the settlement ______________, after the king of France and they named the waters around the fort ____ _______. _______ left in June promising to return after he explored some other areas. Thirty men were left behind, when _________ did not return the men feared they had been abandon and built a boat. BAD IDEA! Their food and water soon ran out, they soon had to start eating their shoes and jackets. They then drew straws and the loser was ______; they were rescued before a second man was killed and eaten. A second French settlement in Florida was destroyed by the Spanish in 1564, the French would not try to build another settlement in _____ _______ for 40 years.
Spanish Settlements Pages 98 In 1565 the Spanish built a permanent settlement at _____________, Florida (this is the oldest city in the US). To keep the French and English out the Spanish needed other forts, so they returned to ______ ________. In 1566, at the same location of where _________ had been built the Spanish built ___ ______. The fort would last for ten years and the Spanish explored the interior of South Carolina. In July 1576, Indians attacked the fort and the Spanish were forced to flee to _________________. A year later in 1577 the Spanish returned and built ____ _________ on the same spot at _____ _______. From this fort the Spanish traded with the Indians, and tried to fulfill the ____ part of the 3 G’s. Missionaries tried to convert the Indians to Christianity. Fort San Marcos was successful and it seemed that the _________ had built a permanent settlement in ______ _________. WRONG! The English led by Sir ______ ________ attacked and burned _______________. The Spanish decided to leave _____ __________ and return and rebuild St. Augustine; there would not be another settlement in ______ _________ for 83 years.
English Settlements Pages 98 The English would not try to make a settlement in South Carolina 83 years after the last Spanish attempt. However the English were busy exploring North America and searching for a Northwest Passage to Asia. England was interested in settling North America, but were not strong enough the Spanish could stop them. England allowed its “Seahawks” to raid Spanish treasure ships and attack its settlements in the Caribbean. Privateers Sir Francis Drake, Sir Humphrie Gilbert, and Sir Walter Raleigh became famous throughout Europe for their attacks. In reward for his service Raleigh convinced Queen ___________ to grant him land in ______ ________ so he could start a settlement. This begins the English attempting to settle in North America. Raleigh tried three different times to establish a settlement. In 1587 Raleigh established a colony on Roanoke Island. Raleigh left promising to return bringing supplies and settlers. War broke out between Spain and England; Raleigh would not return for three years. When they returned they found the colony abandon and no sign of the settlers, today, known as the “_____ ______” of Roanoke. The failure of Roanoke and Raleigh falling out of favor with the queen ended the English plans for about 20 years.
Settlement of America Pages 101-111 Standard 8-1: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the settlement of South Carolina and the United States by Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans. 8-1.3 Summarize the history of European settlement in Carolina from the first attempts to settle at San Miguel de Gualdape, Charlesfort, San Felipe, and Albemarle Point to the time of South Carolina’s establishment as an economically important British colony, including the diverse origins of the settlers, the early government, the importance of the plantation system and slavery, and the impact of the natural environment on the development of the colony. (H, G, P, E) Settlement of America Pages 101-111 During the 1600s, ______ established permanent settlements along the coast of the New World. By the end of the 1600s the English had __ colonies along the Atlantic Coastline.
Virginia Pages 102-104 After the failure of Roanoke, the _______ waited seventeen years before they tried to start another colony in North America. The Virginia Company received a ______ from King James I to establish two settlements on the land between Canada and Florida. The first settlement in Maine failed, the second settlement on the _______ River succeeded. The first English colony to succeed in America was called ___________. The settlers came looking for ____ and ______, and did not focus on planting crops for food or building houses. When the winter came they almost starved and froze to death. There were three types of colonies in North America: Trading-post, Plantation, and Settler. Virginia became a __________ colony because the people were allowed to own land.
Virginia Pages 102-104 Virginia also allowed indentured servitude. By 1612 Virginia was shipping __________ to England and it soon became the backbone of Virginia’s economy and the first ________. Virginia also allowed indentured servitude. The first Africans to arrive in Virginia were supposed to be ________ _________, but were bamboozled by there masters. Within twenty years they had been made slaves by ____, thus starting legalized slavery in English North America. In 1619, Jamestown established the first colonial __________ to help administer the colony. For thirteen years Virginia was the only colony, that would change by 1620.
New England Pages 104-106 Religion and religious freedom motivating factors for several English colonies. A split (schism) occurred in the Church of England (Anglican); one group wanted to ______ the church and take it away from Catholicism. The group that wanted to purify the church were known as the ______. One group of Puritans wanted to completely separate from the Church of England; they were given the name _________ but when they decided to leave for the New World they were wrongly called ______. 1620 they received money from the Virginia Company to settle in ________. A storm blew their ship, the ___________, off course and they landed in what is now _____________ and started a settlement they called ___________. Nine years later another group of Puritans, looking to escape religious persecution, arrived settling the what they called the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The puritans established a __________ or government based on religious authority. Other colonies such as (Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Hampshire also were settled. Because of the climate and the rocky soil, the people that lived in these colonies often lived on small farms and grew __________ crops. Because they did not grow cash crops these colonies are called Settler colonies.
Maryland Pages 107-108 Another religious group, _____ ________, had also been persecuted in England. Maryland started as a settlement colony founded by Lord __________. Maryland did not remain a Catholic settlement colony long; the rich farmland was good for growing _________. Soon the Catholics were outnumbered by __________. The larger Protestant population was challenging the authority of the Catholics. Fearing a Protestant take over and a loss of ______ _______, Lord Baltimore appealed to the king for protection. To protect the religious rights of the Catholics the king created the _____________________ of 1649. This is the first piece of legislation to protect religious freedoms in North America.
Other Colonies Pages 108-110 One of the earliest colonies in North America not created by the English or Spanish was ___ __________. The _______ were looking for a base to trade with the Indians when they established the colony on Manhattan Island in 1626; set up as a trading post colony. The English and the Dutch fought a war in 1650 it lasted for ten years the English gained control of the Dutch colony and renamed it ___ ____ creating a royal colony under direct control by the king. Another colony started by Sweden was ___ _____. The Dutch forcibly took over the colony from the Swedish and renamed it ___ _____ it would also become an English possession as a settlement colony. West of New Jersey would be a colony establish by a radical puritan group known as the _______. They believed in equality for all regardless of race. The founder was Roger Penn and the colony would come to be called _______________; also set up as a settlement colony. The final of what are called the Middle Colonies was __________. It was created out of the lower counties of Pennsylvania. These middle colonies were know as the breadbasket of the colonies because their farms were larger and they produced the majority of wheat being grown in North America.
Find: Great Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Sweden
North Carolina Page 110 Before 1650 no colonies existed south of _______. The first settlement in North Carolina was a trading post. Other settlers followed and land grants were issued for settlement. Early on North Carolina was a settlement colony.
Governing the Colonies Pages 111 Three types of governments existed in the ______ colonies. The first type _____ _______ under direct control of the king. The king appointed all governors, councils, and could reject any ___ passed by their legislatures. Most colonies were royal colonies. The second type was _________ colony. This type of colony a group of proprietors received ownership for the king; they charged the settlers in the colony rent and in turn had to pay rent to the ___. One of the proprietors usually acted as ________. MD, PA, NC and SC were all proprietary colonies. The third type was called a _____________ colony. The king had or took no control over the colony and the people in the colony chose their leaders and laws without the king’s interference. Only Rhode Island would have this luxury.
Identify: South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maryland