Student Employee Payroll Instructions For E&G/WS Student Workers Student Workforce
Northwestern’s success depends on its student workforce!
You can get on the NWOSU Part-timer Payroll if you know how.
Have you visited the Financial Aid Office in... Alva: Herod Hall, Room 113 Enid: 1st floor Woodward: Dean’s Office at NW Campus
Financial Aid staff will help you fill out the necessary application forms to see if you qualify for Workstudy. Most of the part-time jobs available at Northwestern are Workstudy…
Go to Human Resources--Room 102 in Alva’s Herod Hall, the Business Office in Enid, or the Dean’s Office in Woodward, to do the necessary payroll paperwork.
Have BOTH driver’s license AND Social Security card ready to present Someone will help you fill out the following forms: –W-4 –Loyalty Oath –I-9 to prove eligibility to work in the U.S. –Drug Statement
Human Resources will give you a Clearance Form to take to Financial Aid so a Work Agreement can be prepared for a hiring supervisor to sign.
Do not start working until you have returned the signed Work Agreement to Financial Aid, signed by a supervisor with available work budget.
If you need help finding a job that’s right for you: Someone in Career Services can help you… Best tip yet: START EARLY !
You will turn in a Student Time Sheet each month to Human Resources (Rm 102 Herod Hall), signed by yourself and your supervisor.
Ask your supervisor for a diskette to use at the end of each month. The Excel Student Time Sheet can be found on the Part-timer Website.Excel Student Time SheetPart-timer Website
You won’t want to miss the official Payroll Deadlines for turning in the Student Time Sheet. Deadlines are posted on the Payroll Part-timer Website.Payroll Part-timer Website
Phone numbers for more information: Debbie Ackerman, Payroll Clerk - Alva Debbie Ackerman, Payroll Clerk - Alva Anne Haight, Financial Aid Clerk - Alva Anne Haight, Financial Aid Clerk - Alva Charleen Carlile, Business Manager - Enid Charleen Carlile, Business Manager - Enid Deena Fisher, Dean - Woodward Campus Deena Fisher, Dean - Woodward Campus
Student Paychecks take about 2 weeks to prepare and are distributed by cashiers in the Business Office. Don’t forget your photo I.D. !
By taking these steps you can join the important Student Workforce at Northwestern Oklahoma State University. Good luck !