Winter Public Policy Committee Meeting Gaylord National Harbor- National Harbor, MD January 15, 2014
From the Executive Director State Outreach Strategy & Collaborations Public Policy- Moving Forward 2 AGENDA 2
Key Issues Timeline May/June PPC solicits inputs for Key Issues from TAC, Regions, Sections TAC seeks inputs from TCs and PCs TCs/PCs submit summary of proposed issues to TAC July TAC Directors review summary and vet issues TAC forwards screened and prioritized issues to PPC and appropriate Subcommittees August PPC subcommittees begin key issue vetting of issues received PPC and TAC select top-ranked issues PPC contacts authors for supporting documentations September PPC subcommittees formalize recommended key issues PPC approves selected issues October Authors, supported by PPC and TAC, write formal issue statements November PPC subcommittees and TAC liaisons approve formal issues Any revisions worked with authors o PPC submit draft issues to ASEB for review and input. o Draft Information Papers for selected issues December PPC-approved issues sent to Board of Directors January o Board votes on key issues at ASM Board meeting o Key issues revised as needed o Information papers finalized February o Key issues and info papers sent to printer mid-month AGENDA 4A
2014 Key Issues Board Review-January 17 th Information Papers- Drafts due to staffFebruary 7 th Final approvalFebruary 21 st Integration- Threading the Key Issues into future forums 4 AGENDA 4B
5 SciTech January Durand Lecture Luncheon & Lecture (Formerly the Annual Public Policy Luncheon Dr. Scott Pace- Director of the Space Policy Institute, George Washington University. Assistant Director for Space and Aeronautics- OSTP ( ). Associate Administrator for Program Analysis ( ). American Space Strategy: Choose to Steer, Not Drift AGENDA 5A
6 SciTech January National Space Technology Strategy Public Listening Session With Science and Technology Policy Institute OSTP OMB Senate Armed Services Committee 5 Industry Panelists AGENDA 5A
7 SciTech January- Research Visa Workshop Morning Workshop Session to address visa options available to science and engineering researchers Mark Harrington- Principal- The Harrington Law Firm, Houston, TX AGENDA 5A
8 SciTech January Patent & Trademark Law Workshop Afternoon Workshop Session to discuss current patent and trademark law, and the process for researchers to obtain each Rich Jaworski- Principal- Jaworski and Wissing, LLC, New York, NY AGENDA 5A
9 Upcoming Sessions & Forums July Propulsion & Energy Forum- Cleveland, OH Theme- Leveraging Aerospace and Energy Technologies to Meet Future Challenges Monday- Defining Technologies One hour Interview session (morning session)- Architecture Tuesday- One hour interview session (morning session) Wednesday- Implementing Advanced Manufacturing Two hour panel session AGENDA 5B
Congressional Visits Day March 12, 2014 in Washington, D.C. New, one day format – All events on Capitol Hill Will Kick-off with a breakfast on the Hill with a keynote speaker Will not have a Congressional Reception this year – your day will end right after your last meeting. 10 AGENDA 6A
CVD Preparation Teleconferences To prepare for CVD we will offer six (6) teleconferences this year. Teleconferences will begin the week of January 27 th and will be held once a week through March 5 th. At least two of the teleconferences will start at 6 P.M. for our West Coast attendees Will announce the official schedule when presenters are identified in the coming week. 11 AGENDA 6A
A Closing Thought on CVD Congressional Visits Day is still the best way we have of reaching out to the Hill. Despite the budget cut backs, it still depends on our support of the program to be effective. Come to CVD! You voice is more valuable than ever now. Invite your colleagues to come - make sure everyone understands that CVD is very important. 12 AGENDA 6A
A Closing Thought on CVD (Continued) Know that Steve and I, and the rest of AIAA appreciate the sacrifices you will make to attend CVD this year, and know that we will work with you insofar as possible to make your attendance a reality! Thank you for your ongoing support of CVD! 13 AGENDA 6A
Regional Colloquiums Regions are still encouraged to host colloquiums, because a unified public policy front is a benefit to AIAA. Regions, and Sections, are also encouraged to engage lawmakers over the summer months, or in the early fall, by hosting policy oriented events. 14 AGENDA 6B
AIAA Grassroots Talk and Advocacy Workshop Tonight, at 6:00 p.m. in Chesapeake Conference C, I will offer a one hour program on AIAA’s Grassroots programs, an overview of the 2014 CVD program, and the Do’s and Don’ts of good advocacy. I hope you can join me. 15 AGENDA 6
AIAA Grassroots Talk and Advocacy Workshop Tonight, at 6:00 p.m. in Chesapeake Conference C, I will offer a one hour program on AIAA’s Grassroots programs, an overview of the 2014 CVD program, and the Do’s and Don’ts of good advocacy. I hope you can join me. 16 AGENDA 6
Questions? Please grab me in the hall. me at Or call me at work: of on my cell at AGENDA 6
State Activities Working Group (SA WG): Planning and Status Briefing to the PPC January 15, 2014 Phil Hattis, Working Group Chair AGENDA 6C
Topics Upcoming 2014 State Events and Coverage Plans Effects of Recent Staffing and Volunteer Participation Changes Future SA WG Plans Guidelines for Future State Event Support Planning (carried over from the January PPC meeting presentation) AGENDA 6C
Upcoming 2014 State Events and Coverage Plans Georgia: 2/4 Steve Justice is local AIAA lead and Phil Hattis will attend Virginia: 2/5 Steve Howell will attend and serve as local AIAA lead (he is a Virginia resident) Florida: 3/12 No national AIAA leadership attendance since it conflicts with CVD California: 3/24-26 (actual duration still being worked out) John Rose is local lead and other national staff/leadership participation is planned Colorado: 3/25 AIAA Rocky Mountain Section is just one of a number of participating organizations The local AIAA leadership contact had to back out without a designated replacement AGENDA 6C
Effects of Recent Staffing and Volunteer Participation Changes Steve Howell is now the AIAA staff lead for SA WG activities Needs to balance this effort against other pre- existing Public Policy oversight roles More reliance must now be placed on volunteers to help plan and attend state Aerospace Days A new local volunteer lead for AIAA is needed to facilitate on-going AIAA Aerospace Day involvement in Colorado AGENDA 6
Future SA WG Plans Transition of all AIAA California Aerospace Week participation to local leadership beginning in 2015 Local AIAA involvement is now well rooted Strengthen AIAA roles in other state events that have on-going AIAA participation (GA, VA, FL) Re-establish AIAA role in Rocky Mountain state events Identify 2-3 new states each year as opportunities for new AIAA Aerospace Day participation Prioritize on basis of levels of existing local aerospace activity as well as local interest in policy advocacy activities Transition AIAA national attention to new states as local AIAA volunteer involvement becomes sustainable in states previously getting AIAA national attention AGENDA 6C
Guidelines for Future State Event Support Planning Establish a master database of state government PoCs on the AIAA Web Portal Keeps track of state-level contacts as AIAA engages in more states Enables prompt recording of that information as volunteers and staff identify PoCs Will be a critical resource to enabling success of the SA WG goals Identify and vet AIAA local-level volunteers with expertise in areas of local legislative interest Prepare/document a common set of rules for state-level engagement on behalf of AIAA Create an state-level interaction procedures manual and/or training process for vetted volunteers Assure on-going mentoring of new volunteers to sustain local interaction capabilities Use AIAA staff to assist local volunteers in preparation of requested testimony or legislative background information sought at their state level Coordinate with TAC to create a list of national-level SMEs that can help the staff get applicable, substantive technical content on short notice AGENDA 6C
Deputy Director – Public Policy T. Dominick Region I Report SciTech 2014 Forum Gaylord Convention Center National Harbor, MD Wednesday, 15 January 2014 AGENDA 6
Region Activities “All Aerospace is Local” funding for 2014 has been zeroed out in AIAA budget Cat III funding can be made available to support activities Soliciting monthly reports from sections on public policy activities to present to PPC State Activities Working Group Plan to start compiling contact info for staff at state and federal levels Even if no activity conducted, please respond to inquiry Prior to CVD, a Region 1 State Captain meeting will be held to coordinate appointments and logistics across the region 25 AGENDA 6
2014 CVD Region I State Captain List (Tentative) StateCaptainSection Connecticut DelawareTim DominickDelaware MaineTim DominickNew England MarylandVinny RamachandranMid-Atlantic MassachusettsPhil HattisNew England New HampshireNew England New JerseyN. New Jersey/ S. New Jersey New YorkFrank HayesLong Island PennsylvaniaGreater Philadelphia/Central PA Rhode IslandNew England VermontNew England VirginiaSteve Dunn/Dave RebushHampton Roads West VirginiaMid- Atlantic 26 AGENDA 6
National Committee Activities Supported one PPC meeting since last RAC mtg CVD key issue development is complete Awaiting AIAA board approval White papers in development Upcoming activities at SciTech 2014: Durand Lecture – Dr. Scott Pace, George Washington University OSTP Public Listening Session – Space Technology Policy Researcher Visa Options Workshop Patent and Trademark Law Workshop Aerospace & Defense Industry Budget Post-Shutdown Forum AIAA Grassroots Advocacy Training Session – Wed., Jan 15 th at 6-7pm CVD Registration is now open! AGENDA 6
2014 Congressional Visits Day (CVD) Congressional Visits Day (CVD) scheduled for Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Preparation for 2014 CVD in full swing Key issue pre-briefings to be held in February & March Region I coordination meeting to be held in end of February/early March Registration currently open to all members Region I goals for 2014 CVD participation Minimum of one member from each section attend CVD Visit 10 out of 13 states in Region I Visit 50% of Congressional offices in Region I Keeping metrics for CVD participation Track section participation, total # of region I members attending, and percent coverage of Congressional offices To support metrics, participants report on which offices were visited 28 AGENDA 6
Changes to CVD for 2014 Due to internal AIAA budget pressures, Congressional Visits Day (CVD) will be reduced in scope significantly for 2014 CVD will only run one day – Wednesday, March 12 th Briefings on the Hill No pre-CVD briefings the day before Additional key issue telecons will be held in advance instead No evening reception Breakfast on Capitol Hill instead Stipend for travel all but eliminated Funding only available for YPs, Students, and Region VI Number of key issues will be reduced from 8-10 to ~5 Issues will be much broader in scope Changes intended to reduce the time on site for the overall event, which reduces costs for the participants 29
2014 Public Service Award Nominee- Dr. Kathie Olsen Founder and Managing Director- Science Works DC Deputy Director and COO- National Science Foundation ( ). Associate Director for Science- Office of Science and Technology Policy ( ). Chief Scientist- National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( ). APPROVED 30 AGENDA 7A
2015 Durand Lectureship Nominees Mike Wynne Former Secretary of the Air Force Former Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisitions, Technology and Logistics Former Senior Vice President for International Development and Strategy- General Dynamics AGENDA 8
2015 Durand Lectureship Nominees Ron Sega Professor of Systems Engineering and Vice President for Energy and the Environment- Colorado State University Vice President and Enterprise Executive for Energy and Environment-The Ohio State University Retired Major General United States Air Force Former NASA astronaut AGENDA 8
2015 Durand Lectureship Nominees France A. “Fran” Cordova Astrophysicist- PhD in Physics from CalTech Current Chair of the Board of Regents- Smithsonian Institution Presidential Nominee for Director- National Science Foundation Former President- Perdue University AGENDA 8
2015 Durand Lectureship Nominees Madelyn R. Creeden Attorney- St. Louis University School of Law Current Assistant Secretary of Defense- Global Strategic Affairs Formerly served as Staff Director- Senate Armed Services Committee- Subcommittee on Strategic Forces General Counsel for Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission ( ) AGENDA 8
2015 Durand Lectureship Nominees Others??? The Durand Lectureship, named in honor of William F. Durand, was approved by the Board of Directors in It is presented for notable achievements by a scientific or technical leader whose contributions have led directly to the understanding and application of the science and technology of aeronautics and astronautics for the betterment of mankind. The AIAA Public Policy Committee selects the lecturer and suggests a topic for the lecture, subject to the approval of the Honors and Awards Committee and Board of Directors. The lecture is presented at an appropriate AIAA conference. AGENDA 8
New Business Next Policy Meeting- AIAA Committee Week Tuesday, 29 April- Morning PPC Meeting AGENDA 9